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unRAID with SABnzbd


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Nice additions all!


We do need to sort out the conflict between unMenu and SABnzbd, I've put in some proposed port values, also tracking other services in use (But clearly I don't know all of them!) in a table at: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Install_Python_based_servers#unRAID_Common_port_list


These are the ports I used, and I decided to leave unMenu on 8080 as it was very easy to change the SABnzbd port and I was more confidant in doing that than moving unMenu.  However, I'd like us all as a group to find a good recommendation so the wiki page can make sense from section to section.

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The default port for SABnzbd everytime i've installed it has been port 88 not 8080. I'm assuming the version listed in the config is setup as such.


Odd, every time I've installed it it's been 8080.  And that's the port the documentation states: http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/configure-general


Installing to port 88 would require root to start it (Even if root starts it as user nobody) on UNIX.  That's generally frowned upon, most if not all servers like SABnzbd will use a port over 1024 by default.

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I've edited the page back to port 88 for now.


I installed this the day before yesterday following these instructions (wanted to make sure they were right) and it installed with port 88.


Could do with more opinions on this, if everyone wants to go with 8080 then just revert the page

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I've edited the page back to port 88 for now.


I installed this the day before yesterday following these instructions (wanted to make sure they were right) and it installed with port 88.


Could do with more opinions on this, if everyone wants to go with 8080 then just revert the page


The point is that unMenu uses 8080, and the default SABnzbd port is 8080.


Not sure what to say, I just installed it on Windows, OS X and Linux and it defaulted to port 8080.

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Ok, I followed the link to your walk-trough, and you did this:


# If Cache drive is online, start SABNzbd

if [ -d /mnt/cache ]; then

 # Start SABnzbd and sickbeard

 installpkg /boot/custom/SABnzbdDependencies-1.3-i486-unRAID.tgz

 python /mnt/cache/.custom/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s

 nohup python /mnt/cache/.custom/sickbeard/SickBeard.py &



The command line option -s <address>:<port> overrides the default, and shouldn't be called every time SABnzbd is started...well, it can, but there is no point in it as the port should be controlled via the config file so it can be changed from the UI rather than having to change the go script.  That's my opinion mind you.


So the default port is 8080, but the instructions you used forced it to be 88.  We should stay away from any port under 1024 for previously stated reasons.

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That would explain it except I didn't follow that guide for the install, I followed the one that was already on the wiki.


Thinking about it actually I may know what I did. I installed SABnzbd as per the instructions on the wiki but then checked the external source for configuration. This obviously points to port 88 so when I tried accessing it on that port it wouldn't work (as it must have been running on port 8080) at that point I may have run the command to change it to port 88.


I've updated the wiki accordingly

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The only way to over-ride the default port is to start with the -s switch.  I've installed it on 3 different OSs this morning and the initial configuration shows up on port 8080.


You can test this yourself on a Windows, OS X or Linux box...with a fresh install, as I've done.

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These are the ports I used, and I decided to leave unMenu on 8080 as it was very easy to change the SABnzbd port and I was more confidant in doing that than moving unMenu.  However, I'd like us all as a group to find a good recommendation so the wiki page can make sense from section to section.


I just kept used 8081 to 8083 fro the 3 apps. I suppose you could pick any order. I'd stick the recommended for Couchpotato at 8083 in your list. I just find it easier to remember the ports for the add-ons start at 8080 and go up from there.




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This is seriously awesome. i was going to do the lockstockmods install but this is much more streamlined since it includes couchpotato too.


Are you all comfortable selling this wiki off as good to go, or are you still working on pieces? From what I read it looks like its ready to be run through.

What about the whole issue with files being given permissions under "nobody" people were talking about in one of the latest SABNZBD releases? Do I even need it?

post with fix about it: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=10353.0

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I think the issue with SABnzbd was isolated, most of us haven't had a problem with permissions.


It is solid in terms of installing them, but the port situation is still in flux.  Just make sure you have unMenu turned off while doing the install process, then use the various UIs to change the servers ports before you fire up unMenu (if you even use it).  That's the only area that we are still working on that I know of

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I just kept used 8081 to 8083 fro the 3 apps. I suppose you could pick any order. I'd stick the recommended for Couchpotato at 8083 in your list. I just find it easier to remember the ports for the add-ons start at 8080 and go up from there.




That makes perfect sense to me, I've updated the recommended port for CouchPotato to 8083


I think we should add a bit more detail about port assignments, I'm going to expand the section under the SABnzbd install to let people know what impact changing the port will have.

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With regard to the ports during install, the easy way around it is to simply specify a port in your go script (or *.d script, depending on how you launch SAB)... for example, I call SAB in this manner:


python /mnt/cache/.custom/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s


Conversation regarding the precise port to use notwithstanding (i.e. higher than 1024), this is one way you can do it without disabling unMENU.

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