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Array has 1 disk with read errors

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Parity check came back with message

"Array has 1 disk with read errors"


Not certain I have it right, but when i searched errors on the syslog, Disk 1 was identified in some cases (see attached)


I've also attached the SMART report for Disk 1


I'm looking for input on steps to ensure data integrity. Please advise


Should this disk be removed from array? 

Disk 1 is a smaller HDD, is there a way to safely move the data from that disk (using parity). What is recommended procedure for replacement. Also, i'll likely replace with a much larger HDD, are there any considerations here?


thanks in advance!


syslog titan-smart-20211009-0634.zip

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i've tried twice to run the SMART extended self-test.

it goes for a few hours, eventually i come back it shows "No self-tests logged on this disk"

but i also get notifications as follows

1) array health report [FAIL]

2) Fix common problems > Errors have been found > Investigate settings > which sends me back to "disk1" has read errors

"Suggested Fix"  >> If the disk has not been disabled, then unRaid has successfully rewritten the contents of the offending sectors back to the hard drive. It would be a good idea to look at the S.M.A.R.T. Attributes for the drive in question Begin Investigation Here > back to disk1 settings, image attached


I believe the next step would be to replace disk1, correct?



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Here is a question I tried to get at earlier

As I have a spare 9Tb of space, and the drive in question has ~600Gb out of 3Tb total used.


Can I simply go through each Share > and tell it to exclude disk1 ? 

If I do that, will the data be actively moved? or will it just know NOT to write new data?


alternatively, how to I empty the disk1 of data?



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Thanks all!

Picked up a new HDD (prices have been up a bit...), and will be running pre-clear for a while yet.

Failing HDD is out "missing"

When pre-clear finishes, if I "Assign the new drive in the slot of the old drive", will it recognize the full capacity? (I'm moving from 3Tb to 12Tb)


Hope it all goes smoothly. Will be back if I have further questions


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54 minutes ago, strykn said:

When pre-clear finishes, if I "Assign the new drive in the slot of the old drive", will it recognize the full capacity? (I'm moving from 3Tb to 12Tb)

Yes.   The rebuild process starts by restoring the file system of the disk it is emulating, and then when that completes extends it to fill the whole drive.

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Alright > 3 days later the pre-clear has finished

BUT now because the "new" drive is 14Tb, and my parity drive is 12Tb it won't let me assign it to Disk 1.


What are my options.

Can i do a "parity swap" without the "failing disk 1" installed? Doesn't seem likley.

Should I put the failing 3Tb disk 1 back into array, then use unbalance to move all the data files? (I don't know how to do this, but hope to figure it out if recommended)

  > even if i did that, i'm not sure it would let me do the Parity swap without a valid parity?


I only bought the 14tb drive, because it was $50 cheaper than the 12Tb drive! 

Please advise

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  • 2 weeks later...


so i've removed the 3tb disc that was causing problems, as well as a 2tb disc and added a 14Tb HDD.

I carefull moved everything using unbalance and did all the pre-clears and parity checks


NOW however, despite having "gathered" data from disc2 > (2tb to be removed) over to the new disc1; i now see that disc1 shows as "unmountable". It is asking to be formatted. 

It SHOULD have much of my music media library...


1) first question > why did this happen? is there a way to restore easily? 

2) If i agree to format the drive, should it be able to "restore" using the parity drive. The system says the parity is valid.


if diagnostics would be helpful plz let me know, and i'll try to provide whatever is needed


thanks in advance!


my array is now 3x 12Tb data drives and 1x 14Tb parity. 

Edited by strykn
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so clueless, my apologies... the server was in maintenance mode

attached are diags, w/ server running


DISK 1 is NOW mounted!!! Which is AWESOME > and at least appears to have most of the data present.


Now i need help determining what to do next, best practices

how to confirm and/or recover data, and determine if i should replace HDD.


There is now a "Lost and Found" directory with what looks like a couple hundred folders. Most appear to be media files, and are "not accessible" from Plex. Anyway to restore easily?


Advise is very much appreciated! 



Edited by strykn
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20 minutes ago, strykn said:

Anyway to restore easily?

No. You might be able to use the linux "file" command to help determine what kind of files they each are, but you will probably have to figure out what their name is and how to arrange them in folders. Often not worth the trouble.


Do you have backups?


23 minutes ago, strykn said:

if i should replace HDD.

disk looks OK.

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