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When the 12TB HDD is full with 120 plots. Get i also rewards when i not plotting, because i cant plott when the drive is full.

And what is with the ssd. When the hdd is full, i dont need it anymore ?

When the hdd is full i can only farming is this right. And how can i get rewards with this

Sorry for the questions but I dont understand the process at the time 😇

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Has anyone found a good way to view the plotting process if you accidentally close the terminal?  I messed around with strace but couldn't get it to work.  If this isn't possible, what's the next best option?  Enabling logging after this plot finishes?


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6 hours ago, Gnomuz said:


Review the link I gave in my OP (https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Farming-on-many-machines) to understand the underlying objectives.


Step by step :

- copy the mainnet/config/ssl/ca directory of your full node in a path accessible from the container, e.g. appdata/chia

- edit the container settings :

  • farmer_address : IP address of your farmer/full node machine
  • farmer_port : 8447
  • harvester_only : true

- start the container

- enter the container console

- enter "top", you should have only two chia processes : "chia_daemon" and "chia_harvester"

- enter the venv : ". ./activate"

- stop the running processes : "chia stop -d all"

- check the processes stopped properly with "top"

- create the keys for the container harvester signed by the farmer node : "chia init -c /root/.chia/ca" (if you copied the famer's ca directory as suggested above, adjust if needed)

- restart the harvester : "chia start harvester"

- check both logs (container and farmer nodes), you will see successful connections between both nodes if your logs are set at INFO level

- if everything is fine, delete the adddata/chia/ca directory so that you don't have multiple copies of your keys around your network as a safety measure

OMG thank you for your answer i feel like an idiot.  I tried to mess around with the yaml file i didn't notice that there are more options in the docker until i clicked on it. Im a clown lolll.   Anyway after these 5 plots are done i will try to do it again.

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On 5/10/2021 at 10:18 AM, tjb_altf4 said:

Out of the box this docker isn't configured optimally for logging, after some research these are two changes I've made to get better logging.

Both changes are made to the config.yaml file that will be in chia's appdata folder:

  1. change log_level to INFO (from WARNING) 
  2. change log_stdout to true (from false)

Change one adds more useful info to the logs, change two pushes the logs to the standard docker logging mechanism, which means it is visible from the GUI's log button.


Happy hunting!


I've made these changes to my config.yaml but I'm still not seeing any progress in my debug.log, only many warnings and errors.


I've been getting spammed with these two errors:
2021-05-11T19:38:45.339 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING  Wasn't able to add transaction with id....., status 3 error: Err.DOUBLE_SPEND


2021-05-11T19:46:01.312 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: ERROR    Consensus error 124, not disconnecting


Any idea why I see no status of plotting updates in the log? or what these errors mean? I've been successfully plotting (6 plots) prior to this.

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19 minutes ago, adminmat said:


I've made these changes to my config.yaml but I'm still not seeing any progress in my debug.log, only many warnings and errors.


I've been getting spammed with these two errors:
2021-05-11T19:38:45.339 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: WARNING  Wasn't able to add transaction with id....., status 3 error: Err.DOUBLE_SPEND


2021-05-11T19:46:01.312 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: ERROR    Consensus error 124, not disconnecting


Any idea why I see no status of plotting updates in the log? or what these errors mean? I've been successfully plotting (6 plots) prior to this.

You need to restart the container before the changes will kick in.

I don't think those warnings are anything to be worried about, but read through this if you're worried about the health of you farm 


  • Thanks 2
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Looking for some advice. My current Unraid array already has 36 drives so its at the Unraid capacity for drives. I have an additional 12 drives that I'm looking to use only for Chia plots that are sitting in my unassigned drives. I either was thinking of passing them all through as individual plot locations to the container (creating a separate parameter for each, etc.) or passing them all through to a VM. I am just looking to run the full node and harvester on my unraid server and have my other servers be plotting and moving to the plot locations.

My two concerns I have is how the plotters on my other servers will know which drive has free space out of the 12 and managing those sound like a pain. I was considering using Stablebit DrivePool in a windows VM to have all the drives balanced and accessible from a single share and have the full node and harvester running on the same windows VM. That way my plotters will only need to write to a single share.


What would you guys do with this setup?

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Alright, I think I've got everything setup, but I just want to make sure, because I'm not great with unRAID in general.


I've got my /plotting path set to:



That should mean that the plotting and all the calculations will only occur on my cache drive, right? Is that the most efficient way to do it, or should I have a separate SSD just for this?


Then I've got my /plots path set for:



Pretty sure this one is okay, since it will basically just push it out to the array in this spot once the plot is finished, right?


Then, after running the other commands and setting up my wallet, I installed tmux, opened a terminal window, ran tmux, and then ran the command to start plotting. I then did this for four other terminal windows. They're currently all in Phase 1, going through the Buckets.


Assuming all of that is correct, my questions are:


1) By running the terminals using tmux, I don't have to worry about closing the terminal window or my pc rebooting, right? Everything will just keep running in the background. Verified this by accidentally losing internet connection. Terminals lost connection, but the plotting appears to still be running.

Is there a way to open back up the terminal to see the current status of the individual plotting? Figured this one out too. Just have to use the 'Tmux attach -t' command.


2) Are there any other commands or anything that I need to run once the plotting is done, or does it just do its thing?


3) How much does CPU power help with the process? I've got a Ryzen 3600 laying around that I thought about throwing in there if it will actually help. Looks like I'm definitely going to do this. Should be a pretty big upgrade from the single L5630 I had it running on before.


4) This may be related to question #2, but, once a plot is calculated and is stored on my array, does it just stay there forever? Or does that space eventually get reallocated somehow? I think I answered this one myself. The plots stay there and the system "farms" them going forward.


5) Is there any way to get Plot Manager working with this?

Edited by Cloggerdude
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Hi everyone,


Finally got this container up and running, but I have what seems like a stupid question. I have run the following command to start a plot:

chia plots create -b 5000 -r 2 -n 1 -t /plotting/plot1 -d /plots


Let's say I have to restart Unraid or the container. How would I farm plots that have already finished plotting?

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13 hours ago, Gnomuz said:


Review the link I gave in my OP (https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Farming-on-many-machines) to understand the underlying objectives.


Step by step :

- copy the mainnet/config/ssl/ca directory of your full node in a path accessible from the container, e.g. appdata/chia

- edit the container settings :

  • farmer_address : IP address of your farmer/full node machine
  • farmer_port : 8447
  • harvester_only : true

- start the container

- enter the container console

- enter "top", you should have only two chia processes : "chia_daemon" and "chia_harvester"

- enter the venv : ". ./activate"

- stop the running processes : "chia stop -d all"

- check the processes stopped properly with "top"

- create the keys for the container harvester signed by the farmer node : "chia init -c /root/.chia/ca" (if you copied the famer's ca directory as suggested above, adjust if needed)

- restart the harvester : "chia start harvester"

- check both logs (container and farmer nodes), you will see successful connections between both nodes if your logs are set at INFO level

- if everything is fine, delete the adddata/chia/ca directory so that you don't have multiple copies of your keys around your network as a safety measure

Thank you.

I will try to get it to work after the plots are done.

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A request should be made to add plotman to the docker contrainer, for thoes of you that dont know what plotman is.

its a chia plot manager, that runs in a loop from a config file with the settings you want.

just started using it on one of my deticated plottermachines and i love it.


is it possible to make the docker startup plotting after a restart?

maybe a bash script in a corn job?




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17 minutes ago, adminmat said:

Has anyone compared the performance on unRAID vs a bare metal distro like Ubuntu server?

Should be on par, Linux versions in general are far better than windows by at least 10%, not sure if would be much between Linux distros.

Unraid's strength for Chia farming is that it is already setup to manage the apps, the drives, and the tiered storage solution.


If I happen to win a bingo coin (XCH), I'll probably build a dedicated farming rig with parts I have already.


42 minutes ago, Footlocker_ said:

is it possible to make the docker startup plotting after a restart?

maybe a bash script in a corn job?

User scripts plugin (GUI for cron essentially)  and at minimum this code running on a schedule is all you need to get going


dirNew=$(date +"%H%M%m-%d%y")

docker exec chia venv/bin/chia plots create -b 3840 -r 4 -n 1 -t /plotting/$dirNew -d /plots

note "-it" has been removed (we don't want interactive mode), otherwise its the same as the normal docker command

Edited by tjb_altf4
  • Thanks 1
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2 hours ago, Footlocker_ said:

A request should be made to add plotman to the docker contrainer, for thoes of you that dont know what plotman is.

its a chia plot manager, that runs in a loop from a config file with the settings you want.

just started using it on one of my deticated plottermachines and i love it.


is it possible to make the docker startup plotting after a restart?

maybe a bash script in a corn job?




Yeah I've seen that haven't used it...I've been trying to get swar plot manager to work I have to working on my windows machine is perfect I assume plotman would be the same

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I used the image and after some time I made it work. Everything seemed fine, full node was synced most of the time, famer was stating it is "farming" even tho nothing happened in 3 days.
The wallet somehow was out of sync all the time. No idea what the problem is.
Anyway I was plotting for days and I have some plots now.
But suddenly everything was out of sync. So I stopped the container, changed the config slightly to force a rebuild of the container and restarted it.

Now I am stuck. How can I restore my keys? I thought the mnemonic.txt should restore everything but it says it can not find the keys. What am I doing wrong? Can anybody give me a hint, how I can restore my keys and get everything back running?

Thank you in advance :)

Edited by Trinity
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12 minutes ago, danktankk said:

Where does this actually install to in unraid?  I am trying to run a plot manager and it requires the location of chia.exe.  Any help would be appreciated

I'm trying to find the same thing...haven't had any luck yet must be in the docker it self I reckon...your not looking for the chia.exe here that's windows you want the chia CLI location

Edited by burgess22
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25 minutes ago, burgess22 said:

I'm trying to find the same thing...haven't had any luck yet must be in the docker it self I reckon...your not looking for the chia.exe here that's windows you want the chia CLI location

yes, this is correct..  I have tried a few different things...  none have worked


last try was:  /usr/bin/docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia  


this didnt work.  I have pretty much everything else ready to go with this one exception.  I wonder if I can point to a networked *.exe to ge this running lol

Edited by danktankk
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26 minutes ago, burgess22 said:

I'm trying to find the same thing...haven't had any luck yet must be in the docker it self I reckon...your not looking for the chia.exe here that's windows you want the chia CLI location

Yes it's inside the docker. You can either call it via exec like in the opening post shown or enter the container and use:

. ./activate

chia <command you want to execute>


Edited by Trinity
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4 minutes ago, Trinity said:

Yes it's inside the docker. You can either call it via exec like in the opening post shown or enter the container and use:

. ./activate

chia <command you want to execute>


this would need to be in a yaml file for the locaiton of the executable.  how would we do that?


I am trying to run a script against this container.  So the location of the executable or a way to point to it is necessary.


Here is the link to it:  https://github.com/swar/Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager

Edited by danktankk
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8 minutes ago, danktankk said:

this would need to be in a yaml file for the locaiton of the executable.  how would we do that?

If the container runs: Click on the icon of the container -> console. Inside that window you are in the shell of the container which runs linux.
Chia is written in python, so it uses virtual env. So to use the correct env, you need to activate it via
. ./activate
Then you can use the chia cli :)

No sure, what you mean with "be in a yaml file" yaml is a json dialect and used for config files ^^

But usually you can just execute the commands from the konsole of unraid, like:


docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia show -s -c


Edited by Trinity
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1 hour ago, Trinity said:

If the container runs: Click on the icon of the container -> console. Inside that window you are in the shell of the container which runs linux.
Chia is written in python, so it uses virtual env. So to use the correct env, you need to activate it via
. ./activate
Then you can use the chia cli :)

No sure, what you mean with "be in a yaml file" yaml is a json dialect and used for config files ^^

But usually you can just execute the commands from the konsole of unraid, like:


docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia show -s -c


thanks but none of this will work.  its best to just go to a VM and be done with the docker component

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2 minutes ago, danktankk said:

thanks but none of this will work.  its best to just go to a VM and be done with the docker component

For me it works :D But yes, the whole docker thing is still very hacky, I can execute all commands I want, can start and stop all the services of chia and I am plotting. Non the less I am not synced some times, especially the wallet. It also does not simple load my keys if I restart the container... I hope they will improve on that.

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I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I added my mnemonic phrase through chia keys add, however I still get this for the wallet.




if I do chia wallet show it shows stuff about my wallet and also provides the fingerprint id as well.


if i run: chia start farmer it stays that everything is already running.


I'm just a bit confused by the wallet exception and the connection error. Any insight on this?

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5 hours ago, live4soccer7 said:

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I added my mnemonic phrase through chia keys add, however I still get this for the wallet.




if I do chia wallet show it shows stuff about my wallet and also provides the fingerprint id as well.


if i run: chia start farmer it stays that everything is already running.


I'm just a bit confused by the wallet exception and the connection error. Any insight on this?


Did you run all the commands in the OP? I don't exactly remember which one, but I think it was this one:

venv/bin/chia show -s -c

venv/bin/chia show -s -c


One of them, if not that one, will say something about rebuilding a wallet or press S to do something else. You just press S and then your wallet should be good to go.

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I think I figured it out, so it's up and running again. The only thing remaining is, that the wallet always shows: Not synced
Node is fully synced, farmer is running... But the wallet just refuses to sync. Is this a docker issue, an unraid issue or a chia network issue? As far as I understand, without a synced wallet you wont win anything ever.

Does nobody else got this issue?

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