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Mover not working correctly, errors everywhere, it seems.

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My mover hasn't been working correctly and my cache just fills up. The only way I have been able to get it to work at all, is to reboot unraid. This forces the mover to stop so I can start it again. I also need to shut down all dockers.


Checking the logs, the mover works for a short time and then goes hours without any activity in the logs. In checking the logs, I am seeing all kinds of errors. Some errors I have been able to google a solution for. And I have made fixes based on info found. But it seems after I fix one, 2 more popup. And most are greek to me.


I suppose many of these errors are stemming from my power going out every few hours lately. I hear the unmistakable sound of a transformer blow, and I hold my breath waiting for the power to go out. Last night a transformer blew, fell to the ground and burned white light like a welding torch. This morning, 2 poles from there, a truck took out the pole. I have lost power 4 times in less than 12 hours. UPS is on order. 


I am asking 2 things from you:

Feed me a fish today by looking at my diagnostics and tell me what is wrong. 

Teach me to fish so that I can troubleshoot this crap on my own.

  1. Is there a listing of common errors that I can reference? How do many of you just look at the log and know what to fix? I really wish you guys would highlight the line on the log that gave you the clue of what was wrong in the post. People ask for help, post there logs and someone says do this. I want to how you know and why that is the fix.
  2. Are there tools that you use to read the logs that highlight issues. I have been using notepad++ and scanning each line.
  3. is there a log monitoring tool (reasonable cost for the home user) that will alert me when it encounters an error in real-time so I don't have to learn about issues after it is too late.


Please and Thank You





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Using either midnight commander, Krusader, or by enabling Disk Shares in Global Share Settings,


Delete from either Disk 1 or Disk 2 (DO NOT DELETE from the Movies Share - /mnt/user/Movies) Shawshank, Irishman, Jolt.  That will allow mover to move the version from the cache drive onto the array.


I'm not a fan of using BTRFS when only on a single device pool, because it does not respond well to becoming full (You're better off with XFS when only using a single drive).  I'm going to leave that up @JorgeB to help you fix all the errors resulting from that.

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What did you see in the log that led you to deleting those files?

I had seen that mover attempted to move them but they were still on the /mnt/cache/ drive when I checked. So using the console, I deleted them already. But I deleted them from mnt/cache/ not disk 1/2. Is that OK?


The cache pool was at one time 2 drives. I started with a 250GB and then later added the 500GB when I got deal when buying 2. One was for a laptop and threw the 2nd into unraid. At the time, it showed my cache increasing in size. But I later learned that this was a false report and removed the smaller one. The other laptop is no longer in use so I will grab that drive and add it to the pool.

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16 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Cache is full, just need to free up some space, don't see any issues so far except the docker image is corrupt, but that looks unrelated.

I keep freeing up space manually, but the mover is not doing anything and the cache fills back up. I did a hard reboot about 2 hours ago because it would not gracefully reboot on its own. Shut down all the dockers and started the mover. Main page says mover is running, but log doesn't even indicate that it started.


Is the only way to stop the mover, so I can restart it, to do a reboot?

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In regards to the docker image being corrupt...

How can you tell?

Is it one docker in particular or is it all of them?


In previous posts instructing to fix, you mention remove the image. Needing to be sure because the steps looks like they have changed... Is this done in the docker tab and clicking on the docker icon to select remove and then you get the pop-up (shown below).

If correct, do I need to backup anything before doing this or is the info contained elsewhere and it will remember the previous info?




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OK, I have done all this. Not d/l anything. The only warning I am getting is a cronjob. I just received a new 1tb ssd today and going to add that to unraid and use that as the cache for the shares. The existing cache (2x500gb) will only be for the dockers. I also have a smaller ssd that I am going to use just for transcoding.

Installed the plugin Mover Tuning to run when at 65% checking each hour.


I will update this thread in a week with results or sooner if problems arise.


Thank you for the help so far.



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