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[SUPPORT] - Community Applications - ghostfolio

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19 hours ago, Henkerd said:

I just set up this server, and it seems to be working. Performance is very lackluster however, is this normal behaviour for other people as well? Furthermore, it seems I cannot add BTC to my activities. I was wondering if this is working for other people on this sub?

I cannot change platform account too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry for that late answer!



You are trying to add a value which already exists and has primary constraints on it (Key (date, symbol)=(2020-12-29 00:00:00, F) already exists.).

Maybe you can find which entry is trying to add the symbol "F".

Otherwise, you could try to edit you database entries. If you are not familiar with databases, I would be careful with editing database entries directly, as it could lead to a non working state.


I you would like to give it a try, open the console of your postgres container (right click -> Console) and connect to your database via psql:

psql -U ghostfolio -d ghostfolio-db (-U is your username and -d the database name)


With \d you can see all of your existing tables. Here you can find your "MarketData" table which is mentioned in the logs. 

With "SELECT * FROM "MarketData";" you can take a look inside of this table and you should see an existing entry with this values: date=2020-12-29 00:00:00, symbol=F.

Maybe you could rename the symbol to something like "F_tmp" to stop the loop for now. I don't know if there are constraints that prevent you from doing this but it might be worth a try: "UPDATE "MarketData" SET symbol='F_tmp' WHERE symbol='F';"


So, give it a try if you want or try setting it up in a separate database and test if this error occurs again.

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"it seems I cannot add BTC to my activities"

It should be possible to add BTC to your activities. Please check out the GitHub Issues and Discussions as there already is a lot of information. E.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/945

If this still does not answer your Question, do not hesitate asking at GitHub (either by creating a issue or starting a discussion).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

After updating i get the following error in my logs.


[Nest] 1  - 07/30/2022, 9:31:47 AM   ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] 
Invalid `this.prismaService.authDevice.findUnique()` invocation in

→ 1 (()=>
  The column `Order.comment` does not exist in the current database.
Invalid `this.prismaService.authDevice.findUnique()` invocation in

→ 1 (()=>
  The column `Order.comment` does not exist in the current database.
    at RequestHandler.request (/ghostfolio/apps/api/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/index.js:49022:15)
    at async PrismaService._request (/ghostfolio/apps/api/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/index.js:49919:18)




I was able to fix this part but got a new error now. Will try fixing it.,

Edited by Diondk
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  • 1 month later...


I have been trying for days to get GhostFolio working, and after every reinstall I get the same issue. It is unable to download Historical Market Data or current stock prices. Everything else is working fine, I can add stocks and transactions, even get Asset Profiles. It will just not fetch stock prices. What am I missing?!?


�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[NestApplication] �[39m�[32mNest application successfully started�[39m�[38;5;3m +417ms�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m ________ __ ____ ___�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / ____/ /_ ____ _____/ /_/ __/___ / (_)___�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ /_/ __ \/ / / __ \�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m/ /_/ / / / / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ /_/ / / / /_/ /�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m\____/_/ /_/\____/____/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\____/ v1.188.0�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32mListening at�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.391 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.392 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:10 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringProcessor (GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA)] �[39m�[32mHistorical market data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:57 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:31 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:32 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:35 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for BTCUSD (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:40 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for TSLA (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:45 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for VTI (YAHOO).�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.693 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.695 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.515 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.516 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:05 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:09 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.343 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.344 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 8�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 1�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"USDEUR"} already exists.�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m

Any help is greatly appreciated! 

Screenshot 2022-09-06 232020.png

Screenshot 2022-09-06 233203.png

  • Upvote 1
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On 9/6/2022 at 11:38 PM, Russ2900 said:


I have been trying for days to get GhostFolio working, and after every reinstall I get the same issue. It is unable to download Historical Market Data or current stock prices. Everything else is working fine, I can add stocks and transactions, even get Asset Profiles. It will just not fetch stock prices. What am I missing?!?


�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[NestApplication] �[39m�[32mNest application successfully started�[39m�[38;5;3m +417ms�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m ________ __ ____ ___�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / ____/ /_ ____ _____/ /_/ __/___ / (_)___�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ /_/ __ \/ / / __ \�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m/ /_/ / / / / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ /_/ / / / /_/ /�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m\____/_/ /_/\____/____/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\____/ v1.188.0�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32mListening at�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.391 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.392 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:10 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringProcessor (GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA)] �[39m�[32mHistorical market data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:57 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:31 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:32 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:35 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for BTCUSD (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:40 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for TSLA (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:45 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for VTI (YAHOO).�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.693 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.695 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.515 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.516 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:05 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:09 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.343 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.344 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 8�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 1�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"USDEUR"} already exists.�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m

Any help is greatly appreciated! 

Screenshot 2022-09-06 232020.png

Screenshot 2022-09-06 233203.png

I am also having this same issue. I am unable to get the Data Gather tasks to complete.


Checking the Postgres logs I see this updating several times a second with the same error:


Edited by jdiacobbo
  • Upvote 2
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On 7/20/2022 at 11:38 AM, Cyleon said:

Hi! Thanks for a great container. I have one issue: Everything seems to be working fine but the graph of the start page isn't loading for me. Any idea how I could fix this?



I've never experienced such an issue. I would guess it could be corrupted data (e.g. an activity that you added which causes problems). Would you be so kind and create an issue at the ghostfolio repository: https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/new

This is the right place to report software bugs ;)

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On 7/30/2022 at 9:34 AM, Diondk said:

After updating i get the following error in my logs.


[Nest] 1  - 07/30/2022, 9:31:47 AM   ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] 
Invalid `this.prismaService.authDevice.findUnique()` invocation in

→ 1 (()=>
  The column `Order.comment` does not exist in the current database.
Invalid `this.prismaService.authDevice.findUnique()` invocation in

→ 1 (()=>
  The column `Order.comment` does not exist in the current database.
    at RequestHandler.request (/ghostfolio/apps/api/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/index.js:49022:15)
    at async PrismaService._request (/ghostfolio/apps/api/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/index.js:49919:18)




I was able to fix this part but got a new error now. Will try fixing it.,


You were already able to fix it, but I would like to mention it if some people come across this issue. It was probably caused by the 1.174.0 release where comments / notes were added. If your version of Ghostfolio is < 1.181.2, a manual database migration is necessary (execute yarn database:migrate in console of the container). If there are issues with missing baselining migrations and new migrations cannot be applied, checkout the Troubleshooting guide on page 1.

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On 9/7/2022 at 5:38 AM, Russ2900 said:


I have been trying for days to get GhostFolio working, and after every reinstall I get the same issue. It is unable to download Historical Market Data or current stock prices. Everything else is working fine, I can add stocks and transactions, even get Asset Profiles. It will just not fetch stock prices. What am I missing?!?


�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[NestApplication] �[39m�[32mNest application successfully started�[39m�[38;5;3m +417ms�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m ________ __ ____ ___�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / ____/ /_ ____ _____/ /_/ __/___ / (_)___�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ /_/ __ \/ / / __ \�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m/ /_/ / / / / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ /_/ / / / /_/ /�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m\____/_/ /_/\____/____/\__/_/ \____/_/_/\____/ v1.188.0�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32mListening at�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:01 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[32m�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:02 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.391 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.392 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:03 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:10 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringProcessor (GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA)] �[39m�[32mHistorical market data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:57 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 0.819 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 0.821 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:19:58 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:31 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:32 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for AMZN (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:35 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for BTCUSD (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:40 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for TSLA (YAHOO).�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 10:22:45 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mAsset profile data gathering has been completed for VTI (YAHOO).�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:02 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.693 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.695 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:03 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.515 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.516 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:04 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:05 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:09 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[PortfolioCalculator] �[39m�[33mMissing initial value for symbol AMZN at 2022-09-06�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes from YAHOO in 1.343 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m------------------------------------------------�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95mFetched 1 quotes in 1.344 seconds�[39m
�[95m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:06:10 PM �[95m DEBUG�[39m �[95m================================================�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 8�[39m
�[33m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:17:40 PM �[33m WARN�[39m �[38;5;3m[QueueService] �[39m�[33mError: Could not remove job 1�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"USDEUR"} already exists.�[39m
�[32m[Nest] 627 - �[39m09/06/2022, 11:18:00 PM �[32m LOG�[39m �[38;5;3m[DataGatheringService] �[39m�[32mJob GATHER_HISTORICAL_MARKET_DATA with data {"dataSource":"YAHOO","date":"2018-10-01T00:00:00.000Z","symbol":"AMZN"} already exists.�[39m

Any help is greatly appreciated! 

Screenshot 2022-09-06 232020.png

Screenshot 2022-09-06 233203.png


On 9/9/2022 at 4:38 AM, jdiacobbo said:

I am also having this same issue. I am unable to get the Data Gather tasks to complete.


Checking the Postgres logs I see this updating several times a second with the same error:



On 9/9/2022 at 3:00 PM, Hans Payer said:

I'm having the same exact issue also!


Hi @Russ2900 @jdiacobbo @Hans Payer,

Thank you for providing detailed information about this issue. It looks familiar to me, as I have seen it some times in the Github issues:

- e.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/569#issuecomment-1001042365

- e.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/522


In newer versions, it shouln't be a problem anymore :| Would you be so kind and create an issue at the ghostfolio repository: https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/new

You can copy your entry from here or link it to the issue. A current version number you are experiencing the issue would help aswell. Software Bugs / Improvements should be created as issue on github :) Maybe one of you can create the issue and the others can add information to drill down the problem.


Thank you!



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3 hours ago, LeonStoldt said:




Hi @Russ2900 @jdiacobbo @Hans Payer,

Thank you for providing detailed information about this issue. It looks familiar to me, as I have seen it some times in the Github issues:

- e.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/569#issuecomment-1001042365

- e.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/522


In newer versions, it shouln't be a problem anymore :| Would you be so kind and create an issue at the ghostfolio repository: https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/new

You can copy your entry from here or link it to the issue. A current version number you are experiencing the issue would help aswell. Software Bugs / Improvements should be created as issue on github :) Maybe one of you can create the issue and the others can add information to drill down the problem.


Thank you!



Created issue #1252



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11 hours ago, duckey77 said:

Create a new Ghostfolio container Variable  NODE_ENV and set it to "production" to get it to run .

This resolved the 'no such file' error. Still getting the database error with the Community Apps container install. If you are not getting that error with Docker Compose then would that suggest the issue is with the CA template?

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Can someone explain to a database noob why one might choose Redis vs Postgres? Does it matter, is one faster? What are the tradeeoffs? Which one is more likely to be used by other containers? I currently dont run any apps that require databases and want to install ghostfolio, but if i'm going to install a database i may as well install one thats supported by other containers that i may want to use in the future (like maybe HomeAssistant?)


EDIT: It looks like i might want to install both as they seem to do slightly different things (cacheing vs database storage)

Edited by Taako
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2 hours ago, jdiacobbo said:

This resolved the 'no such file' error. Still getting the database error with the Community Apps container install. If you are not getting that error with Docker Compose then would that suggest the issue is with the CA template?

I worked on this some more, and I can confirm that docker-compose version of Ghostfolio works with CA Postgres 12, CA Redis Official using standard and

redis:alpine repository.

Edited by duckey77
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1 hour ago, duckey77 said:

If i remove the timezone environment variable from the docker creation the database queries work.  in the docker run command  -e TZ=<your timezone>    seems to break it.

This is definitely the culprit.  If I add a time zone variable to the docker compose env file I get the same db query errors.

Pardon my ignorance but how would I be able to edit the run command for the CA container to remove this variable?



I just ended up running the command in the terminal which worked.

Edited by jdiacobbo
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