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[Support] binhex - get_iplayer

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1 hour ago, MendipMan said:

I must be doing something dumb then cos the latest I can get from the github page is v3.30 and when I try a manual update from the console it also says v3.30 is the latest which I already have.



you dont update like you, you do it through the unraid web ui, go to docker tab, click on 'check for updates' you should then see an update available for get_iplayer and should be able to update it by clicking on update all.

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  • 5 months later...

I am getting the error

WARNING: Required AtomicParsley utility not found - cannot tag MP4 file


I have loaded the latest Docker image from unraid and it is the latest version.

Any help appreciated


sh-5.1# get_iplayer --atomicparsley /usr/sbin/atomicparsley
get_iplayer v3.31, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

sh-5.1# which atomicparsley


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  • 3 weeks later...

I installed this yesterday (not sure if I set it up properly) and I managed to get it working fine downloading the TV show Scam Interceptors, however I tried to download other shows to have a play around and then it no longer works. It doesn't give any errors. The below is what it shows when I tried to download the latest episode of Scam Interceptors, it says it converts to MP4 but I don't see any files saves.


6388:   Scam Interceptors: Series 2 - Episode 5, BBC One, m001lmnh
INFO: 1 matching programmes

WARNING: A UK TV licence is required to access BBC iPlayer TV content legally
INFO: Downloading tv: 'Scam Interceptors: Series 2 - 05. Episode 5 (m001lmnh) [original]'
INFO: Downloaded: 1755.37 MB (00:44:01) @ 65.01 Mb/s (hlshd1/bi) [audio+video]  
INFO: Converting to MP4
INFO: Tagging MP4


Any help would be appreciated. I've been using unraid for months but still a noob at it.

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Following on from my post above, I have tried removing the docker container and re-adding it but I still don't have any item listed in the output folder.


I also tried the following with the output command but it still does nothing.


get_iplayer --get 6352 --output "/mnt/user/Media/"


I noticed that the memory usage for Docker increases after running it, so not sure if there's any setting that need to be changed when setting it up. It would be great if someone could help me with this.



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1 hour ago, binhex said:

looks to me like you don't yet understand how bind mounts work in docker, have a read of this:- 


Hi binhex, thanks for coming back to me on this. This is all very confusing to me.


Does the attached look OK? or should the host past just be /mnt/


The strange thing is that get_iplayer is automatically downloading new episodes of the show but it just doesn't allow me to download them manually. I have tried using MeTube but that doesn't download them in 1080p like get_iplayer does.




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24 minutes ago, matt3 said:

Does the attached look OK? or should the host past just be /mnt/

the screenshot looks ok, so when manually downloading you use the container path, so using your example:-


get_iplayer --get 6352 --output "/unraidshares"


in short container paths are visible INSIDE the container, host paths are visible OUTSIDE the container, i.e. unraid server.

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31 minutes ago, binhex said:

the screenshot looks ok, so when manually downloading you use the container path, so using your example:-


get_iplayer --get 6352 --output "/unraidshares"


in short container paths are visible INSIDE the container, host paths are visible OUTSIDE the container, i.e. unraid server.


Thank you so much! I just ran it manually and it worked although it downloaded in 720p whereas all the others have been in 1080p. Is there a way I can force it to grab the 1080p version or does it grab the highest quality available?


Thanks again :)

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10 minutes ago, matt3 said:


Thank you so much! I just ran it manually and it worked although it downloaded in 720p whereas all the others have been in 1080p. Is there a way I can force it to grab the 1080p version or does it grab the highest quality available?


Thanks again :)

if you use the baked in script i wrote by specifying your showname or show pid using env vars SHOWS and SHOWS_PID (left click edit container) then it will grab the best quality possible, if you REALLY want to do manual downloads then take a look at the following code i wrote which shows how to specify the quality you want:- https://github.com/binhex/arch-get-iplayer/blob/7547438865c73200dcf12a0466d48ed066b594c6/run/nobody/start.sh#L29

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20 minutes ago, binhex said:

if you use the baked in script i wrote by specifying your showname or show pid using env vars SHOWS and SHOWS_PID (left click edit container) then it will grab the best quality possible, if you REALLY want to do manual downloads then take a look at the following code i wrote which shows how to specify the quality you want:- https://github.com/binhex/arch-get-iplayer/blob/7547438865c73200dcf12a0466d48ed066b594c6/run/nobody/start.sh#L29


You're amazing! Thank you, the reason for manually downloading was this one didn't download due to me not setting it up correctly so I downloaded it using MeTube but it only did it as 720p. I ran the below command and it downloaded in 1080p :)

get_iplayer --get 6401 --output "/unraidshares" --tv-quality="fhd" --force --overwrite


Thanks again for your help.

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  • 4 months later...
19 hours ago, MarkMcG93 said:

Hello, thanks for providing this container of get iPlayer. I am encountering an issue described  earlier in this thread about atomic parsley being missing. Could this be looked at please?


I suspect it may be related to this? https://github.com/JamesBarwell/docker-get-iplayer/issues/2

new image built with  the inclusion of atomic parsley, please pull down

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1 hour ago, binhex said:

new image built with  the inclusion of atomic parsley, please pull down


Thanks very much for moving on this so quickly, unfortunately I am still getting the same error.


I have added a PID using your variable, it downloads the video file successfully, converts to MPEG-TS, then when trying to convert to MP4 it throws the same atomic parsley error.


2023-10-02 15:58:43,889 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stdout output:
INFO: Converting to MP4

2023-10-02 15:59:05,738 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stdout output:
WARNING: Required AtomicParsley utility not found - cannot tag MP4 file.


I have tried forcing update and fully removing and re-installing via CA.

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17 minutes ago, MarkMcG93 said:


Thanks very much for moving on this so quickly, unfortunately I am still getting the same error.


I have added a PID using your variable, it downloads the video file successfully, converts to MPEG-TS, then when trying to convert to MP4 it throws the same atomic parsley error.


2023-10-02 15:58:43,889 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stdout output:
INFO: Converting to MP4

2023-10-02 15:59:05,738 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stdout output:
WARNING: Required AtomicParsley utility not found - cannot tag MP4 file.


I have tried forcing update and fully removing and re-installing via CA.

hmm odd!, atomicparsley is definitely included i can call it via console on the container, and the path to it is set for get_iplayer so it should work:- https://github.com/binhex/arch-get-iplayer/blob/1c276c5f7299fc316ac3ae6c825aab7397055c59/run/nobody/start.sh#L74

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,


Apologies if this isnt the correct thread but i'm having an issue with the binhex-get_iplayer container.  The script dosent appear to be working correctly.


I've had this ocntainer set up for ages and it has worked without issue and suddenly it dosent download any of the programs entered into the SHOWS line of the docker template. When I use the command line within the container  i can download the files without issue.


The log dosent give me anything usual really, goes straight from processing show to deleting incomplete files.


Below is the log for the 'scheduled' activity to illustrate.


Many thanks for any help or ideas.




2023-10-19 12:01:35,419 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stdout output:
[info] Processing show 'made perfect'...
[info] Delete partial downloads from incomplete folder '/data/get_iplayer/incomplete/'...

2023-10-19 12:01:35,709 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stderr output:
Unknown option: nopurge

2023-10-19 12:01:35,711 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stdout output:
Usage ( Also see https://github.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer/wiki/documentation 😞
 List All Programmes:            get_iplayer [--type=<TYPE>] ".*"
 Search Programmes:              get_iplayer [--type=<TYPE>] <REGEX>
 Record Programmes by Search:    get_iplayer [--type=<TYPE>] <REGEX> --get
 Record Programmes by Index:     get_iplayer <INDEX> --get
 Record Programmes by URL:       get_iplayer "<URL>"
 Record Programmes by PID:       get_iplayer --pid=<PID>

 Update get_iplayer cache:       get_iplayer --refresh [--type=<TYPE>]

 Intermediate Help:              get_iplayer --help
 Advanced Help:                  get_iplayer --long-help

Search Options:
 --type <type>,<type>,...                            Only search in these types of programmes: tv,radio,all (tv is default)

Display Options:
 --help, -h                                          Intermediate help text
 --helpbasic, --usage                                Basic help text
 --helplong                                          Advanced help text
 --info, -i                                          Show full programme metadata and availability of streams and subtitles (max 40 matches)

Recording Options:
 --get, -g                                           Start recording matching programmes. Search terms required.
 --pid <pid>,<pid>,...                               Record arbitrary PIDs that do not necessarily appear in the index.
 --url <url>,<url>,...                               Record the PIDs contained in the specified iPlayer episode URLs. Alias for --pid.

Output Options:
 --output, -o <dir>                                  Recording output directory
 --subtitles                                         Download subtitles into srt/SubRip format if available and supported

Config Options:
 --refresh                                           Refresh cache

2023-10-19 12:01:35,721 DEBG 'get-iplayer' stdout output:
[info] Env var SCHEDULE defined, sleeping for 1h...

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I have the same error as @mr_gholam I fixed this by going into the binhex-get-iplayer docker console (click the docker, click console), typing cd to go to the root, then nano start.sh


There's two lines about halfway down the page as it opens the window that contains the lines below


/usr/bin/get_iplayer --profile-dir /config --get --nopurge --tv-quality="fhd,hd,sd,web,mobile" --file-prefix="${show}......etc.etc


Remove the --nopurge command from these two lines and restart the container, it will now run.


I don't know the purpose of the --nopurge command but it downloaded a couple of episodes of a show that was missing them for me.

Edited by locvez
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  • 3 months later...

I understand that the web pvr manager isn't included in this container, but is there a reason it's not?

Just curious as it seems pretty straightforward.


Pretty happy that this is available as a docker at all to be honest though!


1. Download the latest get_iplayer WPM release to working directory

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/get-iplayer/get_iplayer/master/get_iplayer.cgi

2. Install get_iplayer.cgi WPM script

install -m 755 ./get_iplayer.cgi /usr/local/bin



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  • 1 month later...

Having trouble pulling some radio content down and I have an error with Atomic Parsley.



sh-5.2# get_iplayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001whsp

get_iplayer v3.35
  Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis, 2010- get_iplayer contributors
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

6 Music Artist in Residence - The Smile, Thom, Jonny and Tom, BBC Radio 6 Music, m001whsp
INFO: 1 total programmes

INFO: Processing radio: '6 Music Artist in Residence - The Smile, Thom, Jonny and Tom (m001whsp)'
INFO: Downloading radio: '6 Music Artist in Residence: The Smile - Thom, Jonny and Tom (m001whsp) [online]'
INFO: Downloaded: 150.97 MB (01:00:04) @ 25.70 Mb/s (hlshigh1/bi) [audio]       
INFO: Converting to M4A
WARNING: Required AtomicParsley utility not found - cannot tag M4A file

What have I done wrong?





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7 minutes ago, Linium said:

Having trouble pulling some radio content down and I have an error with Atomic Parsley.



sh-5.2# get_iplayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001whsp

get_iplayer v3.35
  Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis, 2010- get_iplayer contributors
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

6 Music Artist in Residence - The Smile, Thom, Jonny and Tom, BBC Radio 6 Music, m001whsp
INFO: 1 total programmes

INFO: Processing radio: '6 Music Artist in Residence - The Smile, Thom, Jonny and Tom (m001whsp)'
INFO: Downloading radio: '6 Music Artist in Residence: The Smile - Thom, Jonny and Tom (m001whsp) [online]'
INFO: Downloaded: 150.97 MB (01:00:04) @ 25.70 Mb/s (hlshigh1/bi) [audio]       
INFO: Converting to M4A
WARNING: Required AtomicParsley utility not found - cannot tag M4A file

What have I done wrong?



Try adding

--atomicparsley /usr/sbin/atomicparsley

to the end of your command

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