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[Support] devzwf - Proxmox Backup Server Dockerfiles

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Overview: Support for Docker image Proxmox Backup Server

Application Name: proxmox-backup-server
Application:  https://github.com/ayufan/pve-backup-server-dockerfiles  / https://www.proxmox.com/en/proxmox-backup-server

Documentation: https://pbs.proxmox.com/docs/


This is an unofficial compilation of Proxmox Backup Server to run it in a container for AMD64 and ARM64.

Running in a container might result in some functions not working properly. Feel free to create an issue to debug those.


Make sure to look at the complete documentation


Please post any questions/issues relating to this template  in this thread.

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42 minutes ago, deano_southafrican said:

Was totally using the wrong auth option. Solved. This is great!

Let me know if i should put a note about this in the description.


Also,  all credit go to ayufan


Note: Dark mode work on this , i will see if he want include it directly on the build.


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Hello everyone,


first thanks for the container 👍


But I also have a question.


I set the Backup Dir to /mnt/user/backups/pbs/ that´s the share where all my backups live



In the container the added a Datastore named pbs with the \backups path like in the Backup Dir discription at the container settings. 

Backups work fine but I can´t find the backup files in /mnt/user/backups/pbs/ folder it just showes an empty folder.


Can anyone help me to find the files or tell me what I did wrong?


Thanks a lot

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3 hours ago, Bob@unraid said:

Hello everyone,


first thanks for the container 👍


But I also have a question.


I set the Backup Dir to /mnt/user/backups/pbs/ that´s the share where all my backups live



In the container the added a Datastore named pbs with the \backups path like in the Backup Dir discription at the container settings. 

Backups work fine but I can´t find the backup files in /mnt/user/backups/pbs/ folder it just showes an empty folder.


Can anyone help me to find the files or tell me what I did wrong?


Thanks a lot

 Hi @Bob@unraid
Did you create any backup yet ?

can you please post a

ls -al /mnt/user/backups/pbs


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Thanks for the fast reply. 

Yes I already did backups of 2 CTs, even scheduled ones worked. 

I will post the ls later today when I get home from work. 


Maybe worth a mention. I just created the Datastore, didn't change / set anything in  folder or storage tab 


Here is the output


root@unraid:~# ls -al /mnt/user/backups/pbs
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 robert users  6 Jan  7 00:21 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 74 Jan  9 18:11 ../


Edited by Bob@unraid
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does this implimentation also suffer from the "stale file handle" issue occuring, after the mover is invoked? When setting it up, the cache is set to "no" instead of the typical "yes".


I want to retire a separate pbs vm, which I had to reboot everytime before I ran a backup, since the nfs share file handles became stale when the backuped files were moved by unraid.

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On 1/9/2023 at 3:51 AM, Bob@unraid said:

Thanks for the fast reply. 

Yes I already did backups of 2 CTs, even scheduled ones worked. 

I will post the ls later today when I get home from work. 


Maybe worth a mention. I just created the Datastore, didn't change / set anything in  folder or storage tab 


Here is the output

  Hide contents

root@unraid:~# ls -al /mnt/user/backups/pbs
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 robert users  6 Jan  7 00:21 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 74 Jan  9 18:11 ../


You do not seem to have anything in the backup dir....
you should have at least ".gc-status" file

what is the setup of this share ?
can you check inside the container what you have in /backups

Edited by ZappyZap
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53 minutes ago, WoRie said:



does this implimentation also suffer from the "stale file handle" issue occuring, after the mover is invoked? When setting it up, the cache is set to "no" instead of the typical "yes".


I want to retire a separate pbs vm, which I had to reboot everytime before I ran a backup, since the nfs share file handles became stale when the backuped files were moved by unraid.

Honestly i did not try this use case 
nor did i hit this issue

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6 hours ago, ZappyZap said:


You do not seem to have anything in the backup dir....
you should have at least ".gc-status" file

what is the setup of this share ?
can you check inside the container what you have in /backups

It looks like i mounted my backups folder (datastore) directly in the docker.img.

The docker console shows 

# ls
backup  backups  bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  runit  sbin  src  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var





And here is what my Storage / Disk tabs looks like




Can anyone help me to mount the right folder in my backup share? I don´t get it.



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  • 1 month later...

Heyho, thanks fo this Docker Image its working great and i could bring my Backup Strategy to the next level.

BUT dadummm... xD


as shown by the "Open Files" Tools, PBS is holding a file open ".lock" which is keeping my device spinning. Is there a solution to get this file in the cache only and everything else like normal, so that the disk can spin down? Or can i split up the locations? that the .cache directory is on another share or something like that?


Thanks for help :)

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Heyho, thanks fo this Docker Image its working great and i could bring my Backup Strategy to the next level.

BUT dadummm... 

Oh i did not make this docker container all credit to Ayufan,  i only create the template for easy use on unraid


as shown by the "Open Files" Tools, PBS is holding a file open ".lock" which is keeping my device spinning. Is there a solution to get this file in the cache only and everything else like normal, so that the disk can spin down? Or can i split up the locations? that the .cache directory is on another share or something like that?

To be honest i did not hit this use case so hard for me to comment but i will try to replicate on my test server and see if there could be a solution

Edited by ZappyZap
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🤦‍♂️Thanks for that, didn't scroll over far enough in the extra parameters.  


Log is showing this error continuously. 

Error: Address already in use (os error 98)
rm: cannot remove '/etc/proxmox-backup/.*.lck': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/etc/proxmox-backup/*.lock': No such file or directory


Not sure what is going on; the service is reachable via HTTPS but the login still doesn't work.  Updated Unraid, restarted array, tried removing and cleaning out PBS container and reinstalling, but no dice. 

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On 2/19/2023 at 9:59 PM, Krunos said:

Heyho, thanks fo this Docker Image its working great and i could bring my Backup Strategy to the next level.

BUT dadummm... xD


as shown by the "Open Files" Tools, PBS is holding a file open ".lock" which is keeping my device spinning. Is there a solution to get this file in the cache only and everything else like normal, so that the disk can spin down? Or can i split up the locations? that the .cache directory is on another share or something like that?


Thanks for help :)

Nethermind, i think i solved it by myself. Proxmox Backup Server had nothing to do with this error. It was because of a big copy job which was running on another disk to that time, the problem was, that the folder structure was on this Disk and everytime a new file was moved, there was a little read/write on the Disk, therefore the Disk was active for a short time. Now the copy job is done (5TB) and all disks could spin down...

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9 minutes ago, Krunos said:

Nethermind, i think i solved it by myself. Proxmox Backup Server had nothing to do with this error. It was because of a big copy job which was running on another disk to that time, the problem was, that the folder structure was on this Disk and everytime a new file was moved, there was a little read/write on the Disk, therefore the Disk was active for a short time. Now the copy job is done (5TB) and all disks could spin down...

thanks for the update

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please check the perm on



ls -al /mnt/user/appdata/pbs/etc/
total 32
drwx------ 1   34   34  172 Feb 20 08:45 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root   20 Feb 20 08:44 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Feb 20 08:45 .initialized
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   24 Feb 20 08:45 acl.cfg
-rw------- 1 root root 3243 Feb 20 08:45 authkey.key
-rw-r----- 1 root   34  800 Feb 20 08:45 authkey.pub
-rw-r----- 1 root   34 1679 Feb 20 08:45 csrf.key
-rw-r----- 1 root   34 3243 Feb 20 08:45 proxy.key
-rw-r----- 1 root   34 2143 Feb 20 08:45 proxy.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   76 Feb 20 08:45 shadow.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   39 Feb 20 08:45 user.cfg


Many thanks for your assistance!  And apologies for my lack of Linux expertise.

I don't have /mnt/appdata..  It's under mnt/user/appdata for me.  Not sure what I'm looking for on the perms. 

Edited by m920x
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