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[SUPPORT] xavierh / actual-server

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/20/2023 at 11:13 AM, Agent531C said:

Is this any different than the existing actual-server container?


This "app" is created off the official docker image. The other one is like 7 months old; I noticed when I tried using a feature that wasn't available in that version.

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/14/2023 at 11:53 AM, BoKKeR said:

Is there a special way to run this? I try accessing 5006 and get 




If you click on the troubleshooting documentation link it'll explain it a bit. Basically you need HTTPS set up. However, you can click on the Advanced options link and you can get around but just make sure you don't have 2 tabs open at the same time.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Has anyone been able to get this container accessible through reverse proxy?

I don't know what the problem is- I've configured it in Nginx Proxy Manager the same way as many others, which all work. I'm using a wildcard certificate and configured the CNAME record the same way as my other subdomains. However, when I try to access the proxied version of Actual, I get an Error 526: Invalid SSL Certificate.


Anyone else run into this?

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Following up to my previous post: I have tried deleting my existing wildcard certificate and creating a new one. Again, all my other subdomains are working, but I can't get this one to work. Same Error 526. I also tried using my server IP instead of the container name in the "Forward Hostname / IP" field in Nginx Proxy Manager, with no success. And yes, the ActualServer container is running in the correct Docker network.

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  • 10 months later...

I don`t know why but the documentation on how to set up HTTPS was not working for me. If anyone else is runing into this problem, here is what I did:


1) I changed the mounted paths in the unraid docker configuration. I had to delete the two pathes for server und user and added just one data path


2) Under advanced view I changed the WebUi URL to HTTPS



3) Following this documentation https://actualbudget.org/docs/config/https/ I created the selfhost.key and selfhost.crt with the given openssl command, I created the config.json with the listed lines and put all three files into the mounted /data path /mnt/user/appdata/actual-server/


After restarting actaul it is now working with ssl but I have to confirm the not trusted self created ssl key

Edited by bubiman
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