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Ubooquity is a free, lightweight and easy-to-use home server for your comics and ebooks. Use it to access your files from anywhere, with a tablet, an e-reader, a phone or a computer.





docker repo:






You can adjust the port Ubooquity runs on by providing the environment variable UBOOQUITY_PORT with which port you wish. The link in the template will obviously be broken though, so you might have to adjust it manually.



Please visit once installed http://ip:8085/admin  or if you used the template just click the image.


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Thanks, I got it installed, but it doesn’t see any of my files. When I click View Logs in Ubiquity, I get:

20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - # Starting Ubooquity #
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java version: 1.7.0_65
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Max heap size available: 1707 MB
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS name: Linux
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS version: 3.16.3-unRAID
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS architecture: amd64
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Parsing command line arguments
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading local version info
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Creating application folders
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading preferences
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Saving preferences
20141114 22:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Starting internal server...
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning books directories
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning books directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Books folder content cache populated
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning comics directories
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning comics directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Comics folder content cache populated
20141114 22:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Reverse proxy prefix is not activated
20141114 22:59:01 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Internal server started. Listening on port 2202
20141114 22:59:02 [Timer-0] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Checking latest available Ubooquity version from website
20141114 22:59:03 [Timer-0] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Latest version available: 1.6.0 - Current version: 1.6.0
20141114 22:59:35 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO com.ubooquity.provider.webadmin.j - Admin successfuly logged in
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning books directories
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning books directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Books folder content cache populated
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning comics directories
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning comics directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Comics folder content cache populated


If I go to set a shared folder I get

Preferences could not be modified.
Directory does not exist or is not readable: /comics


If I view the raw log file, I get:

20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #     Starting Ubooquity    #
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java version: 1.7.0_65
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Max heap size available: 1707 MB
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS name: Linux
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS version: 3.16.3-unRAID
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS architecture: amd64
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Parsing command line arguments
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading local version info
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Creating application folders
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading preferences
20141114 22:59:00 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Saving preferences
20141114 22:59:01 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.b - Starting internal server...
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning books directories
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning books directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Books folder content cache populated
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning comics directories
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning comics directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 22:59:01 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Comics folder content cache populated
20141114 22:59:01 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.b - Reverse proxy prefix is not activated
20141114 22:59:01 [main] INFO  com.ubooquity.b - Internal server started. Listening on port 2202
20141114 22:59:02 [Timer-0] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Checking latest available Ubooquity version from website
20141114 22:59:03 [Timer-0] INFO  com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Latest version available: 1.6.0 - Current version: 1.6.0
20141114 22:59:35 [pool-2-thread-1] INFO  com.ubooquity.provider.webadmin.j - Admin successfuly logged in
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning books directories
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning books directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Books folder content cache populated
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning comics directories
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning comics directories, populating folders content cache
20141114 23:00:37 [scanner thread] INFO  com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Comics folder content cache populated
20141114 23:03:04 [pool-2-thread-6] WARN  com.ubooquity.provider.webadmin.j - Could not apply pref modification through web admin on comics module.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Directory does not exist or is not readable: /comics
at com.ubooquity.provider.webadmin.j.a(SourceFile:413) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.provider.webadmin.j.b(SourceFile:277) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.provider.webadmin.j.a(SourceFile:140) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.b.a(SourceFile:287) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.b.a(SourceFile:53) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.b$1.a(SourceFile:119) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.e.d.a(SourceFile:287) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.e.d$f.a(SourceFile:807) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at com.ubooquity.e.d$1$1.run(SourceFile:210) [ubooquity.jar:1.6.0]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) [na:1.7.0_65]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) [na:1.7.0_65]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [na:1.7.0_65]


I’ve tried running it both with and without the Privileged flag. Looking forward to getting it working.

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You have to go into admin mode, under comics and books, and add your scan directories and authorized users for each directory.  Once you've done that, you can scan files.  Currently have it scanning my ebooks, and it's up to about 6500 or so (my comics collection is lacking, only 133, or the existing releases of The Walking Dead, lol).


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Heffe2001, how are you setting your paths? On my unRAID server my directory goes /mnt/user/Files/books and in there I branch off into /comics, /eBooks, and so on. When I create the container I set /mnt to /mnt/user/Files/books/. In Ubooquity when I go to any of the sharing modules and try to set a shared directory, I get an error that says

Preferences could not be modified.
Directory does not exist or is not readable: /comics

I can set a shared user, but that's it.

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You have to go into admin mode, under comics and books, and add your scan directories and authorized users for each directory.  Once you've done that, you can scan files.  Currently have it scanning my ebooks, and it's up to about 6500 or so (my comics collection is lacking, only 133, or the existing releases of The Walking Dead, lol).


Since its not completely obvious, first time running go to  Change the IP address to suit

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Devils advocate...How well does this scale? i.e. silly numbers like 200k books and 100k comics


One thing I HATE about Calibre is that it doesnt scale at all and becomes unusably slow

Its superfast with 30k books (mobi) and 10k PDF.  I can only dream of having 200k books lol

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Devils advocate...How well does this scale? i.e. silly numbers like 200k books and 100k comics


One thing I HATE about Calibre is that it doesnt scale at all and becomes unusably slow

Its superfast with 30k books (mobi) and 10k PDF.  I can only dream of having 200k books lol


Playing with it now. Its is very basic but I like that. I seems to "just work".

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Playing with it now. Its is very basic but I like that. I seems to "just work".


My problem is that the Kindle App doesn't pick up the mobi books unless I move them from the download directory to its storage directory.  But, my epub reader will pick them up from downloads.  Now the long process of converting everything over to epub.  grr

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