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I am new to unRAID, thought it would be something to help simplify things and would be a better overall experience than Windows Server 2019.

I spent the last week tireless learning about unRAID and decided to give it a go. After testing it, I spent 18 hours moving my data to a temporary array so that I can build an array in unRAID. After that finished, I just spend the last 3 days moving things over through TeraCopy because unRAID doesn't recognize ReFS.


After getting through most all the issues I encountered, I spent the last 8 hours today configuring my docker containers for Sonarr, Radarr, SabNZBD and Lidarr. When I was all finished, everything was working great.


All the sudden, out of nowhere I lose connection to the Web GUI of my server, assigned to a static IP of

I don't have an iGPU, so I can't boot into the GUI mode (I have a dedicated RX 480). I just get a blinking cursor on the upper right, so no way to see what's wrong. If I boot into either mode (OS or OS Gui) it gives the line of code and *seems* to be fine. It gets to the end and shows my static IP. Though I can't connect to it on any computer, pinging it also fails.


I ran "diagnostics" and it loaded a zip file, but I don't even know how to access it (the USB drive doesn't seem to be recognized on my Win 10 machine, I am going to reboot to see if that helps). *Update* I rebooted, but I can't access the drive in explorer, the drive is shown in Disk Management as healthy however.

I feel like my sleepless nights and effort has gone out the window, I don't understand why out of the blue I would lose connection.

I do have a backup, though not even sure if that's what I should try first. I've heard good things about this community so I am hoping someone might have ideas on what's wrong here.

Edited by Indi
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3 minutes ago, Indi said:

the USB drive doesn't seem to be recognized on my Win 10 machine

The Unraid boot flash is FAT32, so Windows should be able to read it. If Windows can't you won't be able to boot from it.


The config folder from flash (or flash backup) is all that is needed to get your configuration back on a new install.


After you get the flash drive prepared again, boot from a USB2 port, USB2 port is more reliable for the Unraid boot flash.

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1 minute ago, trurl said:

The Unraid boot flash is FAT32, so Windows should be able to read it. If Windows can't you won't be able to boot from it.


The config folder from flash (or flash backup) is all that is needed to get your configuration back on a new install.


After you get the flash drive prepared again, boot from a USB2 port, USB2 port is more reliable for the Unraid boot flash.


So I can see the USB in Disk Management, though in File Explorer it's not an option. I put the USB in another machine and I can see it/open it there. Anything I should check within the config folder before attempting an install on a new drive?

One thing I would like to ask, this drive is 32GB which I know unRAID states the drive must be a maximum of 32GB. Is there any real issue if I use a 64GB drive?

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Since you have a trial license your server must be able to validate that license by connecting to limetech over the internet.

Nov  6 15:22:47 OuterHaven emhttpd: error: get_limetech_time, 256: Connection timed out (110): -2 (7)
Nov  6 15:22:47 OuterHaven emhttpd: Unregistered Trial - no connection (ENOCONN)

Looks like a networking problem.

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4 minutes ago, ljm42 said:

I'd agree it looks like a networking problem, can you double check your cabling?


Can you ping the server from another computer?


If you sign in to the console, can you ping something else from the server? Also, what happens if you type:

/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx start


I ran the command you've provided and it stated that Nginx is already running.


I tried to ping my gateway and it says it's unreachable, so I tried a new network cable and I still can't ping to or from the machine. The motherboard has two NICs, I tried connecting each (and both at the same time). I have a PCI NIC I can install and try, if it's still believed that it's a network issue related to hardware or cabling. I've tried connecting the server to my switch, as well as my gateway but nothing changes. I've even tried using different USB ports for the thumb drive, I copied the files from my original thumb drive to a new one and the issue persisted. I've been working at this all day and not sure what else to try. It's weird that everything was working, then all the sudden just stopped (I wasn't making any changes when the connection was lost).

I also did a reboot on my router/switch. I was just starting to get to the fun stuff in unRAID :(

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Note that without network.cfg your server will be using DHCP and will get whatever IP address your router gives it. I prefer things that way myself, and configure my router to reserve a static IP by MAC address for my server and anything else I want to have a static IP on my network. That way everything is managed in the one place that really matters, in the router, and everything on my network can just use the default DHCP.

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I may have found a potential cause. I just got this motherboard as part of my first unRAID build. It has two ethernet ports, One 10G Lan and one 2.5G Lan. I noticed when I connect it to my switch, the port for the 10G LAN isn't lit up, when I connect the 2.5G LAN it does. Perhaps that port may have failed me after just a day of use?


If I configured unRAID to use that port, how can I tell it to instead use the other LAN? It doesn't seem to detect that automatically as a failover. Would I change my config file to be eth1 instead of eth0?

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