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Forum Upgraded, and Other News


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The LimeTech forum has been updated to latest SMF release.  Please let me know if you see any problems.


Other news:


Next unRaid release - now that linux kernel 3.2 is released, I will integrate and post one more 5.0-beta, thereafter, 5.0-rc1, then 5.0 "final".


Website - after forum update and some website tweaks we will be moving from shared hosting to a VPS.  They tell me this will be "painless", we'll see.


Company - We are changing to a C-Corp and moving to San Diego, CA area sometime in February.  As soon as we have secured space out there I will post another announcement regarding this.  Probably the main thing anyone would care about is that once in CA, we have to start charging CA sales tax...


Servers - We are working with a company in So. Calif. to design a new series of servers.  These servers will all include "trayless" hard drive cages with choice of three electronic packages: "Low Power", "Standard", and "High Performance".


More later......



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Thanks for all the hard work. Let me know if u need help (other than beta testing).




sent from my HTC desire using tapatalk


i'm actually going to place an order for two keys in a couple of hours. Will i have any issues, if i do it before this change happens?




with HD prices where they are, i need to expand my array ASAP.


i'm actually going to place an order for two keys in a couple of hours. Will i have any issues, if i do it before this change happens?




with HD prices where they are, i need to expand my array ASAP.


No issues.


sent from my HTC desire using tapatalk


How do you like using tapatalk?

I think it is very helpful. It allows me to keep up with all my forums while being on the road.


Will I still be able to use it with the new forum?


sent from my HTC desire using tapatalk


These servers will all include "trayless" hard drive cages with choice of three electronic packages: "Low Power", "Standard", and "High Performance".


I'll take 1 with all the toppings, and cheap too thank you!.


Great news to hear you going to have some new hardware to offer along with UnRaid.


Looking forward to seeing the new site soon.





Other than sunshine, is there any other (non-personal) benefit to operating out of CA?


I just think that over time with their financial situation and taxes that more and more companies would do less and less business out of there.


I should know - I live in NY :)



Company - We are changing to a C-Corp and moving to San Diego, CA area sometime in February.  As soon as we have secured space out there I will post another announcement regarding this.  Probably the main thing anyone would care about is that once in CA, we have to start charging CA sales tax...


Will this sale tax be charged on all orders or just the ones for CA residents?



Company - We are changing to a C-Corp and moving to San Diego, CA area sometime in February.  As soon as we have secured space out there I will post another announcement regarding this.  Probably the main thing anyone would care about is that once in CA, we have to start charging CA sales tax...


Will this sale tax be charged on all orders or just the ones for CA residents?


Just CA, but not until we have established a nexus there.



Next unRaid release - now that linux kernel 3.2 is released, I will integrate and post one more 5.0-beta, thereafter, 5.0-rc1, then 5.0 "final".



How much effort will it be to get 3.2 incorporated?


Might the move slow down RC1 and final?


New forum looks snazzy!



I actually researched what a C-Corp is.  :) Learned something today.

Same here!  ;D


Congrats on the move to San Diego! Looking forward to more unRAIDing!



not sure if this is the right place to ask - but i just purchased the 2pack of pro licenses last night; will I still be able to use it for 5.0, or am i looking at an upgrade cost?


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