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Data disk disabled - how to re-enable?


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Woke up this morning to a disabled disk - going off the syslog, appears to be my LSI controller flaked out while mover was running and the disk was disabled.


Disk itself seems to be fine, SMART passes and no re-allocated sectors.


Diagnostics attached.


Seems like I should be good to follow these instructions - just want to be sure before proceeding.  Thanks!


Edited by emb531
Attach diagnostics
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8 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Looks more like a power/connection problem, I would recommended replacing/swapping cables/slot to rule those out if it happens again to the same disk, then and if the emulated disk is mounting and contents look correct you can rebuild on top using the instructions above.

Is there anyway to just bring the disk back online without having to rebuild from parity?

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26 minutes ago, emb531 said:

Is there anyway to just bring the disk back online without having to rebuild from parity?

You either have to rebuild the parity disk and lose the data that was written to the data slot while it was disabled, or rebuild the data disk from parity. Your choice, but if the emulated disk is mounting and reading properly it's better to rebuild the data disk to match.

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1 minute ago, JonathanM said:

You either have to rebuild the parity disk and lose the data that was written to the data slot while it was disabled, or rebuild the data disk from parity. Your choice, but if the emulated disk is mounting and reading properly it's better to rebuild the data disk to match.

Thanks - the reconstruction is in progress now, 14 hours to go for 10TB

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The reason why is that the only time a disk is red-balled is because a write failed to it.  To make the drive reflect that failed write, you rebuild the disk (Because parity is correct).  If you accept the whatever write failed is meaningless, then you rebuild parity to reflect the drive's contents (which include the previous contents of whatever sector failed to write).  Corruption (whether noticeable or not) will occur on the file(s) if you use the latter option.

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