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"Problems have been found with your server" Please just STOP.

Go to solution Solved by SpencerJ,

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I get a string of these messages daily. It is LITERALLY NEVER an issue with the server. It is strictly notifying me of updates to Dockers or Plugins.
How can I stop this behavior? No lie, I am unreasonably upset about this presently but I am very serious as well. I should never get notifications of "Problems" unless there are f*cking PROBLEMS. Updates are NOT problems.

Is there a new toggle somewhere that I can say "Hey, I can check for updates on my own" or "Do not notify about updates until x amount of time has passed?
Mostly I am pissed because I literally never had it say this unless there was an actual issue. Now it is daily and things are straight up fine.
Sorry for the rant but as I said above "unreasonably upset" and I was in no way kidding.
I would sincerely appreciate some advice on how I can rectify this.

Thank You.

Currently running Version: 6.12.3 

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46 minutes ago, Squid said:

Have you hit "Ignore" on the specific warnings you're getting within Fix Common Problems...

I honestly do not like ignoring issues even simpler ones as it might no9t warn me when here actually is a problem, if that makes sense.

37 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

Notification settings.



That solves the seeing it part, but does nothing for why is Unraid suddenly saying there are problems when they are just updates. It is nerve-wracking to find these warning a it makes me worry something has happened to what is otherwise a perfectly heathy server. Hopefully that makes sense. 
It is a Dev issue that needs working out, I think. Unless it is just my wires are crossed and my definition of problem is no longer valid.
Thank you both.

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Not following.  FCP is telling you that there are updates available for some container and you don't want to see them and you don't want to tell FCP to ignore them.


Your message is not coming from the OS and notification settings.  It's coming from FCP which allows you to ignore (ie not send) any specific notification.

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Not following.  FCP is telling you that there are updates available for some container and you don't want to see them and you don't want to tell FCP to ignore them.


Your message is not coming from the OS and notification settings.  It's coming from FCP which allows you to ignore (ie not send) any specific notification.

I changed the frequency to one month for the time being.
My issue is it telling me there are problems when there in fact are no problems. Only updates to various containers and plugins. Does that make more sense?
Sorry Squid, honestly not trying to be obtuse here.

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1 hour ago, LordShad0w said:

I changed the frequency to one month for the time being.
My issue is it telling me there are problems when there in fact are no problems. Only updates to various containers and plugins. Does that make more sense?
Sorry Squid, honestly not trying to be obtuse here.

Why not set FCP to NOT tell you that an outstanding update is a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I already marked this solved, I just wanted to say THANK YOU again for the help and understanding.
At the time I had pulled a double all nighter finishing a marathon build for a photographer friend whose rig had just bit the dust and he needed it ASAP for an upcoming show which needed his previous work edited.
I got it all done and ticked every box on my checklist for what needed to be done but along the way, I lost my entire mind, seemingly
(not really, I did lose my mind no seeming about it)

So thank you again for your massive levels of patience with someone who is now immensely grateful. I didn't deserve your kindness, but it is appreciated.

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