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[Support] Dropbox by otherguy

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Hey all,


My first post here since I am quite new to Unraid. So far, I am very happy and most things were very smooth.


However, I encountered a problem with the Dropbox docker. Based on the information above using the compose method to install an old version and prevent updates, and later update the docker. Everything seemed to be fixed and I synced almost 2 TB from my Dropbox to my Unraid NAS (according to the log). After syncing finished, I could not find the files back anywhere on my NAS. Therefore, I decided to delete the Dropbox docker.

Interestingly, and annoyingly, the 2 TB of synced files remained somewhere on my NAS and I cannot find them anywhere. They should be on disk 1 (8 TB HDD: 5.4 TB used & 2.6 TB free), which contains 5 folders (appdata; domains; ios; NAS, my data share; system). In Krusader, the total volume of these 5 folders is about 3.4 TB. This means that those 2 TB of Dropbox files are still located somewhere on that HDD, but not visible.

Does anybody know how how to locate and delete these rogue files?


In advance, thank you very much for your help and advise.



PS: This is the text from docker compose and the folders were created, but did not increase in size during/after synchronization.
     - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/config:/opt/Dropbox/.dropbox
     - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/data:/opt/Dropbox/Dropbox

Edited by Purkan
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/13/2023 at 12:55 AM, Purkan said:


PS: This is the text from docker compose and the folders were created, but did not increase in size during/after synchronization.
     - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/config:/opt/Dropbox/.dropbox
     - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/data:/opt/Dropbox/Dropbox

Hi Purkan,

What I would do is use Krusader to search for folders of those names on your system. You can find 'Search' in the 'tool' menu, or just hit the magnifying icon if shown.



Then, I would check out the directory matches found.

Hope this helps!



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  • 2 weeks later...


my dropbox docker works ok in the sense that is sync files, but it keeps on crashing. I installed it last week and it does syncs, but not completely and then crash. When it finaly sync completely it works and I see a lot of "up to date" or something like that, but then eventually it crash again.

Has this been solved or is there a way around this? What info should I provide here to get help, or where should I look to find clues of what is going on?


here are some logs from the docker.


logUnraidDropBox2023-07-31.txt logUnraidDropBox2023-07-28.txt logUnraidDropBox2023-08-02.txt

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On 8/2/2023 at 5:22 PM, Botafoguense1965 said:

I’ve given up on this app, kept disconnecting…went the rclone way, and it works flawlessly…



Hi, can you tell me what advice you followed to get rclone working with Dropbox? I've got rclone set up so that I am logged in ok and can mount my Dropbox account - I am just trying to understand how to now get a two way sync going.  Thanks!

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11 hours ago, Stupot said:



Hi, can you tell me what advice you followed to get rclone working with Dropbox? I've got rclone set up so that I am logged in ok and can mount my Dropbox account - I am just trying to understand how to now get a two way sync going.  Thanks!

Oh, I used Rclone Browser, an app you find in Unraid, command line is still too much for me…it’s easy to use.

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3 hours ago, Botafoguense1965 said:

Oh, I used Rclone Browser, an app you find in Unraid, command line is still too much for me…it’s easy to use.


Awesome - looking at it now - it's started doing a sync using the tasks/jobs panels.  Tell me, do you know if you can set the sync task to run continuously from within the GUI, so that it is constantly updating as Dropbox does on Desktop?



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1 hour ago, Stupot said:


Awesome - looking at it now - it's started doing a sync using the tasks/jobs panels.  Tell me, do you know if you can set the sync task to run continuously from within the GUI, so that it is constantly updating as Dropbox does on Desktop?



Didn’t try that, my goal is to make unidirectional copies to the Unraid server so I have a safe backup…so I plan to run it manually from time to time…

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So after messing around with settings and linking /opt/dropbox in container to some folder inside the container's Dropbox settings in appdata. Basically, I made a Russian nesting doll that caught on fire.  This made me have to delete the entire directory and start the whole Dropbox container like it was my first time installing.  So here is the steps to make it work in middle/late 2023.


- there are other Dropbox 'apps' in community apps tab of unraid but this is the best one, thanks @mgutt!

- first, log into your Dropbox and make sure you don't have 3 devices linked to your Dropbox if you're using their free tier pricing.
- then after the docker container template windows pops up in unraid, change the 'repository' to 'otherguy/dropbox:1.9.0'  otherwise if you use the latest Dropbox version, it will give you '[ALERT]: Dropbox needs to rename your existing folder or file named Dropbox to finish installing. Please close any open documents and try again.' endless cycle after you link your machine to their server.
- add the 'DROPBOX_SKIP_UPDATE=true' variable to template before spinning up the container.
- look in log for url link to authorize your device on their server, copy and paste that in browser and get that done.

- when you look back in the log, it will cycle through 'syncing' forever.

- this is because the version you're using is 1.9.0 and you told it to NOT update to latest.
- stop the container, change repository to 'otherguy/dropbox', set the variable you made, 'DROPBOX_SKIP_UPDATE=false' so it can update to newest once container spins up.  Finally, in advance view toggle near top, add '--restart unless-stopped' in extra parameter line, because this container will sh*t the bed from time to time due to Linux Dropbox being the second rated citizen red headed step child of the Dropbox team :(

- spin up the container again, and watch it update and start syncing in the log. Sit back and enjoy!


This took me 2 days to fix and figure out because during this time, something screwy happened in dropbox's server side.  It decided to give me a new 'Please visit https://www.dropbox.com/cli_link_nonce?xxxxx to link this device' with a new number every second so I couldn't get it done.  It ended up fixing itself after 2 days on it's own.  I even tried the solution here:


I was as happy as a teenage girl at a Taylor Swift concert when I finally got same authorized request link for more than a second  to link my computer to Dropbox only to get a '[ALERT]: Dropbox needs to rename your existing folder or file named Dropbox to finish installing. Please close any open documents and try again.' endless cycle.  I threw a tantrum like a trans lost in middle of a Trump rally and finally came here to find ideas on how to fix it, so here is my write-up to hopefully help you future unraider use the Dropbox in unraid without going through what I endured, Cheers!

Edited by gr8zatara
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Hey there!


I followed the instructions outlined by gr8zatara ...

however, restarting the container after successfully authorization to my dropbox, update starts and gets finished, but then I get:


ALERT: Your Dropbox folder has been moved or deleted from its original location. Dropbox will not work properly until you move it back. It used to be located at: .... 


What did I do wrong?



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Solved it ... I hope ...


I modified the Container Path: to what it wants according to the log and now it is indexing ... and indexing ... and indexing ... 

I have roughly 18 TB in dropbox ...


New question: is there a way to setup several paths in my dropbox to be sync with several Unraid shares?

a 1:1 sync between dropbox and Unraid would not fit my workflow ...


Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 15.18.22.png

Edited by Teffi71
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As I want to sync only one folder out of my Dropbox to Unraid and vice versa, I did the following:


- I modified the Container Path to reflect the one folder I want to sync

- specified the Host Path to be /mnt/disk1/Media

- v ' /mnt/disk1/Media':' /opt/dropbox/Dropbox (Unbegrenzt Speicher) /Media': 'rw' during docker run seems to do what I want 😇

- when I look up Media under Shares, I can see it as /mnt/user/Media and under Main as /mnt/disk1/Media - is this normal?


currently, it is indexing as the folder Media in Dropbox is roughly 24 TB ...


Update: it is now syncing & downloading. However, I do not find any files or directories in /mnt/disk1/Media nor /mnt/user/Media ...


Any feedback would be appreciated! 🙏


Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 08.58.33.png

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 08.59.33.pngScreenshot 2023-08-16 at 09.03.26.png

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 09.02.46.png

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 09.29.07.png

Edited by Teffi71
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Hmm - after synching for a while, it has now stopped as it would not have enough free disk space ...

My array is plenty big approx 80 TB and the time would not have been enough to transfer this amount of data to my local Unraid ...

So looking further, it appears that the memory for Docker has reached 96% ...

And I have no clue on how to change that ... (especially, as the docker was running fine the previous data transferring 0.5 TB).



Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 10.02.49.png

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 10.03.09.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @gr8zatara,


in the meantime, I removed it and started with a fresh UnRaid install.

I was able to setup Rclone Browser and it is synching just fine now.


I believe my mistake was not reading the original instructions carefully enough. 
It says that "If you are using BTRFS, change your docker installation to a folder."
Well - my docker installation is in NVME_DOCKER which is *not* a directory in the array ...

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  • 5 months later...



I followed the installation steps, but after successfully linking the new device by clicking the link, nothing happens after the "Welcome Alain." prompt. When I restart the container, it seems as if the device is no longer linked and I am prompted to link the device again:


Checking for latest Dropbox version...
Latest   : 192.4.4605
Installed: 192.4.4605
Dropbox is up-to-date

Using Europe/Paris timezone (09:43:33 local time)
Starting dropboxd (192.4.4605)...
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._padding.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/apex._apex.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/psutil._psutil_linux.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/psutil._psutil_posix.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/tornado.speedups.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/wrapt._wrappers.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
This computer isn't linked to any Dropbox account...
Please visit https://www.dropbox.com/cli_link_nonce?nonce=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to link this device.


When I click the link and add the device, I get this:


Please visit https://www.dropbox.com/cli_link_nonce?nonce=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to link this device.
This computer is now linked to Dropbox. Welcome Alain


And then it just sits there.


My settings for the container are as follows:


Edited by AlainF
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On 11/15/2022 at 4:44 AM, JustinRSharp said:

Has anyone had this issue:


Please visit [redacted] to link this device.
This computer is now linked to Dropbox. Welcome P
[ALERT]: Your Dropbox folder is on a file system that is no longer supported.


Maybe a bit later @JustinRSharp but you should really pay super attention when you paste logfiles - the link above contains your actual hash that could allow anyone to link their device to YOUR dropbox account!!

Edited by AlainF
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/14/2024 at 3:51 AM, AlainF said:


Maybe a bit later @JustinRSharp but you should really pay super attention when you paste logfiles - the link above contains your actual hash that could allow anyone to link their device to YOUR dropbox account!!


@AlainF you need to edit your post - although @JustinRSharp fixed his, your quote still contains the original hash :)

  • Thanks 1
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Anyone know what's going on here?




I can see that docker container is writing huge amounts to the app folder:

root@xxx:~# sudo iotop -o
Total DISK READ :       0.00 B/s | Total DISK WRITE :     111.24 M/s
Actual DISK READ:       0.00 B/s | Actual DISK WRITE:     121.81 M/s
 58246 be/4 root        0.00 B/s    3.71 K/s  ?unavailable?  dockerd -p /var/run/dockerd.pid --mtu=9000 --log-opt max-size=500m --log-opt max-file=3 --log-level=fatal --storage-driver=btrfs
 52003 be/4 root        0.00 B/s    9.61 M/s  ?unavailable?  [kworker/u256:8+loop2]
126610 be/4 root        0.00 B/s    6.57 M/s  ?unavailable?  [kworker/u256:1-btrfs-endio-write]
 36619 be/4 root        0.00 B/s   11.01 M/s  ?unavailable?  [kworker/u256:12-btrfs-endio-write]
 94954 be/4 nobody      0.00 B/s  663.22 K/s  ?unavailable?  dropbox [DBXLOG_WORKER]
 95004 be/4 nobody      0.00 B/s 1111.54 K/s  ?unavailable?  dropbox [NUCLEUS_CONTROL]
 95008 be/6 nobody      0.00 B/s    9.71 M/s  ?unavailable?  dropbox [Linux FSYNC WOR]
 95009 be/6 nobody      0.00 B/s 1130.06 K/s  ?unavailable?  dropbox [Linux FS WORKER]
  5234 be/4 root        0.00 B/s    8.44 M/s  ?unavailable?  [kworker/u256:16-btrfs-endio-write]
 15166 be/4 root        0.00 B/s    3.48 M/s  ?unavailable?  [kworker/u256:9-btrfs-endio-write]


And outside of the docker memory usage (which is now sitting at 14GB, still smaller than the amount thats being "written" to the app folder), and since there is no increase in the used space of the app directory, I have no idea what's going on. The actual dropbox folder is completely empty.

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7 hours ago, v3life said:

Anyone know what's going on here?




I can see that docker container is writing huge amounts to the app folder:


And outside of the docker memory usage (which is now sitting at 14GB, still smaller than the amount thats being "written" to the app folder), and since there is no increase in the used space of the app directory, I have no idea what's going on. The actual dropbox folder is completely empty.


okay, I solved my problem; posting it here in case it helps anyone else.


My docker.img file bloated, gaining around 29GB to it's max of 50GB.


I tried re-mapping the app-folder to a zfs drive thinking maybe the cache for dropbox was causing the problem (I have over 1m+ files and about 1.2TB of storage being used).


This did nothing... which didn't become obvious until the next step was taken.


I deleted the container and "removed" the image thinking that would solve the problem, but unfortunelty it didn't.


I reinstalled the docker container and tried the "new" mapping from the get-go. This is when I saw the following in the log:

Using America/New_York timezone (15:43:25 local time)
Starting dropboxd (194.4.6267)...
[ALERT]: Your Dropbox folder has been moved or deleted from its original location. Dropbox will not work properly until you move it back. It used to be located at: /opt/dropbox/****** Dropbox

To move it back, click "Exit" below, move the Dropbox folder back to its original location, and launch Dropbox again.

This computer was previously linked to k******@********.com's account.

If you'd like to link to an account again to download and restore your Dropbox from the web version, click "Relink".

** Press ANY KEY to close this window ** 


I realized when I was mapping the paths, the default mapping was:


Container Path: "/opt/dropbox/Dropbox"


My main dropbox folder actually has the company name in front so its "******* Dropbox"



  • Initial problem - docker.img growing like crazy and not seeing any files in the designated dropbox folder - I changed the Container Path: "/opt/dropbox/Dropbox" to host: "/opt/dropbox/" that way anything that is being sent to the "dropbox" folder within the container image will funnel to the designated host path
  • I still had to solve the current bloat problem which would not go away, even after I had deleted the container and "removed" the image. Of course, @SpaceInvaderOne came to the rescue:
    • this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DxPEfbAJJ0
    • *note* when I ran the script, there was nothing in the results that showed this mysterious 29GB outside of the fact that in the total used space, it was showing 49GB. I nonetheless followed the instructions and edited the following two lines:
      • remove_orphaned_images="yes"  # select "yes" or "no" to remove any orphaned images 
        remove_unconnected_volumes="yes" # select "yes" or "no" to remove any unconnected volumes


    • Once I did that and re-ran the script, the mysterious 29GB disappeared
  • Reinstalled and remapped the container (as outlined in step one above). I got the wonderful alert seen above yet again. I went to dropbox.com --> account settings --> security --> unlinked --> restarted the container --> relinked --> everything seems to be working as originally expected


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/14/2024 at 4:45 PM, AlainF said:



I followed the installation steps, but after successfully linking the new device by clicking the link, nothing happens after the "Welcome Alain." prompt. When I restart the container, it seems as if the device is no longer linked and I am prompted to link the device again:


Checking for latest Dropbox version...
Latest   : 192.4.4605
Installed: 192.4.4605
Dropbox is up-to-date

Using Europe/Paris timezone (09:43:33 local time)
Starting dropboxd (192.4.4605)...
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/cryptography.hazmat.bindings._padding.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/apex._apex.abi3.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/psutil._psutil_linux.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/psutil._psutil_posix.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/tornado.speedups.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
dropbox: load fq extension '/opt/dropbox/bin/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-192.4.4605/wrapt._wrappers.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so'
This computer isn't linked to any Dropbox account...
Please visit https://www.dropbox.com/cli_link_nonce?nonce=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to link this device.


When I click the link and add the device, I get this:


Please visit https://www.dropbox.com/cli_link_nonce?nonce=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to link this device.
This computer is now linked to Dropbox. Welcome Alain


And then it just sits there.


My settings for the container are as follows:


I have the same exact issues

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/30/2024 at 2:19 AM, nhatlinh said:

I have the same exact issues

On the dropbox.com settings, you will find a list of all devices that are linked. One of the items that helped me was deleting the last authentication (which was this container) and re-did the process.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I have successfully linked my account to the docker but it didn't do anything. It just simply said my computer is linked to my account. It's not syncing. Do I need to wait for a few hours or is it by schedule or what?

Edited by HHUBS
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