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unRAID 6.0-rc5 Newbie converting from FreeNAS. Help Setting up Plex


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I am completely new to unRAID and converting from FreeNAS.  The only thing I will be using this server for is to store and Run Plex Server.


Everything was simple to setup except plugins.  For the life of me I cannot not figure out how to setup the plex server on this.  When I go to Plex.tv and go to downloads I click on unRAID version and download it but can't figure out how to install this.


I have looked at these forums for hours now and most of the support for this was for the Beta version and non of the screens shots look like the version I am running.


Can someone please help me get plex setup on unRAID 6.0-rc5.  I would like to really test this before I purchase the license for it.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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I would recommend not using the plugin version, instead get the docker up and running and install Plex through that.


Check the V6 wiki to get docker up and running.  Plus you've posted in the V5 section of the forum and you're using V6


V5 plugins are not compatible with V6 Unraid

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I have gone through that already and the screen shots don't match up and honestly I am not following the instructions.  Is there anything out there that is more straight forward.  I am a Microsoft Engineer and don't have a big Linux background..

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I have made it to the main screen and the Array is up and running.  I do not see a Docker tab unless I click on settings.

I think you have to enable Docker in the Settings by giving it a place and size for the docker img before the main Docker page will be available.


I gave mine 20GB and put it at the root of cache, like /mnt/cache/docker.img

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Ok I am going off this link and Step 5 it is telling me to put this link in a repositories but I don't see that anywhere.




There's a spot on the docker tab that's called "Docker Repositories" with a big text box called "Template Repositories".  Put the link there, and click on save.


The alternative is to install the community applications plugin from this thread, which removes the need to add templates repositories manually (pretty awesome).  Then you search for the docker you want, click create and... boom.  Docker!


These features are pretty new, some of the documentation floating around won't be perfect as some details might've changed a bit...  but give it a few minutes to get your head around it and I think you'll be impressed.

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Thanks for that awesome plugin. 


Now I have Plexserver up and running.  I can access the internal plex webgui page.  I have also created a share called Movies and gave public access to it for now.  When in Plex I click add and select movies I don't see where that folder is. 


Where are the Shares located?

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Thanks for that awesome plugin. 


Now I have Plexserver up and running.  I can access the internal plex webgui page.  I have also created a share called Movies and gave public access to it for now.  When in Plex I click add and select movies I don't see where that folder is. 


Where are the Shares located?


You almost sound like me!


Seeing that you are completely new, just try to read through some of the threads here and you will find what you are looking for. Coming from a different system and just using unRaid for the first time can be quite confusing. This is a good test to see how well unRaid performs with a user first seeing it.

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Thanks for that awesome plugin. 


Now I have Plexserver up and running.  I can access the internal plex webgui page.  I have also created a share called Movies and gave public access to it for now.  When in Plex I click add and select movies I don't see where that folder is. 


Where are the Shares located?


It depends on how you set up the paths for the container.  The template maps a directory inside the container to the directory on your server.  I don't remember what the default paths are because I changed mine...  For example, if you map


/media          (in container)




/mnt/user/Movies/              (on your server)


then in Plex you'd set your share as




I think...  getting the paths mapped correctly took me a few tries the first time.


edit:  Maybe in Plex it would be just /media/.  Hmmmm.  Haha.

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Well this is a lot different than FreeNAS for sure.


I have now managed to create a share that I don't need and can't figure out how to delete it either lol.


So do I go into Docker and edit it and add the Media share under the Volumes?



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Well this is a lot different than FreeNAS for sure.


I have now managed to create a share that I don't need and can't figure out how to delete it either lol.


So do I go into Docker and edit it and add the Media share under the Volumes?


Download PUTTY and you can log into your unraid via the command line and run MC (midnight commander). This will allow you to pretty much do any file "stuff" you need to. Also, make sure you do NOT delete or change anything you are not sure of. This will be an easy way for you to delete folders you can't remove from the webgui.


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Thanks that helped.  I had a hunch that was how you did it but wasn't 100% sure.


Can someone give me instructions on how to remove a user share that I don't need please?  There is a library folder in it that I cannot delete.  I get an error that says denied must be user\999


Not sure how to get past this.



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Thanks that helped.  I had a hunch that was how you did it but wasn't 100% sure.


Can someone give me instructions on how to remove a user share that I don't need please?  There is a library folder in it that I cannot delete.  I get an error that says denied must be user\999


Not sure how to get past this.



You may have to go to the command line like opentoe suggested.
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Thanks that helped.  I had a hunch that was how you did it but wasn't 100% sure.


Can someone give me instructions on how to remove a user share that I don't need please?  There is a library folder in it that I cannot delete.  I get an error that says denied must be user\999


Not sure how to get past this.

The folder for a user share needs to be empty before unRAID will let you remove it (as you found).


There are basically 2 options:

  • Run the New Permissions option from the Tools menu.  This should reset the permissions on the folder so that you can delete the offending folder over the network.  I am assuming that at the moment this is what is stopping it being removed over the network.
  • Start a console/telnet session to the server and remove the folder at the Linux level.  If you are familiar with Linux command just use the rm/rmdir commands.  If not run something like the mc (Midnight Commander) command to give you a pseudo-graphical way of doing it.

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were can i find the commands to do this.  Not a unix user.

The New Permissions option is on the unRAID Tools menu so does not require you to know any Linux commands!


If you want to go the Linux command line route do you have a keyboard/console attached?  If so you can login using user 'root' and whatever password (if any) you have assigned and then simply run the command



You should then find it easy enough to use the commands that displays to do what you want.  When finished you log out using



If not then you will have to start a telnet session and run the same command from there.  On Windows the easiest way to do this is to install the (free) PuTTY) software and then use it to start a telnet session on the server.


If you need more information than that feel free to ask more questions.

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I've reading through this thread and have a question.  So I enabled Dockers and created the image on my cache drive and clicked apply.  From reading through this thread it appears that a Docker tab should then appear.  Well, I don't have a docker tab anywhere.  I refreshed the page and even stopped and started my array.  Still no Docker tab...


Edit:  Deleted it and redid it.  It now appears.

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