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Unraid.net Account Upgrades


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3 hours ago, 0wja said:

For me, I run 2 servers, one of them says connected in Management Access but not in the My Servers site, the other one wasn't connected either after this update. I tried resetting my password, disabling MFA and try to connect it. In the end, I received an error saying:

Error: {"message":"Request failed with status code 406","data":{"error":"GUID already registered to another email (not matching [email protected])"}}

Doesn't make any sense to me, because they were both connected just fine before this update with my account.

We'll be rolling out a change to fix this ASAP.


On 3/4/2023 at 2:00 PM, jonpetersathan said:

Migration went smooth for me so far! I really like the new account page and having a direct link to the OTP Auth url, instead of having to decode the QR code manually, is really awesome, thanks!


Just a minor remark (it's more of convenience thing): When generating the OTP Auth URL (and the respective QR code), IMO the label shouldn't include the Amazon Cognito user id, but rather the account name. So instead of:


The URL with the (URL encoded) account name could look like this:


Or if you want to include the issuer prefix in the label:



I think this Is a bit more convenient and user-friendly when importing into other apps/services. But that's just my humble opinion...

Great advice. We've adopted your recommendation so you should see this going forward on new OTP registrations.


We've also rolled out changes to our password policy to require 12 characters with no other requirements- as well as validating passwords with haveibeenpwned.com in order to ensure compromised passwords are not used - please check out the blog post https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-net-account-upgrades for more information on these changes. 

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5 hours ago, 0wja said:

For me, I run 2 servers, one of them says connected in Management Access but not in the My Servers site, the other one wasn't connected either after this update. I tried resetting my password, disabling MFA and try to connect it. In the end, I received an error saying:

Error: {"message":"Request failed with status code 406","data":{"error":"GUID already registered to another email (not matching [email protected])"}}

Doesn't make any sense to me, because they were both connected just fine before this update with my account.


The code to fix this bug is now deployed. Give registration another shot - sorry for the inconvenience!

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I read most of the postings, but maybe I did not find it MFA will be forced on every user of the forum.


I know I am oldstyle, but I don't want the MFA.
I don't want to use (connect) a smartphone or any app (Authenticator) I don't really need(ed up until now).

If I could   I would not even give my data to AWS but as far as I read   that decision was already made from the forum side without asking.


So question: Will MFA be forced up on everyone?
Or ist there still the possibility for me to stay as I am and use the forum?
(I always used my Email to log in and from the beginning I used a strong and long password. I do not use MyServers or how that extension is named).

Edited by DataCollector
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On 3/1/2023 at 6:01 PM, GamerBS said:

How will the account recovery work? I didn't see an option to display/download recovery codes.

I just switched to this MFA, but wanted to emphasize, what is the recovery process if the new MFA app gets deleted on the users device, no backup codes were shared. Please clarify.

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11 hours ago, i_max said:

I just switched to this MFA, but wanted to emphasize, what is the recovery process if the new MFA app gets deleted on the users device, no backup codes were shared. Please clarify.


Unfortunately Cognito does not support this. You would need to contact support and we'd send you a token via email, when you respond with that token we'll disable MFA on your account.


If you are concerned about losing your codes you might want to look at a different app for MFA, one that syncs codes between devices. A lot of people like Authy for this, personally I use 1Password which handles both passwords and MFA codes seamlessly.

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On 3/5/2023 at 2:44 PM, akawoz said:

When going through this account migration it reminded me that Unraid still has a very old (and no longer active) email address.


I've successfully migrated using that old email address but when I attempt to change the email address I get the message that the email address was changed successfully, but then on logout and login I notice that it will only accept the old email address (which has reverted in the account settings).

I've attached a screen recording. Any ideas?



Also have the same issue. Email associated is a very old one, and I also would like to update to a newer one. But, I ran into the same loop you did. Hopefully we get some feedback on how to fix this.

Edited by cybrnook
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On 3/2/2023 at 8:16 PM, sonofdbn said:


So I've tried a few more times, including using a clean Edge browser, but still no luck when I click Enable MFA. Nothing happens. And because I keep on trying, Google Authenticator keeps on telling me I already have an unRAID account when I scan the QR code, and asks if I want to keep both accounts. I've always said no (because I can only imagine complications with two accounts).


Wasting far too much time on this. 😣


Just tried again, and now it's done. 👍

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On 3/1/2023 at 11:06 AM, JonathanM said:

I'm just concerned there will be a bunch of very confused people not able to log in.

I don’t visit the forums all that often but notices my server plug-in offline, when trying to login I no longer could as it wouldn’t accept my username or email address, thankfully a password reset got my back in☺️

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