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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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just had a power outage, ups shutdown as it should but upon bootup sabnzbd will not reinstall - looks like something is wrong with sourceforge, does not come back with a file.....


can we not save a copy of the last source file in the plugins defined data dir and the plugin can install from that file instead of downloading it upon every boot?

that way if it cant be found - it will still work with the version saved.....  this is a pain




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Thansk influencer! Got it up and running.


But I am having an annoying problem now. I have installed the script in Chrome browser and everything works, EXCEPT after about 10 minutes couchpotato becomes unresponsive, the script won't load and I can't log into the program.


The only way to fix this is to log in to the unraid console and click on "restart plugin" then it works for about another 10 minutes... Any ideas?

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Thansk influencer! Got it up and running.


But I am having an annoying problem now. I have installed the script in Chrome browser and everything works, EXCEPT after about 10 minutes couchpotato becomes unresponsive, the script won't load and I can't log into the program.


The only way to fix this is to log in to the unraid console and click on "restart plugin" then it works for about another 10 minutes... Any ideas?


+1 on the CouchPotato problems.  Does your installation move/scan files?  If not, we have the same problems.


I have a few problems with CouchPotato, and I think it might be permission related.  First off, CP seems to be running very slow; it takes a very long time to access the web gui, especially when compared to everything else that I have installed (sickbeard, sabnzbd, headphones, htpcmanager).  Secondly, CP is unable to manage my Movies.  I have it pointed to: "/mnt/user/Movies" to access the Movies share I made in unRAID but it never scans or adds it to its database.  The manage page in CP shows 0%.  Lastly, CouchPotato does not move the files to that directory (that same usershare) once sabnzbd downloads it.  It does rename the movies, though.  I have Headphones moving (to my Music share) and renaming just fine without messing with permissions.  Any ideas?
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I would say investigate your couchpotato logs for possible clues...you can send the log my way and I can look at it, but no promises, my expertise with couchpotato is very limited, as I said, I personally do not use it except to test. I can say it runs 24/7 on my server(I just never turn it off after testing) and it never becomes unresponsive.

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I am currently thinking about switching my current SABnzbd + Sickbeard setup from my QNAP to an unRAID server and was very happy when I found out about your plugins. Some things I weren't sure about:


Are there any problems using a raid drive as data drive (I don't use a cache drive)? How would one do this? Use a specific share, a drive directly?


When using the sickbeard post processing script, do I have to copy this every reboot? I currently use symbolic links on my NAS so that I can just pull new GIT releases and the script locations remain intact...





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I'm not sure about using a raid volume but as long as its hardware raid it should work fine, you'll need to use another plugin to mount the raid volume on boot but other than that you'll be fine. You can post a thread in user customization inquiring more about this, I know other users have done so.


As for the scripts, I put them in sabs scripts folder, as long as your Sab data directory is persistent (on a disk) it will survive a reboot and you don't need to symlink or copy over again.

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Hi Influencer,


many thanks for your quick reply!


I should have been a little clearer on what I mean, sorry:


- with raid drive I was referring to the unRAID portion that is not the cache drive, the protected portion so to speak. The followup question referred to either writing the sabnzbd data to /mnt/disk[n]/... or /mnt/[somenewshare]/


- I am using symlinks currently because even if I pull a new update for Sickbeard and the postprocessing script changes (inside the SickBeard folder) it also changes in sabnzbds script directory (through the symlink)

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You can use an array drive, I've had some issues with the plugin starting before the array which will cause the array not to start, I'm going to work at fixing that as soon as I have time. You can use a spare drive and use a plugin as mentioned before to make an apps drive as well.


For the symlink question, I havent seen the script change since it was released, not saying it isn't possible though! But a symlink would work fine in this case as well.

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I did this

`cp /usr/local/sickbeard/autoProcessTV/* /mnt/cache/apps/sabnzbd/scripts/`


then Go to the sabnzbd webgui and go to Config > Categories.


Make a category with the same name you made the category for sickbeard above(TV, tv, Tv, IloveRainbows), remember, capitalization is important! You can leave the download path blank, select the sabtosickbeard.py script


but i dont see any sabtosicbeard.py script, where do i chose this


when i look into sabznbd/scripts , there are 4 files






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Yes, make sure the folder is set correctly. You may have to chmod or chown the file, I can't remember right off.


Also try restarting Sab. I can't remember if I had to do any of that but its worth a try.


chmod or chown shouldn't matter, as long as the user running sab can read the files. (execution rights are not necessary).

restart should also not be necessary, but can't hurt...

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have you set up the search provider inside sickbeard? without search provider, the app can't look for the downloads.

also check that the sabnzbd api key is correct in your sickbeard config.


a look in the logs should also tell, what's wrong.

maybe you just have to let it run for some more time...

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have you set up the search provider inside sickbeard? without search provider, the app can't look for the downloads.

also check that the sabnzbd api key is correct in your sickbeard config.


a look in the logs should also tell, what's wrong.

maybe you just have to let it run for some more time...


When i click the search button, he says he cant find anything

Yes i filled in api key, and when i click test, it says its ok

About search provider... I dunno.. Those you have to pay for? Doesnt he just look for nzb like on binsearch.info or nzbindex or something?


Only wombles index is marked standard.. I dunno.. Maybe thats wrong..

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i'm currently using following providers in this order:

- womble

- nzbmatrix (yes, it's not free, but it's a small one-time-fee, and it's the site i get most of my files from)

- nzbindex (has to be added manually i think (bottom of the page, add new provider: http://www.nzbindex.nl/ ))

- sick beard index


some of the providers need to be configured (username, api key, etc.)


with this config, sickbeard finds most of the files i'm looking for. there are always some files, it doesn't find (especially for older series).

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Alright needs some help guys. Installed everything on one server everything is working great. Not so much for the second one.


I installed sickbeard and sabnzbd plugins without an issue, however, couchpotatao would not initialize for some reason. It would just be stuck at this screen forever and would not initialize.



Well I decided maybe a reboot was in order. So I rebooted the system and now I can't login! The console does not come up at all and I can't do anything.


The only thing I can do is login through telnet which works fine. But I am a linux newb so don't really know what to do other than type "root."

Can someone help me out?

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for some reason, couchpotato doesn't want to start...

to get the webgui running again, you have to kill the hanging couchpotato process. login via telnet, type "ps aux" and search for the line with "python /mnt/cache/apps/couchpotato_v2/CouchPotato.py". there is a number at the beginning of the line. type "kill 1111111" where 11111111 is the number you just got.

now the startup process should continue and the webgui should be accessible (after a short time)


then a copy of /var/log/syslog and the couchpotato log (in your couchpotato data dir) would help to find the error

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