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UnRaid showing different names for folders (Replaced with random letters) when viewing via SMB Mac

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi! Just started transferring lots of old drives to my array via Krusader. All going well - but then when i delved in via my mac I can see that some folders the names aren't transfering peroply. So I checked via the Unraid UI and it's correct but when accessing on my mac they are incorrect. Why could this be? On the screenshot, the left is the Unraid UI which is correct, and on the right is mac which isn't. It seemed to have show as random letters and numbers on my mac.


Any help? 

Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 00.53.51.png

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On 3/20/2024 at 11:26 PM, Squid said:

Can you post your diagnostics.   Also, if you delete the .DS_Store file 

rm "/mnt/user/Personal and Backups/Backups/.DS_Store"


and then disconnect and reconnect the server / folder in finder does it show correctly?


Hi All! I've tried deleting the DS Store file and it didn't work. 


Here is my diagnostic file.. I'd really appreciate a hand here. 

Thanks all x 


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I encountered this problem and traced it to situations (copy files via SMB) where the file name or folder name ends with one or more blank spaces. It seemed odd that SMB should mangle the file name or folder name when it ends in a blank space. I wasn't inclined to investigate the problem further or raise it with SMB project.


Of course, this might not be the trigger for mangled folder/file names in your situation.

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7 hours ago, Squid said:

Can you install Fix Common Problems via the Apps tab and run it.  I *think* you may have inadvertently sent stuff to /mnt/disk3 or something that doesn't actually exist.  FCP should show that.

Sadly it came up with no errors

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4 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Did you check if they have a blank space in the end? That can cause what you are seeing, you can also try disabling mangled files on Samba, but then, they might no show up over SMB.



Why on earth would this be the problem???

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Been deleting the space after the name in Krusader... then re-connecting to the drive in mac and it shows correctly. It also gives it a drive location in the Unraid IU now. Thank you so much. 


I'm so confused why this would happen

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3 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Because not every OS can display names correctly with spaces in the end over SMB, so Samba purposely "mangles" the names, to make sure they are displayed.

Well shows what I know! Thanks so much for this. No idea why I would have put spaces there in the first place but hey... old archive drives for you! Thanks for your help!

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Yep, I had a similar reaction. I was feeling incredulous that an "innocuous" space would result in such a loss! Then I just accepted it, renamed a few dozen directory/folder names and file names, and got on with life.


"Life. Don't talk to me about life" Marvin The Paranoid Android


On macOS I routinely use A Better Finder Rename 12 at several different points in my "managing media for Plex Media Server" workflow. A Better Finder Rename 12 can scan and correct this type of problem before large copies from macOS Finder to Unraid over SMB.

Edited by Maxrad
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