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Help! Cannot get into web interface!

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I know what the parity drives are though, out of 8 slots, 4 are looking for the wrong drive. 

9 minutes ago, trurl said:

Here is all we have from that syslog you posted earlier. Obviously it was missing some drives at the time, disk0 is parity (missing) and disk29 is parity2.

Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (1): import 0
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import_slot: 0 missing
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (2): import 1 sdi 64 9766436812 0 WDC_WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0_JEGHSNRN
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import disk1: (sdi) WDC_WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0_JEGHSNRN size: 9766436812 
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (3): import 2 sde 64 7814026532 0 WDC_WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0_7HJYTWXF
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import disk2: (sde) WDC_WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0_7HJYTWXF size: 7814026532 
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (4): import 3 sdc 64 7814026532 0 WDC_WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0_1SJM168Z
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import disk3: (sdc) WDC_WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0_1SJM168Z size: 7814026532 
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (5): import 4
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import_slot: 4 missing
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (6): import 5
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import_slot: 5 missing
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (7): import 6
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import_slot: 6 missing
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (8): import 7
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (9): import 8
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (10): import 9
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (11): import 10
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (12): import 11
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (13): import 12
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (14): import 13
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (15): import 14
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (16): import 15
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (17): import 16
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (18): import 17
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (19): import 18
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (20): import 19
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (21): import 20
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (22): import 21
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (23): import 22
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (24): import 23
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (25): import 24
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (26): import 25
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (27): import 26
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (28): import 27
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (29): import 28
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: mdcmd (30): import 29 sdf 64 9766436812 0 WDC_WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0_2YK5TGED
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill kernel: md: import disk29: (sdf) WDC_WD100EMAZ-00WJTA0_2YK5TGED size: 9766436812 
Apr 13 10:30:05 Gardenhill emhttpd: import 30 cache device: (nvme0n1) INTEL_SSDPEKNW010T8_PHNH9134021L1P0B


this was generated AFTER i successfully loaded a backup, but an older one.  I don't have any newer backups unfortunately so I am left with figuring out the slots

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2 minutes ago, trurl said:

You don't even have to open any of those files in the SMART folder, the filenames tell you everything you need.


yea i see it, i am now down to two hdd's trying to figure out 😅 Unfortunately I don't have any other diagnostic files that are recent.

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5 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:

If you have the notifications set up, you should have your disk configuration in the daily message.

If it's not set up, you should consider it for the future.

Yes, you should definitely setup Notifications to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected.


But those diagnostics show your disk assignments as they were on the 10th in several different ways.

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Here is a snapshot of current disks I am trying to figure out.

I for sure got 14tb for parity, so that's 100% right.

Based on the 4/10/21 system log, I put in ST6000 into slot 6.  So I'm not sure if the old 10TB parity drive went to disk 4 or 5.


I got rid of the 4, 3, and 2 tb drives. and got another 8TB drive (WDC_WD80EMAZ) that should also be in disk 4 or 5


Other question: if i create new config, will all my files and folder be intact (assuming I finally figure out proper array)


Edited by nktm85
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So the SSL issue still remains (at least now I know what the issue is...)

I was able to rebuild the parity, and got server backup and running.

I installed the Unraid.net in community apps, and got everything working according to SpaceInvader's tutorial video. 

Everything works UNTIL I provision the certificate and it refreshes to the new https://[hash].unraid.net where I get the same error again that refuses to connect to web interface.

On unraid.net my servers: it shows online but only local access with green lock.  When I click on local access, I get error page.  I setup port forwarding (different port) and remapped to 443 on router but cannot get remote access to work.server.PNG


Luckily, I found out the way to access web interface is now http://gardenhill.local with SSL set to auto so at least I have access to my server still.  All I want to do is be able to access the hash.unraid.net again.  It was working beautifully before all this =(


Edited by nktm85
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clicked update dns, but no change.  I still cannot access hash.unraid.net url locally or remotely.

Still have access to local url/ip address.

In syslog i am seeing this error


nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/unraid_bundle.pem": PEM_read_bio_X509() failed (SSL: error:0908F066:PEM routines:get_header_and_data:bad end line)


Edit: I just realized if I change the hash url from https to http, it works.  So definitely some issue with SSL cert loading

Edited by nktm85
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I have been doing that, however when I try to provision a certificate, it says successful, but when it reloads to hash url, it doesn't work (site can't be reached).  I can still only access from local.

Here's the appropriate log time when I did the ssl provisioning.  I've deleted SSH and SSL in config of flash drive, and same results.

From the log below, this file "/etc/ssl/certs/unraid_bundle.pem" doesn't exist on my server, so I'm wondering if that is the issue?



Apr 16 17:15:40 Gardenhill emhttpd: shcmd (105): /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/update_access
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill emhttpd: shcmd (106): /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx reload
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill root: Checking configuration for correct syntax and
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill root: then trying to open files referenced in configuration...
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill root: nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/unraid_bundle.pem": PEM_read_bio_X509() failed (SSL: error:0908F066:PEM routines:get_header_and_data:bad end line)
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill root: nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill root: Invalid configuration, Nginx not reloaded
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill emhttpd: shcmd (106): exit status: 1
Apr 16 17:15:42 Gardenhill emhttpd: shcmd (107): /usr/bin/php -f /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/include/UpdateDNS.php
Apr 16 17:15:43 Gardenhill root: success
Apr 16 17:16:08 Gardenhill sSMTP[3795]: Creating SSL connection to host
Apr 16 17:16:09 Gardenhill sSMTP[3795]: SSL connection using TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Apr 16 17:16:09 Gardenhill sSMTP[3795]: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BadCredentials k137-20020a633d8f000000b0039800918b00sm8343374pga.77 - gsmtp)
Apr 16 17:16:29 Gardenhill emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog 


Edited by nktm85
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