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no access to the webui after the first reboot of the system

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I created a unraid usb stick, booted from it and then selected the trial license in webui. Then I restarted the system. From this point I no longer get a connection to the WebUi, but I can ping the server on the local network, the ping is sometimes successful sometimes not. (as ipv4 address unraid shows me after reboot a completely different ip not matching to the netmask)

I have tried this several times, always with the same result: no more connection to the WebUi.

Thanks a lot

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the "normal" ip is 192.168.178.xx

but after reboot: 169.254.27.xx

yes, it´s a 169.

But I have tested the lan cable with another computer (windows), with which everything worked normally.

And when I create a new usb stick and boot the first time, the webui works and the right ipv4 is displayed.

Thank you in advance

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