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Very slow parity checks and disk rebuilds


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I decided to upgrade my server from 5.0.4 to 6.0 Beta 15.  Everything went well except parity checks and disk rebuilds are very slow.  I use to see speeds in the 80+ ranges, now the are maxing at 20.  Parity checks would take about 14 hours.  Now they are taking a day and a half.  Disc rebuilds also take about the same time.  What gives?  Please see attached system log.


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I decided to upgrade my server from 5.0.4 to 6.0 Beta 15.  Everything went well except parity checks and disk rebuilds are very slow.  I use to see speeds in the 80+ ranges, now the are maxing at 20.  Parity checks would take about 14 hours.  Now they are taking a day and a half.  Disc rebuilds also take about the same time.  What gives?  Please see attached system log.

The syslog you posted seems to just be a startup sequence.    It would be more useful to have one that covered a period where you were seeing the slow performance that you mention.
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I took a look at this syslog, and also at the syslog in your other thread. Nothing obvious, but it doesn't look like either syslog contains the activities your are having issues with, so maybe post another that actually includes a parity check.


The traditional way to get attention to your post (in any forum) if you find it hasn't been replied to is to just reply to it yourself rather than starting a new thread. This is known as "bumping" and it will bring it back to the unread list. In fact, most people bump their post with a post that just says "bump".


Anything you can tell us about your hardware?

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Here is the system log with parity check running.  Much slower compared to version 5.  Any suggestions?  1 day 19 hours to go.  This process used to take 12 to 14 hours...



System: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. - Z77X-D3H

Flash GUID: 0781-5571-0011-531207123383

CPU: Intel® Core™ i3-3225 CPU @ 3.30GHz

Cache: 64 kB, 512 kB, 3072 kB

Memory: 8192 MB (max. installable capacity 32 GB)

Network: eth0: 1000Mb/s - Full Duplex

Kernel: Linux 3.19.4-unRAID x86_64

OpenSSL: 1.0.1k


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You indicated you were getting 80-90MB/s with v5 ... you should get that same range with v6.


Post the hardware details of your system ... including the specific motherboard, CPU, SATA controllers, memory, and the details on the disks you have installed (a GUI screenshot would be helpful as well).


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With all these speed problems I was thinking about downgrading back to 5.  I replaced a failing disk last weekend after upgrading.  If I roll back to the previous version will the system recognize the new disk properly?

Your current disk configuration is stored in config/super.dat, so the current version of this file must be used when you rollback. Assume you have not converted any disks to another file systems, since v5 only supports reiserfs.
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With all these speed problems I was thinking about downgrading back to 5.  I replaced a failing disk last weekend after upgrading.  If I roll back to the previous version will the system recognize the new disk properly?

You can also run unRaid tunables tester to set your tunables to more appropriate values to try and get your speed back.



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