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new sheres are created randomly

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24 minutes ago, EnderDeath said:

I keep getting new shares that are created out of no where

Any top-level folder on an array disk is automatically a share.  Something is creating these folders on an array drive.  Check docker containers and plugins to see if one is improperly configured and is creating these folders on the array.

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3 hours ago, Hoopster said:

Any top-level folder on an array disk is automatically a share.  Something is creating these folders on an array drive.  Check docker containers and plugins to see if one is improperly configured and is creating these folders on the array.

as far as I can see ( I checked 3 times) all the dockers are configured ok what exactly am I suppose to be looking for?

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2 hours ago, JonathanM said:

The names shown indicate that the offending container is one published by linuxserver.io.


Look for a host mapping showing /mnt/<disk or pool> instead of /mnt/user

Those are effectively the same location.    Should be looking for a mapping that is either one of those that should have at least one more folder level.    For instance a docker container that has a config folder directly mapped to /mnt/user instead of /mnt/user/appdata/appname which would be the normal location for such a folder.

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9 hours ago, JonathanM said:

The names shown indicate that the offending container is one published by linuxserver.io.


Look for a host mapping showing /mnt/<disk or pool> instead of /mnt/user

i think i got it is that it? (im using this SSD Drive in a pool for my plex mata data)

if that is the problem how do i use this pool for the mata data without this problem happening any more?

and thanks for the help :D


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32 minutes ago, EnderDeath said:

i think i got it is that it? (im using this SSD Drive in a pool for my plex mata data)

if that is the problem how do i use this pool for the mata data without this problem happening any more?

Quickest way would be to change /mnt/plex-meta-data/ to /mnt/plex-meta-data/appdata/plex/ , assuming your appdata share is not set to move or overflow to the array. Attach diagnostics if you want better advice.

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Yep, /mnt/plex-meta-data/appdata/plex/ should work fine.


Before you change it though, you should probably go to the shares page, and click compute on the appdata share. Apparently there is some data from that share on disk1, it should probably be moved to the cache pool if there is room. You should look on disk1 in the appdata folder to see what's there.

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33 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Yep, /mnt/plex-meta-data/appdata/plex/ should work fine.


Before you change it though, you should probably go to the shares page, and click compute on the appdata share. Apparently there is some data from that share on disk1, it should probably be moved to the cache pool if there is room. You should look on disk1 in the appdata folder to see what's


 there is 6B of data how do i find it?

and how can i configure /mnt/plex-meta-data/appdata/plex/ without bricking plex?







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3 hours ago, EnderDeath said:

 there is 6B of data how do i find it?

6 Bytes is probably not consequential, but if you click on the view button to the right of Disk1 on the main GUI page, you can browse what exactly is in the appdata folder and make a decision on whether it seems important or not.


3 hours ago, EnderDeath said:

how can i configure /mnt/plex-meta-data/appdata/plex/ without bricking plex?

Short answer, stop the plex container, move all the files and folders that are currently in /mnt/plex-meta-data into a newly created /mnt/plex-meta-data/appdata/plex/ folder, change the host mapping on the plex container, start it back up.


There are many different ways to move data around on the server, are you familiar / comfortable with one in particular? mc at the console would be my pick, there is a newly launched plugin that adds file management into the main GUI view buttons, and there are ways to move data directly over network shares as well, but that could possibly cause other issues.

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On 6/2/2022 at 7:37 PM, JonathanM said:

6 Bytes is probably not consequential, but if you click on the view button to the right of Disk1 on the main GUI page, you can browse what exactly is in the appdata folder and make a decision on whether it seems important or not.


Short answer, stop the plex container, move all the files and folders that are currently in /mnt/plex-meta-data into a newly created /mnt/plex-meta-data/appdata/plex/ folder, change the host mapping on the plex container, start it back up.


There are many different ways to move data around on the server, are you familiar / comfortable with one in particular? mc at the console would be my pick, there is a newly launched plugin that adds file management into the main GUI view buttons, and there are ways to move data directly over network shares as well, but that could possibly cause other issues.

ok i moved the files to (image.png.19d8581554368b7fb713e96a53580b79.png/mnt/plex-meta-data/Library/appdata/plex/) and after a few tries my plex is working again hope it will work fine now !

thank you so much btw!!! ❤️ 

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14 minutes ago, EnderDeath said:

i think its ok 

It will work that way because you are writing specifically to /mnt/plex-meta-data/Library/appdata/plex/, but if you or an app writes to /mnt/user/Library/appdata/plex/ it will go on the array and stay there. Turn on help and read the description for "Use cache pool".


You really need to work through how this stuff works so you can understand what went wrong originally, and how Unraid decides where files written to user shares are sent, and how user shares and disks / pools interact. I recommend watching Spaceinvader One's youtube on Unraid shares.

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3 hours ago, EnderDeath said:

i think its ok

No, you have it configured to write files to the array. (no use pool). You want it prefer (or only) plex-meta-data pool


5 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Make sure your Library share is set to keep the files only on the plex-meta-data pool


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10 hours ago, JonathanM said:

It will work that way because you are writing specifically to /mnt/plex-meta-data/Library/appdata/plex/, but if you or an app writes to /mnt/user/Library/appdata/plex/ it will go on the array and stay there. Turn on help and read the description for "Use cache pool".


You really need to work through how this stuff works so you can understand what went wrong originally, and how Unraid decides where files written to user shares are sent, and how user shares and disks / pools interact. I recommend watching Spaceinvader One's youtube on Unraid shares.

ok I watched the video so I think I know what I set up wrong ( I'll leave a link incase someone who is looking at this in the future wanna see the video )

so I changed it to this image.png.becbb88b70c8e7656aead462d84d9a22.png

I hope how its configured is ok now 

tnx for the feedback 





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