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my appdata, system and domains are on de wrong cache

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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unraid 6.9.2


I have had my unraid server for a while now and set it up with multiple cache drives, following the video from spaceinvader one.

I installed a plugin today (Fix Common Problems) that said that, the share's appdata, system and domains, are located on both cache drives. that turns out to be correct and every time I remove the share from the wrong cache, unraid removes it from both. 


here's how i set up my shares. 


please help this is unnecessary writing to the ssds

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There is a way to get mover to take care of this, but since it only works with the specified pool, several things would have to be done to get it to move to the array, then move back to the correct pool.


First thing to do whichever way you go is to check each of your containers to make sure they specify /mnt/user/appdata or /mnt/docker_pool/appdata and NOT /mnt/vm_pool/appdata

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