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Would anyone like to take over my DVD collection ripping shift?  Mind you I am not counting the ones I purchased during the past two weeks, those aren't in my excel spreadsheet, so no idea how many more to go.. I bought at least 80 I'm sure of it.


Sure wish there was a more automated method.. swapping in and out the DVD's themselves isn't the big deal.. it's the typing in the name (for the files), the directory, looking up the year (found it's easier to do this than to find the dynamic position of it on the DVD cover itself), etc.


Pot of coffee #3..


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DVDs What is this, 2005?  ;D


Blu-ray all the way, baby!

There is absolutely no way I'm going to replace all my movie collection with blue-ray equivalents (over 1000 DVDs on my library shelves).  It makes absolutely no sense and I doubt most are even released on blue-ray.  It does make sense to put the bulk of a DVD collection on the server, even though it is no longer 2005.


Joe L.

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DVDs What is this, 2005?  ;D


Blu-ray all the way, baby!

There is absolutely no way I'm going to replace all my movie collection with blue-ray equivalents (over 1000 DVDs on my library shelves).  It makes absolutely no sense and I doubt most are even released on blue-ray.   It does make sense to put the bulk of a DVD collection on the server, even though it is no longer 2005.


Joe L.


I concur.  Additionally, I never stated I didn't have Blu-Ray's ;)  Those are inevitably next after the DVD's.  I only have about 100 BR's or so, ONLY those released with actual 1080 or Bitstream audio are one's that I buy, otherwise I just don't feel that it's worth it.


My spreadsheet is way off, I must have forgotten a case (I long stored away in the attic quite a few DVD covers, as I ran out of room in the entertainment unit), which makes sense, the count seemed low.  So add 240 (I believe is the capacity of this zippered case).  I may actually begin watching these things again now that they'll be on a server.. I guess at some point I had just gotten sick of going through cases to find a movie.


Ah well.. back to work.

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I use my movies with my WHS. I just stick my BDs in the BD ROM drives and it does the rest. Although I cant use my unRAID server since it has to be the local storage but it does make it easy. I'll put three BD titles in before going to bed, and with the My Movies add in and Any DVD HD it automatically rips it to a folder and populates it with fan art, cover art, etc.

It also is supposed to work for DVDs,but I've never tried it since I stopped watching DVDs in 2005.


Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk

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Well, it was kind of a joke, but I never bothered transferring my (4,000) DVDs to my unRAID servers, I only put my Blu-ray rips (500) on them as I know I won't watch the DVD versions again, I'll just wait for the Blu-ray release.


I cannot come up with even 2000 titles that I think I'd be interested in having, or watching.  Until DVD's are only $1 each, I suspect I won't buy them just to do so.  I've obtained maybe three titles by, hmm, other means, before and the rips left little to desire.  Their "team" splash in the beginning, then ripping the entire DL disc to DVD5 format (high compression), whereas I'm only ripping (and only interested in) the main title to be stored on the server, but, with no compression.  Those were of highly anticipated ones that weren't on the shelves yet, but, I bought them once they did, if no other reason so that it could be ripped "my way."


4000 movies, that's nuts.  I'll point out your reply to my wife, so that she can stop insisting I have too many as it is.  Then again, that was with the old system of, some on HD's (unprotected), some in CD/DVD cases and others in their original DVD covers.


Maybe now she'll find more enjoyment in this..


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I have a buddy at work who is a complete Bluray Snob. If its not on Bluray he doesn't watch it. I only have 700 or so flicks in various formats and honestly nothing is cooler than watching it with a click of a button via my HTPC. Half the time I can careless if its Bluray or DVD as long as my amp plays all 6channels. ;)


Don't get me wrong I'd like to have everything crystal clear, but money being money I'll slowly replace my favorites as I see fit.

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Here's a script I use for dvd ripping.





usage: dvdrip.sh "<MovieName>"


set MovieDir = <path to movies>
set Email = [email protected]

echo Creating Directory "$MovieDir/$1"
mkdir "$MovieDir/$1"

HandBrakeCLI -i /dev/sr0 --main-feature -o "$MovieDir/$1/$1.mkv -e x264 -x <insert x264 option string here> -q 20 -E copy
#update XBMC library
curl --get "http://<HOSTNAME or IP of XBMC>:<PORT>/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn&parameter=XBMC.updatelibrary(video)"

echo "Feed Me Seymour!"|/bin/mail "I'm Done!" $Email


Keep in mind I just re-wrote this from memory, I'll check it for accuracy tonight when I get home. Obviously you can change the HandbrakeCLI options to whatever you prefer when ripping your dvds. This script assumes that the first audio track is the one you want, which works for me most of the time, but occasionally I have to manually rip a disc.


I just recently learned about lsdvd and plan to incorporate that as much as I can to identify audio/subtitle info to make a better script.

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I have a buddy at work who is a complete Bluray Snob. If its not on Bluray he doesn't watch it. I only have 700 or so flicks in various formats and honestly nothing is cooler than watching it with a click of a button via my HTPC. Half the time I can careless if its Bluray or DVD as long as my amp plays all 6channels. ;)


Don't get me wrong I'd like to have everything crystal clear, but money being money I'll slowly replace my favorites as I see fit.


A lot will depend on how big your display is. On my smaller displays, a DVD is fine, but if I watch a Blu-ray on my 110" screen then put a DVD on afterwards, it's like my eyeballs are being raped by jaggies.

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A lot will depend on how big your display is. On my smaller displays, a DVD is fine, but if I watch a Blu-ray on my 110" screen then put a DVD on afterwards, it's like my eyeballs are being raped by jaggies.


110". Nice. My immediate first thought was 'how can i fit one of these in my living room?'. Immediate conclusion: I can't.

Shame. would be ideal for watching cricket/football

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I have a buddy at work who is a complete Bluray Snob. If its not on Bluray he doesn't watch it. I only have 700 or so flicks in various formats and honestly nothing is cooler than watching it with a click of a button via my HTPC. Half the time I can careless if its Bluray or DVD as long as my amp plays all 6channels. ;)


Don't get me wrong I'd like to have everything crystal clear, but money being money I'll slowly replace my favorites as I see fit.


A lot will depend on how big your display is. On my smaller displays, a DVD is fine, but if I watch a Blu-ray on my 110" screen then put a DVD on afterwards, it's like my eyeballs are being raped by jaggies.


Wow I see why now. LOL

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I love BluRay movies and am a bit of a BluRay snob when watching newer movies. But I don't find older movies that come out in BluRay to be very sharp and clear.  I think you're almost as good with a DVD.


Depends on the transfer. And of course, quality is subjective.


Yeah, it's not about the age. It's about how well the negative or interpositive has been stored and preserved, how well it has been restored and how well it has been mastered.


There are plenty of Blu-ray transfers of films from the 80s and even 90s that look worse than The Wizard of Oz on Blu-ray, which is now 72 years old and one of the first colour films.

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Yeah, it's not about the age. It's about how well the negative or interpositive has been stored and preserved, how well it has been restored and how well it has been mastered.


There are plenty of Blu-ray transfers of films from the 80s and even 90s that look worse than The Wizard of Oz on Blu-ray, which is now 72 years old and one of the first colour films.


It's amazing how broad the quality is on DVD/BD transfers.  Some are great and some are pure garbage.  The Wizard of Oz BD transfer is amazing considering the source and the age.

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