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Replace drive and now I lost data

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My parity check takes like 1.5 days to run. So I do my parity check 1 time every 2 months.

And it was good as of may 1st. 

I got 4 new 6TB drives from work and I want to swap out the 4TB drives I have. 6TB is still under the size of my 1st parity drive at 8TB and my second is 6TB. So I figure I should be fine.


I guess I'm not swapping disks correctly. I just hot swapped it and I see now I guess I need to bring the drive up and clear it first. I'm to use to a true raid system. I guess I need to learn more on how this works.

I'm restoring my data from my back up server I backup weekly to. I also figured out I can put the old drive in and mount it in unassigned devices. But I don't have enough knowledge to figure out how to copy the files from there to the array.


I guess for next drive I need to format the new drive first anything else I need to do?



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No point in hot swapping, since Unraid will not do anything at all with the replacement disk until you assign it, and you can't assign it with the array started. Since you have to stop the array anyway better to not change any disks under power.


No need to preclear a replacement disk, and pointless to format a replacement disk since its contents will be completely overwritten during rebuild.


What you DO NOT want to do is format a disk in the array. Format writes an empty filesystem to the disk, updating parity just like any other write operation. Rebuilding a formatted disk just results in a formatted disk.


My guess is that you formatted the disk in the array for some reason, but you haven't told us what you did exactly, and you haven't given us your diagnostics so we can see if we can figure out what you did.







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Well I I plugged them into my desktop PC 1 and a time and tried to bring them up in some low level format tools and both times the drives wouldn't come up. also got some loud clicking almost right away when I would try to access the disc in any disc utility software.  but I got a 100 days left for warranty so I'll try to use it.

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