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ProFTPD Plugin for unRAID v6.8.x


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Ok, I am still have pasv problems


I can connect, login etc but cant get a dir listing


I have added the following to my .conf file


PassivePorts 50000 50500

MasqueradeAddress	myname.dyndns.org  # using a DNS name
# MasqueradeAddress      # using an IP address

DebugLevel 10


I have forwarded the 50000 to 50500 to the unraid ip


I get the following:


230 User xxxxxxbackup logged in

Remote system type is UNIX.

Using binary mode to transfer files.

ftp> ls

227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,84,39,196,106).

ftp: connect: Connection timed out


The ip is correct for my home network in both the remote ftp program outside my home network and in the syslog.


but it always times out....


Sep 15 18:53:51 Tower proftpd[24998]: (207.58.143.xxx[207.58.143.xxx]) - dispatching CMD command 'PASV' to mod_core                                                  
Sep 15 18:53:51 Tower proftpd[24998]: (207.58.143.xxx[207.58.143.xxx]) - in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/mnt/user/xxxxxxbackup/'.                          
Sep 15 18:53:51 Tower proftpd[24998]: (207.58.143.xxx[207.58.143.xxx]) - Entering Passive Mode (xx,xxx,84,39,196,106).                                               
Sep 15 18:53:51 Tower proftpd[24998]: (207.58.143.xxx[207.58.143.xxx]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASV' to mod_log                                               







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@all: Working on a 6.1.x compatible version now. There are still some things to iron out, but I think it will run fine in the most cases.



Did you download the ftp package and install it on your unRAID server and did you try to login on the unRAID server using localhost first? Does it work then, or not?! I asked you two times to check this and I got no response. Please try this first, so we can figure out the problem step by step. I won't be able to help you otherwise. Sorry.

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Can you please try to add

IdentLookups    off
UseReverseDNS   off

to your proftpd.conf, too?


Also I found a post saying

<IfModule mod_facts.c>
    FactsAdvertise off

might help also. I can't check at the moment if I have compiled using the mod_facts module, but it can't hurt to test.

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Hmm... Are there any new error messages in the syslog regarding the added configuration options? I fear I have no idea what is going wrong at the moment. As access works from your local network, I believe this is more of a pfsense problem. What do the logs of the firewall say?

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Hmm... Are there any new error messages in the syslog regarding the added configuration options? I fear I have no idea what is going wrong at the moment. As access works from your local network, I believe this is more of a pfsense problem. What do the logs of the firewall say?


only other thing that is showing up that I noticed today during reboot to latest unraid ver is the following




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  • 3 weeks later...


Started to work on resolving some 6.1.3 problems. I have a question for you guys/girls using the proftpd plugin. Is anybody of you using the config editor or do you manually edit the proftpd config file in shell? The config editor would only work if you have a webserver installed directly on your unRAID system. (Running the webserver in docker will not.) As this is rather complicated, I believe it to be broken for nearly anyone on >6.1 at the moment. As I did not get any questions regarding it, I guess it would not hurt to remove it altogether to simplify things. Any Objections?

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Having just updated to 6.1.3 non-beta today, I hit the same prompt as it looks like others are getting, but I think I know the issue.


The problem, it seems, is that you moved where it's looking for scripts. Before this update, there was no scripts folder, and subsequently no folder created. I tried moving the mounting/unmounting files there, but that's only part of the issue. The install is also not putting the rc.ProFTPd file in scripts either (it's not saved anywhere in the config folder). So any of those files can/are throwing errors.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Can you describe your update process?


You were on unRAID 6.0 and had the old plugin version. Then you upgraded the plugin and then unRAID. Or unRAID first and then the plugin? I'll need a little bit more info on what to check.


If you remove the plugin and reinstall it, it should work on 6.1.3 already. I have moved the script files to the proper locations.  What needs to be fixed is moving the mount/unmount scripts automatically on update. This does not happen correctly yet.





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Well this is an "old" message. It is there since the 64 first bit release of my plugin. I did compile proftpd directly on the 64 bit unraid machine and it seems to work fine, so I hope we can ignore this message for now. I have not found a way to fix the error message yet. If anybody knows please go ahead and tell me. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi - I've just installed this after the need to access parts of my unRaid box externally, but I can't find any mount or unmount scripts in the plugins folder.  Here's what I'm doing (and obviously correct me if I'm being stupid)...


- Running unraid 6.1.4

- Added the plugin via the github url on page 1

- Set up a hidden cache only share called "ftp" that I just plan to mount required shares in.  Put a text file in for testing

- Set up a user "ftp_user" with description "ftpuser /mnt/cache/ftp"

- Restarted the ftp service


From a remote machine I can log in using filezilla and it presents me with the test text file.


I now want to add some of my shares in here, and I understand that the mountscript is the way to go about it.  Firstly, am I doing this right (or is there a better way?  And if so, where's the scripts (the folder on flash/config/plugins/ProFTPd has six files - 3 gz files, a cfg, a conf and a readme)?


Cheers, Simon

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Sounds all right for me. Mountscripts are now in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts to make the plugin complient with the new unRAID 6.1.x security requirements.


At the moment the plugin is not yet fully compatible with the new 6.1.x versions however. I have no free time to work on it at the moment. As as result, changes to the mountscripts will not be persistent, I think. So for now, you will have to echo the mount commands from your go file into the mount and unmount script. Over Christmas I'll have a bit of vacation and hope this will give me the time to release a 6.1.x version of the plugin.

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No problem. Feel free to ask anytime. :) If you have a lot of mount/unmount commands it might be easier to save the whole mount/unmountscript with the commands on your flash and copy them to the plugins script folder from the go file. That way only two commands in the go are needed.

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Just so I understand (or not!).  You're saying that the way plugins work now are not stored on the flash, so changes to the mount scripts will be lost on reboot?  Hence for now, I need to tweak my system to make sure things continue to work?  Fair enough, not a problem...


  • Get the mount and unmount scripts as I want them in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts based on the example commands (I have maybe 5 shares I'd like to make available)
  • Make a copy of these on my flash drive (in the root, for example)
  • Add the following two lines to config/go...
    • cp /boot/mountscript.sh /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/mountscript.sh
    • cp /boot/unmountscript.sh /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/unmountscript.sh


    [*]Reboot the server

If so, I'll have a go once a Handbrake queue has finished.  Thank you :)

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Yes but not all plugins, just this plugin. :) The steps you describe should be correct. It might be necessary to change the permission of the files to executable after the copy commands. The flash is a fat file system and doesn't store the unix permissions correctly. So maybe you need a chmod command for each script, too.

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I would add

chmod 777 /boot/mountscript.sh /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/mountscript.sh
chmod 777 /boot/unmountscript.sh /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/unmountscript.sh

after the copy commands in the go script. Please check the log file after reboot, if the commands work. It might be, they are executed, when the plugin is not installed yet and thus the directory not yet available. I'm at work at the moment, so I can't check. If this is the case it would get a bit more complicated. It might be better to wait then, until I'm able to release a fixed version.


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  • 2 weeks later...



i have problems accessing files that contain umlauts like ß via ftp. üöä are ok but are not shown correctly.

It looks like the version you do offer does not contain the mod_lang module.


Are there tips regarding this or do i need an updated of the plugin?


Additional information:

Using Filezilla to access fails.

Using e.g. Chrome does succeed and the files and folders are shown correctly and are accessable.




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