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Can someone write a guide for this ?


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Hi all ! My i7 4790 and new motherboard are finally here, and i want to try out installing unraid + windows 10 vm with gpu passthrough.

For what i can read there isn't a tutorial/guide for such a thing around, but bits of information here and there.

Can someone (maybe Jon?) write a detailed guide on how to procede ?


Personally i'm thinking to start his way (tell me if i'm doing something wrong please) :


1 - boot unraid from usb

2 - configure it with my laptop (my main monitor is connected to the rig so i cannot use it for now without passthrough)

2 - start my array and change my cache to a ssd drive (btw how to copy dockers from old drive to the new one ?)

3 - setup bridge networking and enable vm

4 - setup a new share for ISOs cache only

5 - setup a new share vdisks cache only


how to procede from here ? i need to install windows 10 using gpu and usb passthrough

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Greattttttt, i'm already subscribed to your youtube channel! Looking forward to it!

Please be very detailed about gpu and usb devices passthrough


Thanks a lot

Have you looked at the wiki yet? The main thing is to make sure your BIOS is up to date and configured properly for virtualization. There are also tips and tricks to try if things don't work for you.


I guess what I'm wondering is: have you tried to give it a go yet by clicking Add VM?  Selecting a graphics, sound, and set of USB devices is fairly straightforward there.

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To be honest i'm still in the process of building the rig  ;)

I read the wiki, the only thing i'm still wondering is : how can i passthrough 1 of my disks outside of unraid array to the windows vm ?

Problem is that i want windows 10 os on a ssd but i need a secondary disk for my downloads (i know i can do those with dockers but with a windows vm always on it's much easier and fast for me).

So i think my options are :


1 - pass a ssd as windows main os disk with something like unassigned devices plugin and use a 2tb hard disk configured as unraid cache for storing downloads (of course i do not want parity calculations on downloads)


2 - use the ssd as unraid cache, place the windows os virtual-disk on it and pass the 2tb with unassigned devices plugin to it.


What do you think will work best ? Any other option available ?

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The easiest way is to use an SSD as a cache device, then just map a network drive inside Windows to a user share for your downloads unless you are hell bent on having a non array disk for downloads.  In that case, yes, the unassigned devices plugin is one way to go.


Another option is to pass through a block storage device to the VM directly.  You could do this with either the SSD, the HDD, or both, but doing so will make those devices exclusive to that single VM.  It also will require some XML editing as that's not supported in the GUI editor quite yet.

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DAMN, reading the wiki i now noticed this :

USB hot plugging is not currently supported, so devices must be attached before the VM is started in order for USB pass through to function


So have i to shutdown the vm EVERY time i need to plugin a simple 2,5 externat usb drive or thumb ?  :'(

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DAMN, reading the wiki i now noticed this :

USB hot plugging is not currently supported, so devices must be attached before the VM is started in order for USB pass through to function


So have i to shutdown the vm EVERY time i need to plugin a simple 2,5 externat usb drive or thumb ?  :'(

If you have an open PCI(e) slot just get a USB expansion card and pass the whole card through to the VM. Anything plugged into that card should 'just work'.
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I have two SSDs that I want to use to run the VMs, but I don't want to mirror them - I want the full storage capacity of them, combined.  I heard here somewhere that there's a "secret" to doing so - but I can't find it anywhere!






Instead of combining them why not just mount them separate? I have two drives I use for VM's and mount them separately with the unassigned devices plugin as "vmdisk" and "vmdisk-2". Then I just pick which drive I want to use when I am installing various VM's.

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The easiest way you wrote should be perfect for me. I really do not want the parity drive always active so i need the disk outside of the array


I don't believe parity will stay active unless you are writing to the disk share (reads don't spin up parity).


I have a 2nd image that I pass for downloaded media on one of my array disks.

Most of the time I am seeding (uploading) and not downloading, and have noticed that only that disc will be spun up during that time, and parity sleeps as it should.

Maybe not ideal for you, but I personally have no complaints.



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