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[Support] kilrah/searxng

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, thank you for this container. I cannot seem to get this to work with nginx proxy manager though. All my other containers are working fine except this one. I'm assuming there is something that needs to be changed in the docker to allow this to proxy correctly? Any idea of want needs to be done?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Am I the only one with internal server error since the update yesterday?


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/webapp.py", line 1398, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/searxng/searx/redisdb.py", line 56, in initialize
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/commands/core.py", line 1194, in ping
    return self.execute_command("PING", **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/client.py", line 1255, in execute_command
    conn = self.connection or pool.get_connection(command_name, **options)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 1441, in get_connection
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 698, in connect
    sock = self.retry.call_with_retry(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/retry.py", line 46, in call_with_retry
    return do()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 699, in <lambda>
    lambda: self._connect(), lambda error: self.disconnect(error)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 1171, in _connect
AttributeError: 'UnixDomainSocketConnection' object has no attribute 'socket_timeout'
unable to load app 0 (mountpoint='') (callable not found or import error)
*** no app loaded. going in full dynamic mode ***
--- no python application found, check your startup logs for errors ---
[pid: 15|app: -1|req: -1/1] () {36 vars in 1944 bytes} [Sat Mar 25 11:50:20 2023] GET / => generated 21 bytes in 0 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500) 3 headers in 102 bytes (0 switches on core 0)
--- no python application found, check your startup logs for errors ---
[pid: 49|app: -1|req: -1/2] () {36 vars in 1942 bytes} [Sat Mar 25 11:50:20 2023] GET /favicon.ico => generated 21 bytes in 0 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500) 3 headers in 102 bytes (0 switches on core 0)


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  • 1 month later...

You can only map port in bridge mode, when on host or br0 the app's original port is always used. 

It's uncommon for dockerized apps to give a way to change it, especially for something simple like this where there is no reason not to run bridged.

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That would make sense in normal situations but Unraid's docker networking is a little.....unique from what I understand. The default bridge is hooked into the primary NIC of the server. If you want to run your docker containers on a secondary NIC -like me, you have to run that NIC in bridge with Vlans. Each container on that network gets its own IP on the host network. I've set up a number of other containers that use 8080 or the like but when you flip to the custom bridge network, it ignores the container default and uses the defined variable as the port. In my case, 80.


In this template, the reverse seems to be the case. Anything other than bridge forces the predefined container port and ignores the provided port variable.


This is the first time I've come across a container that acts like this.

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7 minutes ago, aglyons said:

If you want to run your docker containers on a secondary NIC

Yeah definitely not the standard unraid scenario...


There's nothing special about this template though.

7 minutes ago, aglyons said:

Anything other than bridge forces the predefined container port and ignores the provided port variable.

That's standard behavior, weird that you'd have seen otherwise. Note that if you change the ports in the template while on bridge mode then change to something non-bridge the port remains where you had set it which means it's not the app's one anymore and it breaks until you go into the edit dialog and change it, that's everywhere on unraid.


Seeing the doc you might be able to change the app port by adding a BIND_ADDRESS variable to the template.



Edited by Kilrah
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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone been able to proxy this docker with NGINX and an SSL cert? I am trying to put this container behind Authelia; however, Authelia requires the proxied site to have an SSL cert ... Unfortunately, once I add a cert to SearXNG (using the built in letsencrypt) I get a browser error of "TOO_MANY_HTTP_REDIRECTS" ... my other dockers don't have an issue with this, just SearXNG. Is there a redirect in the docker that I should know about and change?

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  • 6 months later...

Wow super fast reply. Thanks!


Do you have any idea why SearXNG is not respecting my settings.yml?


I have changed a few settings in the /appdata/searxng/settings.yml file and it doesn't seem to respect these as the defaults at all. I know that it used to but now it doesn't seem to.


I have a mostly default template setup:



The settings file doesn't seem to have any syntax errors or anything either. Mainly I wanted to turn on safesearch etc. and set centred results and so on. Yet it seems to just ignore these. I've also cleared cookies, tried on incognito and of course restarted the container a few times.


Any ideas?

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