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[Support] Linuxserver.io - SmokePing

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It was when you "closed" the support thread that you annoyed me.


I use software that has bugs, sometimes these bugs take months to fix if not longer.


I don't complain, I don't suggest that the support lines should be closed, I recognise the difficulties these things take. I have issues filed on github that I wouldn't be surprised if are never fixed.


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk





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What are you guys using as a default network adaptor in Unraid? eth0 or bond0? 


Settings => Network Settings => Enable bonding


Is this yes or no?


Are you using IPV6?


What OS are you using on your client machine and what browser and what version of that browser?


For instance I'm using Antergos, Chrome 59.0.3071.115 & Firefox 54.0.1


Just checked and my smokeping is still ticking along normally.

Edited by CHBMB
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3 hours ago, CHBMB said:

What are you guys using as a default network adaptor in Unraid? eth0 or bond0? 


Settings => Network Settings => Enable bonding


Is this yes or no?


Are you using IPV6?


What OS are you using on your client machine and what browser and what version of that browser?


For instance I'm using Antergos, Chrome 59.0.3071.115 & Firefox 54.0.1


Just checked and my smokeping is still ticking along normally.


Enable bonding = No

No IPv6

Primary client is Windows 10 but have also tried from another Windows 7 PC.

Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115, IE 11.483.15063.0, Opera 46.0.2597.46


Probably an ignorant question....but, is there a way to manually ping something from inside the docker?

I can ping stuff (and get replies) from the unRAID console.  I don't know what that really tells me though (other than I know my server can get to the internet).


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3 hours ago, alfi33 said:

My smokeping docker must not have any trouble getting to the internet either because I can ping stuff from within the docker.


Yeah I don't doubt that for a minute as in my head it's been established that that is the case.  More of an issue why data isn't being translated to the graphs inb some cases.

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Hi all,

I'm trying to use this docker app too, but can't seem to get it working. I use a bunch of other Linuxserver.io containers without any issues (thanks guys!).


Here's my docker run command:

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="smokeping" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8050:80/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/smokeping/data":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/smokeping/config":"/config":rw linuxserver/smokeping

In my unRAID network config I have bonding and bridging both disabled, I tried enabling bridging without any difference.


I've tried to do some troubleshooting and I think @ziggie216 was onto something with this.

On 06/07/2017 at 4:03 PM, ziggie216 said:

I can't find any good info about this

root@ea01bb46ba66:/usr/sbin$ sudo /usr/sbin/fping
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol



How I arrived at this was checking the in-built Smokeping troubleshooting from within the Smokeping docker's shell.


There does seems to be an inconsequential issue with the basic Smokeping troubleshooting saying the config file can't be found.  But the config is definitely being picked-up because I can see all the (empty) graphs for each of the targets configured by the docker container.

root@212bb2c07243:/$ smokeping --check
ERROR: can't open /usr/bin/../etc/smokeping/config: No such file or directory

root@212bb2c07243:/$ smokeping --debug
ERROR: loading smokeping configuration file /usr/bin/../etc/smokeping/config: No such file or directory

Running the Smokeping debug command against the actual config file gives this result:

root@212bb2c07243:/$ smokeping --config /etc/smokeping/config --debug
### assuming you are using an fping copy reporting in milliseconds
### Compiling alert detector pattern 'someloss'
### >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
sub {
    my $d = shift;
    my $y = $d->{loss};
        my $imax2 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $imax1 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $minlength = 3;
        my $maxlength = 27;
        next if scalar @$y < $minlength ;
        my $i1;
        for($i1=0; $i1 < min($maxlength,$imax1); $i1++){
            my $i2;
            for($i2=0; $i2 < min($maxlength-$i1,$imax2); $i2++){
                next unless defined $y->[-3-$i1-$i2]
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] =~ /^\d/
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] > 0
                                     ;                last;
            return 0 if $i2 >= min($maxlength-$i1-$i2,$imax2);
            next unless defined $y->[-2-$i1]
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] =~ /^\d/
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] > 0
                                 ;            last;
        return 0 if $i1 >= min($maxlength-$i1,$imax1);
        next unless defined $y->[-1]
                        and $y->[-1] =~ /^\d/
                        and $y->[-1] > 0
                             ;        return 1;
    return 0;

Smokeping version 2.006011 successfully launched.
Not entering multiprocess mode with '--debug'. Use '--debug-daemon' for that.
FPing: probing 20 targets with step 300 s and offset 212 s.
FPing: Executing /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 www.uea.ac.uk www.ucsd.edu google.com web.mit.edu youtube.com www.telefonica.de www.indiana.edu www.berkley.edu jupiterbroadcasting.com al.ktz.me cam.ac.uk facebook.com linuxserver.io cixp.web.cern.ch
FPing: Got fping output: '(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol'
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/IU.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500781590:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCSD.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500781590:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCB.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500781590:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
continues for each target (site/IP)

If I try to run "fping" from within the docker's shell I get:

root@212bb2c07243:/$ /usr/sbin/fping
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol

So from what I can see "fping" doesn't run due to come sort of permission error, and possibly why no data is getting into the Smokeping RRD files / graphs.


Searching for a solution only really turns up results relating to user/file permissions of "fping". So I tried messing with various file permissions and ownership with no result.


Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?




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2 hours ago, Tyler said:

Hi all,

I'm trying to use this docker app too, but can't seem to get it working. I use a bunch of other Linuxserver.io containers without any issues (thanks guys!).


Here's my docker run command:

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="smokeping" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8050:80/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/smokeping/data":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/smokeping/config":"/config":rw linuxserver/smokeping

In my unRAID network config I have bonding and bridging both disabled, I tried enabling bridging without any difference.


I've tried to do some troubleshooting and I think @ziggie216 was onto something with this.


How I arrived at this was checking the in-built Smokeping troubleshooting from within the Smokeping docker's shell.


There does seems to be an inconsequential issue with the basic Smokeping troubleshooting saying the config file can't be found.  But the config is definitely being picked-up because I can see all the (empty) graphs for each of the targets configured by the docker container.

root@212bb2c07243:/$ smokeping --check
ERROR: can't open /usr/bin/../etc/smokeping/config: No such file or directory

root@212bb2c07243:/$ smokeping --debug
ERROR: loading smokeping configuration file /usr/bin/../etc/smokeping/config: No such file or directory

Running the Smokeping debug command against the actual config file gives this result:

root@212bb2c07243:/$ smokeping --config /etc/smokeping/config --debug
### assuming you are using an fping copy reporting in milliseconds
### Compiling alert detector pattern 'someloss'
### >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
sub {
    my $d = shift;
    my $y = $d->{loss};
        my $imax2 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $imax1 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $minlength = 3;
        my $maxlength = 27;
        next if scalar @$y < $minlength ;
        my $i1;
        for($i1=0; $i1 < min($maxlength,$imax1); $i1++){
            my $i2;
            for($i2=0; $i2 < min($maxlength-$i1,$imax2); $i2++){
                next unless defined $y->[-3-$i1-$i2]
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] =~ /^\d/
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] > 0
                                     ;                last;
            return 0 if $i2 >= min($maxlength-$i1-$i2,$imax2);
            next unless defined $y->[-2-$i1]
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] =~ /^\d/
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] > 0
                                 ;            last;
        return 0 if $i1 >= min($maxlength-$i1,$imax1);
        next unless defined $y->[-1]
                        and $y->[-1] =~ /^\d/
                        and $y->[-1] > 0
                             ;        return 1;
    return 0;

Smokeping version 2.006011 successfully launched.
Not entering multiprocess mode with '--debug'. Use '--debug-daemon' for that.
FPing: probing 20 targets with step 300 s and offset 212 s.
FPing: Executing /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 www.uea.ac.uk www.ucsd.edu google.com web.mit.edu youtube.com www.telefonica.de www.indiana.edu www.berkley.edu jupiterbroadcasting.com al.ktz.me cam.ac.uk facebook.com linuxserver.io cixp.web.cern.ch
FPing: Got fping output: '(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol'
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/IU.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500781590:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCSD.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500781590:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCB.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500781590:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
continues for each target (site/IP)

If I try to run "fping" from within the docker's shell I get:

root@212bb2c07243:/$ /usr/sbin/fping
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol

So from what I can see "fping" doesn't run due to come sort of permission error, and possibly why no data is getting into the Smokeping RRD files / graphs.


Searching for a solution only really turns up results relating to user/file permissions of "fping". So I tried messing with various file permissions and ownership with no result.


Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?






the actual command to run smokeping from the CLI is


s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/bin/smokeping --config="/etc/smokeping/config" --nodaemon

Edited by sparklyballs
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3 hours ago, sparklyballs said:

the actual command to run smokeping from the CLI is


s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/bin/smokeping --config="/etc/smokeping/config" --nodaemon


Thanks.  I should have checked the scripts to make sure I was running the correct command.


When running this with the --debug option I still see the same error with fping.

FPing: Got fping output: '(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol'


Also tried running the same fping command directly and also same result.


Can someone who has everything working try running fping to see if they get this same error?

root@c381ec688e22:/$ s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/bin/smokeping --config="/etc/smokeping/config" --nodaemon --debug
### assuming you are using an fping copy reporting in milliseconds
### Compiling alert detector pattern 'someloss'
### >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
    my $d = shift;
sub {
    my $y = $d->{loss};
        my $imax2 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $imax1 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $minlength = 3;
        my $maxlength = 27;
        next if scalar @$y < $minlength ;
        my $i1;
        for($i1=0; $i1 < min($maxlength,$imax1); $i1++){
            my $i2;
            for($i2=0; $i2 < min($maxlength-$i1,$imax2); $i2++){
                next unless defined $y->[-3-$i1-$i2]
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] =~ /^\d/
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] > 0
                                     ;                last;
            return 0 if $i2 >= min($maxlength-$i1-$i2,$imax2);
            next unless defined $y->[-2-$i1]
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] =~ /^\d/
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] > 0
                                 ;            last;
        return 0 if $i1 >= min($maxlength-$i1,$imax1);
        next unless defined $y->[-1]
                        and $y->[-1] =~ /^\d/
                        and $y->[-1] > 0
                             ;        return 1;
    return 0;

Smokeping version 2.006011 successfully launched.
Not entering multiprocess mode with '--debug'. Use '--debug-daemon' for that.
FPing: probing 20 targets with step 300 s and offset 294 s.
FPing: Executing /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 cam.ac.uk facebook.com web.mit.edu linuxserver.io al.ktz.me www.ucsd.edu www.berkley.edu google.com www.telefonica.de jupiterbroadcasting.com youtube.com www.indiana.edu www.uea.ac.uk cixp.web.cern.ch
FPing: Got fping output: '(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol'
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/OpenDNS2.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/GoogleDNS2.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/OpenDNS1.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/GoogleDNS1.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/UK/UEA.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/UK/CambridgeUni.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/UK/IBNorwich.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/Germany/TelefonicaDE.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/Switzerland/CernIXP.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/Switzerland/SBB.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/JupiterBroadcasting.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/GoogleSearch.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/Facebook.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/Youtube.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/linuxserverio.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/MIT.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCSD.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/IU.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/Sun.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCB.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)

root@c381ec688e22:/$ s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 cam.ac.uk facebook.com web.mit.edu linuxserver.io al.ktz.me www.ucsd.edu www.berkley.edu google.com www.telefonica.de jupiterbroadcasting.com youtube.com www.indiana.edu www.uea.ac.uk cixp.web.cern.ch
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol


Edited by Tyler
Link to comment

See, it's working fine here, which is why we can't work out what's happening.


root@server:~# docker exec -it smokeping bash
root@e459c61ef0c8:/$ s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/bin/smokeping --config="/etc/smokeping/config" --nodaemon
Smokeping version 2.006011 successfully launched.
Not entering multiprocess mode for just a single probe.
FPing: probing 20 targets with step 300 s and offset 114 s.
root@e459c61ef0c8:/$ s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 cam.ac.uk facebook.com web.mit.edu linuxserver.io al.ktz.me www.ucsd.edu www.berkley.edu google.com www.telefonica.de jupiterbroadcasting.com youtube.com www.indiana.edu www.uea.ac.uk cixp.web.cern.ch
cam.ac.uk               : 15.50 15.60 16.25 14.92 15.88 16.13 15.15 24.21 15.17 15.28 15.32 18.88 17.06 16.24 15.47 15.47 15.37 15.24 16.38 16.60
facebook.com            : 12.23 12.07 14.53 12.97 12.22 12.11 12.30 14.09 12.29 12.19 12.20 13.54 12.48 12.27 12.23 12.24 12.06 12.33 12.30 12.16
web.mit.edu             : 13.32 13.42 13.60 13.14 13.83 13.71 13.35 17.26 13.63 13.28 13.49 14.53 13.54 13.37 13.83 13.85 13.62 13.39 13.40 13.41
linuxserver.io          : 11.57 11.66 11.68 11.59 11.56 11.78 11.72 12.18 12.15 13.15 11.68 11.67 11.67 11.69 11.50 11.99 11.59 11.71 11.73 12.56          : 12.30 - 12.10 12.00 13.88 12.22 12.53 12.54 13.68 12.75 13.31 11.89 12.28 12.80 12.50 12.83 12.13 12.57 12.14 13.32
al.ktz.me               : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
www.ucsd.edu            : 168.86 167.11 169.48 169.57 168.75 168.25 167.60 167.85 167.84 167.49 167.49 167.64 167.16 167.94 168.73 167.29 168.01 167.41 167.68 167.77          : 12.79 14.80 12.35 12.61 15.78 12.23 12.53 12.77 13.26 25.42 13.38 12.11 12.28 12.65 12.76 12.47 23.33 13.01 12.35 12.41
www.berkley.edu         : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -                 : 12.19 12.14 12.13 12.44 12.42 12.81 12.36 12.71 13.05 15.22 12.29 13.05 12.10 13.41 14.23 12.28 12.27 15.14 12.21 12.02
google.com              : 11.63 11.63 11.68 11.74 11.67 11.80 12.29 12.55 11.66 11.87 12.54 11.63 11.71 17.35 11.53 11.63 11.66 11.84 11.70 11.69
www.telefonica.de       : 29.19 29.02 29.04 29.06 30.38 29.59 29.77 29.09 29.12 28.91 28.89 29.02 29.23 30.68 30.65 29.13 29.22 28.84 28.82 30.69
jupiterbroadcasting.com : 95.74 95.79 95.84 97.41 95.91 97.71 96.81 97.47 98.19 100.99 97.85 95.93 95.80 97.93 98.29 97.90 96.11 96.43 98.12 97.35
youtube.com             : 11.61 11.67 11.54 11.54 11.73 11.79 15.44 11.64 12.34 14.88 14.18 11.71 11.69 13.80 11.76 11.59 11.62 11.67 11.65 11.71
www.indiana.edu         : 98.47 98.22 96.84 97.25 97.97 97.33 97.55 97.35 97.05 97.25 97.18 97.92 97.49 97.46 97.45 98.04 98.99 97.87 97.18 97.61
www.uea.ac.uk           : 19.32 19.36 20.75 20.03 19.36 20.23 23.35 20.39 20.10 19.76 22.73 19.52 19.37 21.58 19.11 19.46 19.67 19.76 21.53 19.23                 : 14.26 13.68 13.80 13.53 13.56 13.19 14.58 14.72 13.45 13.92 15.60 13.77 13.78 13.59 13.49 25.20 15.12 15.11 14.41 13.61
cixp.web.cern.ch        : 33.53 32.58 32.81 35.31 32.66 32.69 37.19 33.07 32.54 32.83 40.03 34.79 33.85 32.82 32.62 40.41 33.04 32.87 34.70 32.71


Edited by CHBMB
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3 minutes ago, Tyler said:


Thanks.  I should have checked the scripts to make sure I was running the correct command.


When running this with the --debug option I still see the same error with fping.

FPing: Got fping output: '(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol'


Also tried running the same fping command directly and also same result.


Can someone who has everything working try running fping to see if they get this same error?

root@c381ec688e22:/$ s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/bin/smokeping --config="/etc/smokeping/config" --nodaemon --debug
### assuming you are using an fping copy reporting in milliseconds
### Compiling alert detector pattern 'someloss'
### >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
    my $d = shift;
sub {
    my $y = $d->{loss};
        my $imax2 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $imax1 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
        my $minlength = 3;
        my $maxlength = 27;
        next if scalar @$y < $minlength ;
        my $i1;
        for($i1=0; $i1 < min($maxlength,$imax1); $i1++){
            my $i2;
            for($i2=0; $i2 < min($maxlength-$i1,$imax2); $i2++){
                next unless defined $y->[-3-$i1-$i2]
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] =~ /^\d/
                                and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] > 0
                                     ;                last;
            return 0 if $i2 >= min($maxlength-$i1-$i2,$imax2);
            next unless defined $y->[-2-$i1]
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] =~ /^\d/
                            and $y->[-2-$i1] > 0
                                 ;            last;
        return 0 if $i1 >= min($maxlength-$i1,$imax1);
        next unless defined $y->[-1]
                        and $y->[-1] =~ /^\d/
                        and $y->[-1] > 0
                             ;        return 1;
    return 0;

Smokeping version 2.006011 successfully launched.
Not entering multiprocess mode with '--debug'. Use '--debug-daemon' for that.
FPing: probing 20 targets with step 300 s and offset 294 s.
FPing: Executing /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 cam.ac.uk facebook.com web.mit.edu linuxserver.io al.ktz.me www.ucsd.edu www.berkley.edu google.com www.telefonica.de jupiterbroadcasting.com youtube.com www.indiana.edu www.uea.ac.uk cixp.web.cern.ch
FPing: Got fping output: '(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol'
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/OpenDNS2.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/GoogleDNS2.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/OpenDNS1.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/DNS/GoogleDNS1.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/UK/UEA.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/UK/CambridgeUni.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/UK/IBNorwich.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/Germany/TelefonicaDE.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/Switzerland/CernIXP.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/Europe/Switzerland/SBB.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/JupiterBroadcasting.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/GoogleSearch.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/Facebook.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/Youtube.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/InternetSites/linuxserverio.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/MIT.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCSD.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/IU.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/Sun.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)
Calling RRDs::update(/data/USA/UCB.rrd --template uptime:loss:median:ping1:ping2:ping3:ping4:ping5:ping6:ping7:ping8:ping9:ping10:ping11:ping12:ping13:ping14:ping15:ping16:ping17:ping18:ping19:ping20 1500804998:U:20:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U:U)

root@c381ec688e22:/$ s6-setuidgid abc  /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 cam.ac.uk facebook.com web.mit.edu linuxserver.io al.ktz.me www.ucsd.edu www.berkley.edu google.com www.telefonica.de jupiterbroadcasting.com youtube.com www.indiana.edu www.uea.ac.uk cixp.web.cern.ch
(null): can't create raw socket (must run as root?) : Address family not supported by protocol



it's working as expected

unraid doesn't support ipv6 hence that particular error but everything else is working as expected

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Thanks for the replies guys.


43 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

So, if you try a browser refresh, does data get populated?

Yes and with multiple browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome), still nothing on the graphs.


38 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

What about your network protocol @Tyler?


I'm using IPV4 only....

Me too, only using IPV4.


Running unRAID 6.3.5


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My existing graphs still show data and subsequent blanks since the issue first appeared.


I've tried two different W10 machines with Firefox and Edge, and an Android 6 phone with Firefox.


IPV6 is disabled on my network. I'm running unRaid 6.3.5. Bonding is disabled. Bridging is enabled (eth0).


It's been ~8 weeks since it broke, and from memory the only changes I made to unRaid server at the time was the updating various docker images.


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Ok, so the issue has been identified.


It is a problem with fping, the author has merged two fping binaries into one,  fping and fping6.  However despite running with a parameter to use only fping on IPV4 it fails on any system that doesn't have IPV6 enabled in the kernel.


A bug report has already been filed, but as yet hasn't been fixed.


So the fix is to produce a specific build of smokeping ONLY for Unraid users on v6.3.x as v6.4 has IPV6 enabled so is not affected, hence why we couldn't reproduce it.


To pull this build edit your docker config and change the repository from  linuxserver/smokeping to linuxserver/smokeping:unraid


Now, I'll be the first to admit, things have got a little tense on this thread recently and I think this highlights some of the difficulties we face at ls.io.   We're volunteers and using our spare time.  This error hasn't been introduced by us changing the docker code at all, but by upstream changes. 


Now, you could argue that we could produce a static build that is never updated and would work forever, the problem with that approach is one of security, the reason we run weekly updates is to grab any upstream patches to mitigate this.  After all we have seen some impressive security vulnerabilities in the Linux world over the last few years.   So I don't think this is a reasonable course of action.  


If one of our containers was "unpatched" and you were hit with a vulnerability, I'm guessing you wouldn't be impressed.....


This issue has been multifactorial

  • Update in fping
  • No IPV6 in Unraid v6.3.x
  • Docker update

So I'm not prepared to take full responsibility for this, we do our best with limited resources of time and personnel to do what we do, if you want to use our stuff, then feel free, but understand your use of our containers doesn't constitute a contract of support.


Compare it to Ubuntu, if you want support, you pay for a support contract, the software itself is free.  We don't have support contracts, nor do we intend to ever charge for support, however if you're reliant in some way on a container in a "mission critical" sense then I would suggest looking elsewhere, forking and maintaining it yourself, or hiring an IT professional to support your needs.


I don't intend to stir up feelings again, but I've had some time to reflect on things and these are the conclusions I've come to.


This is free software from fping, smokeping, alpine, linuxserver.  None of us are getting paid, none of us have any obligations, and any of us could disappear overnight without any repercussions on ourselves, the use of free software is open and I applaud it and embrace it, but the use of free software has to be recognised to be different to that of using something like Microsoft Windows, where you buy a product, and have a clear expectation as the buyer that it should work as expected.


The benefit of free software is all the source code is open and visible, so anybody could have identified the issue, including the end users, as indicated by the fping bug report.  Bottom line, with as many repos as we have, and with a huge number of upstream projects we're using, we can't physically investigate everything with the number of people we have and the time we have available.


If you want to help, great, come and chat to us, we're crying out for people to help with dev, support and infrastructure, the only requirement is a willingness to learn and the ability to get on with people along with some devotion of your free time.

Edited by CHBMB
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9 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

Ok, so the issue has been identified.


It is a problem with fping, the author has merged two fping binaries into one,  fping and fping6.  However despite running with a parameter to use only fping on IPV4 it fails on any system that doesn't have IPV6 enabled in the kernel.


A bug report has already been filed, but as yet hasn't been fixed.


So the fix is to produce a specific build of smokeping ONLY for Unraid users on v6.3.x as v6.4 has IPV6 enabled so is not affected, hence why we couldn't reproduce it.


To pull this build edit your docker config and change the repository from  linuxserver/smokeping to linuxserver/smokeping:unraid


Now, I'll be the first to admit, things have got a little tense on this thread recently and I think this highlights some of the difficulties we face at ls.io.   We're volunteers and using our spare time.  This error hasn't been introduced by us changing the docker code at all, but by upstream changes. 


Now, you could argue that we could produce a static build that is never updated and would work forever, the problem with that approach is one of security, the reason we run weekly updates is to grab any upstream patches to mitigate this.  After all we have seen some impressive security vulnerabilities in the Linux world over the last few years.   So I don't think this is a reasonable course of action.  


If one of our containers was "unpatched" and you were hit with a vulnerability, I'm guessing you wouldn't be impressed.....


This issue has been multifactorial

  • Update in fping
  • No IPV6 in Unraid v6.3.x
  • Docker update

So I'm not prepared to take full responsibility for this, we do our best with limited resources of time and personnel to do what we do, if you want to use our stuff, then feel free, but understand your use of our containers doesn't constitute a contract of support.


Compare it to Ubuntu, if you want support, you pay for a support contract, the software itself is free.  We don't have support contracts, nor do we intend to ever charge for support, however if you're reliant in some way on a container in a "mission critical" sense then I would suggest looking elsewhere, forking and maintaining it yourself, or hiring an IT professional to support your needs.


I don't intend to stir up feelings again, but I've had some time to reflect on things and these are the conclusions I've come to.


This is free software from fping, smokeping, alpine, linuxserver.  None of us are getting paid, none of us have any obligations, and any of us could disappear overnight without any repercussions on ourselves, the use of free software is open and I applaud it and embrace it, but the use of free software has to be recognised to be different to that of using something like Microsoft Windows, where you buy a product, and have a clear expectation as the buyer that it should work as expected.


The benefit of free software is all the source code is open and visible, so anybody could have identified the issue, including the end users, as indicated by the fping bug report.  Bottom line, with as many repos as we have, and with a huge number of upstream projects we're using, we can't physically investigate everything with the number of people we have and the time we have available.


If you want to help, great, come and chat to us, we're crying out for people to help with dev, support and infrastructure, the only requirement is a willingness to learn and the ability to get on with people along with some devotion of your free time.




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My word probably means as much as a dog shit on the bottom of your shoe at the moment, but appreciate the effort that went into fixing this.


On Friday you mentioned that the three of you had this working fine on both unRaid 6.3.5 and 6.4rc6. Not sure why yours wasn't broken on 6.3.5, but ours was, given what you said was the problem O.o.


But any way... as the others have already mentioned, Smokeping is now operational again. Thank you.

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On 25/07/2017 at 11:51 AM, scytherbladez said:

My word probably means as much as a dog shit on the bottom of your shoe at the moment, but appreciate the effort that went into fixing this.


On Friday you mentioned that the three of you had this working fine on both unRaid 6.3.5 and 6.4rc6. Not sure why yours wasn't broken on 6.3.5, but ours was, given what you said was the problem O.o.


But any way... as the others have already mentioned, Smokeping is now operational again. Thank you.


It's all good.  I can't speak about the others as I'm only running v6.4rc6, interestingly, we have another container in the pipeline that also doesn't work on v6.3.5 but we have no idea what the issue with that one is, so we're just going to mark it v6.4+ only.

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