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Unraid Community Rockstars: kizer

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Maybe a small Rockstar.  I’ve had my fair share of mistakes. I’m pretty sure I accidentally deleted a HUGE Help threat one time vs moving it.  Eeeeekkkkk

Thanks for recognition @SpencerJ I’m just a small gear in the larger machine here. There are so many people here that put in so much effort in comparison, but I do love the community and I’m here for the long haul.  

Bring on the Roasting.  I’m sure I’ve said or done some questionable things over the years.  Lol.  


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12 hours ago, kizer said:

Bring on the Roasting.


12 hours ago, kizer said:

I’m pretty sure I accidentally deleted a HUGE Help threat one time vs moving it

The entire docker FAQ.  Not a huge issue in the greater scheme of things.  After all, no one ever actually looks in there when they have problems....  😜  (Told you I'd never let you forget it)

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4 hours ago, Squid said:


The entire docker FAQ.  Not a huge issue in the greater scheme of things.  After all, no one ever actually looks in there when they have problems....  😜  (Told you I'd never let you forget it)


That's the one!!!! I felt so bad and stupid at the same time. I'm glad everybody stepped up and rebuilt it too. I Knew you wouldn't forget nor stop reminding me. Keeps a person Humble. ;)

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