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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Has anyone else had an issue where the servers web gui won't start up on reboot when either couchpotato or mylar plg's are set to auto install by being in /boot/config/plugins?


which webgui do you use? i think i remember there being an issue with simple_features webgui and couch potato, but a quick search may help. Also you will need to show us the logs


#copy syslog to flash so you can post to the forums

cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog.txt


#check permissions of a directory, as well as what files are there

ls -l /path/to/directory


#list all packages that auto install on your system

ls /boot/packages/*.auto_install


#list all plug-ins that auto install

ls /boot/config/plugins/

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Has anyone else had an issue where the servers web gui won't start up on reboot when either couchpotato or mylar plg's are set to auto install by being in /boot/config/plugins?


which webgui do you use? i think i remember there being an issue with simple_features webgui and couch potato, but a quick search may help. Also you will need to show us the logs


#copy syslog to flash so you can post to the forums

cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog.txt


#check permissions of a directory, as well as what files are there

ls -l /path/to/directory


#list all packages that auto install on your system

ls /boot/packages/*.auto_install


#list all plug-ins that auto install

ls /boot/config/plugins/


I'm using simple features core 1.0.5. I've since rebooted so I don't think the syslog will help. But perhaps since I rebooted with powerdown it saved it somewhere, I'll double check. I searched around but perhaps I'm not using the right combination of spaces or no spaces with "simple features" and "couch potato".


root@unRaid:~# ls /boot/packages/*.auto_install
/boot/packages/openssl-0.9.8n-i486-1.txz.auto_install*  /boot/packages/powerdown-1.02-noarch-unRAID.tgz.auto_install*
/boot/packages/perl-5.10.0-i486-1.tgz.auto_install*     /boot/packages/screen-4.0.3-i486-1.tgz.auto_install*
root@unRaid:~# ls /boot/config/plugins/
airvideo/                  maraschino/                openvpn_client_ver_2.6.4.plg*  simpleFeatures/                                 transmission/
airvideo-0.8-i486-rj.plg*  maraschino_unplugged.plg*  plexmediaserver/               simpleFeatures.core.webGUI-1.0.5-noarch-1.plg*  transmission_unplugged.plg*
couchpotato_v2/            mylar/                     sabnzbd/                       subsonic/                                       transmission_unplugged.plg.old*
headphones/                openssh/                   sabnzbd_unplugged.plg*         subsonic-4.7-5.1jj.plg*
headphones_unplugged.plg*  opensshd-0.6-i486-rj.plg*  sickbeard/                     swapfile/
images/                    openvpn/                   sickbeard_unplugged.plg*       swapfile.plg*

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Does anybody know if the Transmission used by Influencer supports automatic loading of .torrent files?


I have been onto their support and amended the settings.json file with:


    "watch-dir": "/mnt/user/Dropbox/Transmission",

    "watch-dir-enabled:": true


But it won't work, there is a note in the help files saying:


Note: When watch-dir-enabled is true, only the transmission-daemon, transmission-gtk, and transmission-qt applications will monitor watch-dir for new .torrent files and automatically load them.


I presume this transmission is not one of those transmissions that support it?



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Does anybody know if the Transmission used by Influencer supports automatic loading of .torrent files?


I have been onto their support and amended the settings.json file with:


    "watch-dir": "/mnt/user/Dropbox/Transmission",

    "watch-dir-enabled:": true


But it won't work, there is a note in the help files saying:


Note: When watch-dir-enabled is true, only the transmission-daemon, transmission-gtk, and transmission-qt applications will monitor watch-dir for new .torrent files and automatically load them.


I presume this transmission is not one of those transmissions that support it?




Maybe this thread will help: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=21260.msg227039#msg227039


Let us know what works. I'd be interested.

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Does anybody know if the Transmission used by Influencer supports automatic loading of .torrent files?


I have been onto their support and amended the settings.json file with:


    "watch-dir": "/mnt/user/Dropbox/Transmission",

    "watch-dir-enabled:": true


But it won't work, there is a note in the help files saying:


Note: When watch-dir-enabled is true, only the transmission-daemon, transmission-gtk, and transmission-qt applications will monitor watch-dir for new .torrent files and automatically load them.


I presume this transmission is not one of those transmissions that support it?




Maybe this thread will help: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=21260.msg227039#msg227039


Let us know what works. I'd be interested.


Hey, and thanks, that's the one i've been reading.


As it turns out it was a typo and i was just coming back to here to update my post :)


too many colons, should be    "watch-dir-enabled": true and not    "watch-dir-enabled:": true

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Is there a complete settings.json file that would enable these settings currently hidden in the GUI? seems as though it would be a lot easier.


In the transmission GUI? No, I'm 99% sure there is not. For as long as I remember you've always had to do that stuff in settings.json.

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Is there a complete settings.json file that would enable these settings currently hidden in the GUI? seems as though it would be a lot easier.


In the transmission GUI? No, I'm 99% sure there is not. For as long as I remember you've always had to do that stuff in settings.json.


okie doke, well at least in the last week my linux skills have improved, but this certainly is a far cry from the windows environment i'm use to :)

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Hi All,


I was using LazyLibrarian plugin provided by WW, located at https://github.com/W-W/unRAID


however it is vary much out of date,the project was taken over by LibrarianMike who seemed to disappear at christmas and deleted all the code with him :S


so now Herman Rogers has taken over and continued to update this great Ebook downloader



the issue is that my skills are limited and just changing the git clone line in the original plugin no longer works so I guess there are different dependancies etc.


@Influencer, any chance of a new plugin using the new codebase?


I would do it myself, but I really dont have the first clue beyond trying what I already did


LazyLibrarian would be a great addition to the Influencers plugin range!


thanks  ;D

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I am a noob, currently just finished installing SAB and configured it however SB  will not open it's web site when I hit running. I have checked everything and all seems to be correctly installed and running correctly, how ever when ever I click running it opens SAB. Ok I know  it is a SAB pluggin however it dosent seem to be installed there.

Please note I have also installed CP and it opens up its own  web page first time I hit running.



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I am a noob, currently just finished installing SAB and configured it however SB  will not open it's web site when I hit running. I have checked everything and all seems to be correctly installed and running correctly, how ever when ever I click running it opens SAB. Ok I know  it is a SAB pluggin however it dosent seem to be installed there.

Please note I have also installed CP and it opens up its own  web page first time I hit running.





Check your config, I think by default both Sickbeard and SAB both install using port 8081, they need to be different.

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I seem to be having a little speed issue.  I realize the usenet scene has been a bit wonky as of late.  However with my sabnzbd running on unRAID I am getting about 50-300KB/s, but if I run sabnzbd (or another reader) on another computer i get my full speed of about 2MB/s.  I've tried it with many different NZBs, and using two different usenet providers.  Results are the same, unRAID gets very low speeds and other computer runs full.  Any ideas?

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The setup is the exact same.  It is consistently slow, I haven't seen it go past 400KB/s in days now.  The files download onto the cache drive, and then get moved later on.  According to top there aren't any other active processes.

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Owkay.... Since the setup is the same, and the provider is the same... Then the difference might be network related ? Is the system attached to the same network ?  Do you have QOS enabled in some way that throttles download speed ? Ho w is your unraid box connected, 100mb / 1gb ?  What about when you transfer files to and from the box, is that speedy ?

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Same network, there is no QOS.  unRAID is connected to a 1000mbit.  Reading from the server depending on the file i get 40mb/s to 80mb/s.  Writing is about the same.


However I just ran a script found here.  And when running the test it will start at 2.5M/s, then slowly drop down to ~100K/s, then climb back up, then fall back down, and currently its sitting at 200KB/s.


So it looks like it is a definite internet issue.

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Same network, there is no QOS.  unRAID is connected to a 1000mbit.  Reading from the server depending on the file i get 40mb/s to 80mb/s.  Writing is about the same.


However I just ran a script found here.  And when running the test it will start at 2.5M/s, then slowly drop down to ~100K/s, then climb back up, then fall back down, and currently its sitting at 200KB/s.


So it looks like it is a definite internet issue.


What kind of motherboard are you using ? and what amount of memory ? The moment you see the low speed try the following command from console and see what happens:


sysctl vm.highmem_is_dirtyable=1

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Thanks for your help, but I just assumed it was the new (an old one i had) motherboard i put in it.  So I just put the original motherboard back in, and lo and behold my network problems are gone, but so are the other problems I was having.  Guess it's time to actually buy a new motherboard, and not try to use my old sketchy parts I have sitting around.

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I just started using unraid, and found the plugin here for transmission, however one of the sites i use is rather picky about which version of transmission is used, would it work if i replaced the download with one of the 2.42 .tar.bz2 file? or are there older versions available?


Edit: found an old version by looking around, in this thread



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Hi all,


I am still a newbee and am having no end of trouble


I am posting here as I suspect that I may have an application issue and all my plugins where possible have been installed using the Influencer pluggins


current system

2.2GHz w 40GB Cache ( IDE) Array 3+1 TB ( 3TB Parity - This is always orange is this correct ?)


For days now


in the evening my system main page crashes and become non responsive via the GUI - last night however it crashed proper and was not even available via Telnet.


I am running the following apps


Simple features - (not all the apps as some will not install )



Couch Potato

Sick Beard


I run Plex through my MAC MINI connected to the unraid server via network


I went through last night and fixed up all my configurations following the recommended directions that Influencer proposed,

All apps are installed into the Ram drive so they are refreshed every time I reboot

all app data is installed on the cache drive to persist after reboot, I have then gone through and made these cache only drives


so ( Turned of disk 1 + 2 ) and enabled cache only


I also have a time machine share ( I am not sure but I suspect that this may also be causing some of the issues)


again not writing to the cache and only to one disk


History of issues

night 1 - lost connectivity to system GUI however SAB and CP continued to work however SB came up as "not installed"


when I tried to shut down the array it would go into a loop trying to unmount the drives, I was forced to try and stop the manually. They still came up showing a dirty shut down and SAB and SB lost all configurations,

- installed a stop script on my Flash drive 


Night 2 - again same thing happend however I suspect that Transmission was also coming up as "Not installed" however even the flash drive stopped responding and would not read. so was unable to run the stop script again came up dirty on reboot


Night 3 - again lost connectivity  - Tenet in and ran Script drive and stopped everything correctly, on reboot lost every thing


Night 4 - went back to the beginning again and checked out the influencer blog and installed apps as per his instructions, configured every thing and did a trial shut down via the GUI - all worked !! So decided to really give it a go and set it up to do a whole lot of downloading. all look fine, in the morning the server was not contactable at all, no GUI no Telnet, I managed to save the log this time as I setup the monitor onto the machine and did it locally and also ran the stop command, - error that I got was the SAMBA was not running however it did unmount the array, - clean boot and all systems retained their settings.


Hopefully I have not lost any one, and as you can see I have been trying to work through the issues and still no joy, I am really loving my HTPC using Plex ( I  want to do more but am concerned that it is all going to become more difficult to trouble shoot as I add more to it) So I am really looking to get a stable system and go from there, however a system that needs a reboot every night is not really stable.


Possible issues ?

App config issue ?

Possible Hardware issue? IDE 40GB harddrive been used for a number of years

Incorrect setup of time machine or to large a time machine setup (400GB ) - am going to turn this off until I know what is going on

Someone please help !!




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I'm mobile right now but I can tell you that the couch potato and Mylar plugins can't be in the /boot/config/plugins. For whatever reason for me my GUI isn't accessible on boot up if the are and I have to install them manually. As for all your issues I would run your system with the stock go file and no plugins. I've had prowls where my GUI becomes unresponsive and I personally think I was running out of ram, so you could be running too much. Hopefully someone can look over your log and give you a more thorough answer but these are just a few thoughts. Good luck

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