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Unraid locking up and not responding

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I use unraid mostly for Plex and have been having issues with unraid locking up and not responding. I spend a lot of time on the road so i notice it when i go to watch something and plex isn't available. It's happening more and more frequently. The only fix i have for now is to have the wife do a hard shutdown. 

I had her take some photos of the monitor that i plugged in since this has been happening. I thought it was the C state on the BIOS settings but unraid is still crashing even after i disabled it. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated! 



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2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Switch to ipvlan (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)).


Also and since btrfs is detecting data corruption run memtest.

Will do! Changed the network type.

The memtest, looks like you boot up unraid and then there's a memtest option before you choose which unraid type to boot (GUI or otherwise?) I've never done that before. 

My disk 2 has a UDMA count that goes up a few counts on every power cycle. I read that that doesn't seem to be a big concern but curious what you thought.

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