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How do I pass-thru a usb stick to a docker ?


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I am running Home Assistant as a docker. This works fine for all ethernet connected smart-stuff but I want to be able to access my Zwave devices to.


For that I want to use the Aeotec Zwave+ Gen5 usb stick (I have it lying around and used to use it with a raspbery pi back in the day.


After adding the stick to unraid and rebooting I see it in devices.




Now within docker I can add a device, the interface takes me this far, but that looks like I am passing thru the whole usb port, is this correct? 




Any help is much appreciated !


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  • 10 months later...

I think I'm missing something.. all the threads seem to use /dev/ttyyll type command yet when I try that by adding a device it doesn't load as if the path is wrong.


I can however do /bus/usb/001/009 but the number of a device seems to change with every server restart...


My Intel Corp. AX210 Bluetooth was 008 then 010 & now its 009

Edited by dopeytree
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  • 7 months later...

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