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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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can you get to the address on your pc/laptop?  might need to reboot your router.....





Having some issues on my side. A few weeks ago, things were working fine using your current plug-ins, but after a recent power outage, I cannot get Sabnzbd to actually start up. If it is set to run on a reboot, it hangs the server on the start-up and I have to telnet in to manually kill the process. Just tried a manual install via telnet and here is the error I get at the end of the process:


-certificate https://github.com/downloads/Influencer/UNplugged/device_status.png ... wget: unable to resolve host address `github.com'

bad download, deleting


Appears that it could be network related, but not sure why that would be occurring all of the sudden or how to resolve. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Looks like it'd be easy enough to do, I'll have to install it and play with it a bit to see what all it needs though. I'll keep you updated on it, :)


Just Installed, it works great with little setup. I'll have to give it another go after rebooting so I can remove all dependencies and see what it needs to start, but I should be able to whip this one up pretty quickly.


Hilly, I could never reproduce the error your seeing, and honestly have no clue why its not installing for you. Will PM shortly and see if we can figure it out. I'm pretty sure I've mirrored your setup as closely as I can but no luck so far.


i see that you have been busy troubleshooting the last few days, but any chance you have had any progress on this one? not pushing for a release date, just curious about progress.  ;D

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Hi, great plugins!


Since upgrading to these new versions  I have lost access to the advanced sections to be able to choose the install branch.

Was it a concious decision to hide/remove them? ...... or have I done something.

It is there with a <div style="display: none;"> in Sickbeard, so can't see/access them in the settings.


I am keen to install a branch of Sickbeard ...




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Hi Influencers,


Can I make a suggestion, can you please version your plugins in unraid, and when an upgrade is avaliable for the plugins to then indecate the new version. I am refering to your plugins not the Sickbeard or Sab ect.


I ask this becasue from the plugin/settings page I can see the upgrade plugin button but clicking it does not tell me if it was successful or not and the upgrade option remainds.


Awesome plugins though

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I'm having an issue with the sickbeard plugin causing the unraid web interface to die.  I've made sure it's not on the same port, tried changing run as from nobody to root, tried with no data directory and still no luck.  The only way to get it back is to login to sickbeard and shut it down.  Then the web gui for unraid comes right back.  Any ideas?

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Next time it happens run this:


ps aux ¦ grep sickbeard


See if you have a defunct process. I think you will. If so that is a bug I've been trying to reproduce but for some reason can't. I am almost positive it is an issue with Sickbeard itself but with no way to reproduce I can't verify or figure out a work around. I have another rig ordered, should be here this week, once I get it set up ill have another test machine I can hopefully reproduce this on.

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I seem to get this error when I'm trying to install these. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


root@Tower:~# installplg /boot/config/plugins/sickbeard_unplugged.plg
installing plugin: sickbeard_unplugged

Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/boot/config/plugins/sickbeard_unplugged.plg" in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 13
xml parse error

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No problem, just glad to be getting some help figuring it out. (and the plugin is definitely in /boot/config/plugins)

The output from that is


root@Tower:~# ls -l /boot/config/plugins/

total 8

drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 8192 2012-06-07 17:12 Notifications/


Feel like I'm being light on details so if it makes a difference I am on unRAID OS version 5.0-rc3, have the Simple features and Plex plugins installed.

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