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MariaDB database backup before KODI-Headless update


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I have movie database in MariaDB Docker and I would like to make backup of my database, but I don't know how to do in properly.

Can you please give me instructions how to make backup and how to restore database.


BTW: Is there any limitations to make new topic/reply in Child Boards > Docker Containers?

In that section I don't have option to make new topic/reply.



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You should be able to reply in the Docker Containers subforum now. New topics in there are reserved for container authors only but anyone can reply. I messed up last night when I was applying permissions and temporarily locked anyone from posting replies in there.


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It depends on how you want to back up the database.


For a file level backup you should be able to browse to the unraid share that your MariaDB config directory is mapped to and simply make a copy of it.


For an actual database backup you will need an SQL client tool to connect to MariaDB. Personally i use HeidiSQL, its free and simplistic to use. Simply place the IP of your unraid server and port 3306 into it and connect, from there you will be able to use the GUI to backup/restore your kodi databases to a file on your client machine.


Hope that helps m;)

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