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Taking the Plunge.... 6.9.2 to What?

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Basically, version 6.11.5 is a stable release.    Remember that the reason that you are seeing more problems with version 6.11.5 is that is the version that most folks are running.  Also, many of the problems are related to things like Dockers, VMs, and hardware. 


Look at the actual problems folks are having.  Would that problem even apply to your setup?  Did they solve it?  Remember that each upgrade often requires changes in the settings to get things to work right.  Some of these changes are required because of security issues. 


Actually delaying updates causes more problems than keeping your Unraid versions current.  You might not want to jump to a 6.XX.0 or 6.XX.1 version but try to stay no more that one major release behind.   That way, you only have to deal with the changes required to update from one version to the next one.  When you get two or more behind, then you also have to deal with the changes required for the versions that you are skipping.


If you do decide to update to version 6.11.5, be sure to read the release notes for both 6.10 and 6.11.


You don't have to update if you don't want to.  There are still folks running version 5!   That is your choice...


One thing to do is to make a full backup of your boot drive before you start.  Then make the upgrade and see if you have a problem that can't be addressed.  (More recent versions of Unraid are requiring updated plugins and going back to an earlier version can be a hassle without a full boot drive backup of the earlier version.) 



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26 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

Actually delaying updates causes more problems than keeping your Unraid versions current...


You don't have to update if you don't want to.  There are still folks running version 5!   That is your choice...

Other problems with not being up-to-date.


Current plugins may not be compatible with old versions. And getting support for old plugins may not be possible.


Getting support for old version of Unraid might also be a problem since all the people that like to help out aren't using old versions.

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5 minutes ago, trurl said:

Other problems with not being up-to-date.


Current plugins may not be compatible with old versions. And getting support for old plugins may not be possible.


Getting support for old version of Unraid might also be a problem since all the people that like to help out aren't using old versions.


Agreed. While I have never needed support or had to update Unraid specifically due to a bug, dockers/plugins is a different story. While 6.9.2 has been so rock solid, the number of dockers/plugins that can't be updated because of 6.9.2 not being supported is the biggest issue now.



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Be sure to see if you are using any plugins that are not 6.11 compatible.


First up is NerdPack (provides ability to install more smaller things), if so transition to NerdTools (similiar to NP but 6.11 compatible) or plan to after the upgrade. I think the approach I used was to write down what I actually used from NP, uninstalled it, upgraded OS, installed NT, then installed what I used from my list.


Next up is NUT which is an alternative Battery UPS plugin. Most simply use the normal APCUPSD instead. There is a newer version of this being maintained by an active community developer. You should switch over to their version, if you need it. This may only be required if you plan on going to 6.12.x series once it releases.


Those were my two largest updates that I needed when upgrading.


Oh, I did have to upgrade my version of PUTTY on all my other windows systems so I could SSH into unraid. Something about newer cipher algorithms or certs being used and removing compromised older ones. Without this client software update it couldn't negotiate a connection.


At the same time I also switched my dockers from macvlan to ipvlan. That was painless for me, but I did need to adjust the docker config to remove the old params and use the newer params in order for them to start.


For my VMs, I pulled down newest vm tools and made sure to update them inside the VM after the unraid update.


I may have been lucky, but going from 6.9 to 6.11 was uneventful for me.

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