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I am looking to start Fresh-ish with 6.12

I currently updated and converted my 4 Pool / Cashe drives to ZFS but when I restored the data nothing came back :(

I am not to worried because my system was becoming a mess and I was wanting a reason to start over.

How do i go about doing that without losing all my data on my 28 Array drives with 80TB of storage.

I followed this guide and post 5 but I think I messed up.



Edited by Soulflyzz
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Update I follow through with the recommendation i read on the post i linked in the first request.

the sever boots up and I can get into Unraid GUI with the second option but the server will not load up on local host or the local ip.

I cannot pull a diagnostic due to not having access to the Unraid menu system unless there is a way for me to do in in the CLI.


Any direction on how I can get a fully restored Unraid without losing the data on my Array drives would still be helpful.

And if I'm past the point of no return how to get started from ground 1 would also be helpful.

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I have another question since the restart, I can open a new post if wanted.


I see in the main dashboard that I have a ZFS bar that I assume is ZFS memory it is pegged at 90 - 100% all the time.
Is there a way to give it more memory or is this going to be a bottle neck I will continue to struggle with.

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11 minutes ago, Soulflyzz said:

it is pegged at 90 - 100% all the time.

This is normal, you can give it more RAM, by default it uses 1/8 of installed RAM, ARC will always use as much RAM as possible from the assigned max, that's the point of the ARC, if you give it half your RAM it will still reach 100% use, but it may perform better.

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