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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Mylar

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15 minutes ago, dstanley said:

@CHBMB Please let that comment go and ignore it - your presence here and your guidance has been invaluable to me over the past year or so - I would NOT have got my system to the point it is now without reading your posts and benefiting from your generosity.


@summerside1967 I suggest you approach your request for aid with a little more patience and respect - I have both Sabnzbd and Mylar running perfectly on my system and I will help you if I can.

Enclosed are screen shots of my docker configurations for both - please study these and see if they help - the /downloads location MUST be identical in both container settings




Thank you for your help.  My question was in no way meant to be disrespectful...it was a sincere question as I try to see how support is provided on the forums

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5 minutes ago, summerside1967 said:

Thank you for your help.  My question was in no way meant to be disrespectful...it was a sincere question as I try to see how support is provided on the forums

This is one of the reasons why I rarely ask for direct support on forums as often comments are interpreted as emotional responses.  I've been tiailing unraid for a week now.  Setup was smooth and almost everything functioned out of the box but I now hesitate to ask for support.  Not really sure I want to invest the money or time now after the trial.

Edited by summerside1967
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I had a tremendous learning curve when I tried out the Unraid for the first time - I almost gave up as I had NO Linux experience at all - 90% PC and 10% Mac knowledge only. It seemed so overwhelming to me!


But I persisted - even started over twice - and I have to say that this system is really great - the community is very helpful and the reward with such a system - for me - is darn near perfect.


There are some great videos by @gridrunner on YouTube that helped me beyond words every could - perhaps watch his series from the start - believe me - once it 'clicks' and you get to know the system a bit you will NOT regret the effort put into it.


I did not step into this conversation earlier as I was baffled by Mylar storing your comics in the cache folder and thought it best to leave to the experts like @CHBMB

Please let us know how you make out

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58 minutes ago, dstanley said:

I had a tremendous learning curve when I tried out the Unraid for the first time - I almost gave up as I had NO Linux experience at all - 90% PC and 10% Mac knowledge only. It seemed so overwhelming to me!


But I persisted - even started over twice - and I have to say that this system is really great - the community is very helpful and the reward with such a system - for me - is darn near perfect.


There are some great videos by @gridrunner on YouTube that helped me beyond words every could - perhaps watch his series from the start - believe me - once it 'clicks' and you get to know the system a bit you will NOT regret the effort put into it.


I did not step into this conversation earlier as I was baffled by Mylar storing your comics in the cache folder and thought it best to leave to the experts like @CHBMB

Please let us know how you make out

Thanks for your insight and direction...very appreciated

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Thank you for your help.  My question was in no way meant to be disrespectful...it was a sincere question as I try to see how support is provided on the forums
No worries, clearly a misunderstanding. Support is from volunteers on the forum largely. Let's put it behind us and get your issue solved.

Going to have to do some real life work ATM though. But we'll get you there I'm sure.

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, summerside1967 said:

This is one of the reasons why I rarely ask for direct support on forums as often comments are interpreted as emotional responses.  I've been tiailing unraid for a week now.  Setup was smooth and almost everything functioned out of the box but I now hesitate to ask for support.  Not really sure I want to invest the money or time now after the trial.

I am kinda in the same boat. I too am trying unraid before I buy it. Installing unraid and setting it up was easy. Although configuring dockers and some plugins has been a steep learning curve for a new user such as myself. I have made a lot of progress through watching @gridrunner's videos and researching answers myself. Without that I wouldn't have considered trying unraid out initially.


Mylar has been the most difficult one to setup. Mylar still is not working the way I want it to. I can't get the scripts to work, and I have to move the files manually to their respective folders. I do want to fix this and I want to ask for help in another post, but it's the same issue as my last post. Mylar also keeps downloading multiple duplicates. I have to refresh comic series a few times to get some 'wanted' filters to go away on issues. After renaming files/issues, it will mark them as 'archived'. Before it'd mark them as 'download' that included options to add to my reading list, view metadata, etc.


I wanted to try unraid because I kept reading that their support is one of the best active ones, and I do not doubt it. Everyone seems helpful and friendly. I couldn't even get mylar to load comics last week. I do wish there was more tutorials, a wiki, or more FAQ's to read. I didn't know any linux until a couple weeks ago. Feels like a lack of resources for a new user. For me, asking a newbie question on the forum feels like an annoyance/spam to the other veteran users.  I do hesitate to ask a question here unless I have absolutely given up on how to fix my problems.

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17 minutes ago, frankthetank said:

I am kinda in the same boat. I too am trying unraid before I buy it. Installing unraid and setting it up was easy. Although configuring dockers and some plugins has been a steep learning curve for a new user such as myself. I have made a lot of progress through watching @gridrunner's videos and researching answers myself. Without that I wouldn't have considered trying unraid out initially.


Mylar has been the most difficult one to setup. Mylar still is not working the way I want it to. I can't get the scripts to work, and I have to move the files manually to their respective folders. I do want to fix this and I want to ask for help in another post, but it's the same issue as my last post. Mylar also keeps downloading multiple duplicates. I have to refresh comic series a few times to get some 'wanted' filters to go away on issues. After renaming files/issues, it will mark them as 'archived'. Before it'd mark them as 'download' that included options to add to my reading list, view metadata, etc.


I wanted to try unraid because I kept reading that their support is one of the best active ones, and I do not doubt it. Everyone seems helpful and friendly. I couldn't even get mylar to load comics last week. I do wish there was more tutorials, a wiki, or more FAQ's to read. I didn't know any linux until a couple weeks ago. Feels like a lack of resources for a new user. For me, asking a newbie question on the forum feels like an annoyance/spam to the other veteran users.  I do hesitate to ask a question here unless I have absolutely given up on how to fix my problems.

I know the feeling.  I've used most of the dicker apps in Windows, so I'm comfortable setting up and navigating through the apps.  Mylar is driving me crazy.  Everything works for me...sab downloads the file and calls the script...mylar does what it's suppose to (rename and move the file).  sab then flashes "completed" breifly then abosrts processing.  The weird thing is that the comic is moved to my main comic folder (renamed properly) but the status in Mylar still says snatch.  When I press recheck files it changes it to downloaded.  So on the surface both apps did what they were suppose to.  The error is in cleaning up the files after processing, which is why I get the error in Mylar.  In sab the file remains in the completed folder and the temporary files in mylar cache (where the renaming and metadata tagging happens) is left behind.  I still have both apps installed in windows and watched the behaviour of both apps.  in unraid docker, the apps are not deleting the files after they move them into their final destination.  Been working on this for 5 days.  Sonarr and Radarr work perfectly

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Look carefully at the two docker settings - the /downloads folder is CRITICAL that they match EXACTLY in both SABNZBd and Mylar for both dockers to have 'rights' to manipulate them.


I have NO sorting done in SAB - although I have CATEGORIES - like comics, movies, tv, software, etc.


Mylar finds the comic nzb from the 'search providers page' and gives it to the 'Download Client' SABNZbd through it's API


SAB downloads the comic and moves it to the /downloads/comic folder as per it's Category


Mylar 'sees' the download and it handles it according to the 'Post-Processing' and 'Advanced' settings - on my system it Converts CBRs to CBZ - tags, renames as I want it - then moves it to the /comics folder using the renamed folder and comic settings under 'Advanced'


I suspect that there is a type of permission issue happening - enclosed is my settings under 'Web Interface' in Mylar - not sure if this is right or not but seems to work on my system.


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So I figured out what I was doing wrong!  ugh!  Not sure how (or why) I missed it.  I have a synology NAS that I use to store everything.  The reason I am using unraid is that synology cannot handle multiple apps running at once (well at least my model can't).  I always planned to keep the NAS as it's perfect for storage. So in unraid, I used the unassigned devices plug in to mount my shares from synology.  So it must have been just habit, but I used a smb connection to map...ugh!  I unmounted and removed all of them and re-mount with nsf connection (synology lets you set shares with multiple types of connections) then reconfigured all the docker containers with the nsf path (for the comics/media).  


It now works perfectly!  No errors!!


Thanks dstanley and CHBMB for taking the time to jump in and help...very appreciated!!



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That's great - I really couldn't figure out what this meant:



That part was bugging me but I didn't have enough knowledge to address it. I would assume that Unraid will throw tons of errors if your Diskstation ever goes offline - are you thinking of converting all to the Unraid system at some point?


You could always archive off to the Diskstation after Mylar and Sab does it's thing on the unraid system too ...

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32 minutes ago, summerside1967 said:

For now, as long as things work the way I want them to, I'll stick with Synology for storage.  Completely transitioning to unraid would be much easier now that it is slowly making sense


Unraid is awesome, but like anything there's a learning curve, it's worth it in the end, trust us.  Glad you got there in the end.  I realised you were using a mounted share, but never realised it was a problem, but should have spotted that tbh.   TIL :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

My Mylar does not download comic issues anymore, manually or automatically. I've updated the docker on Sat 2-17-18 to Version: eb5b6b1d5c5a1b27e852adee177446ef4d08ef8f (master). Since then it has not downloaded any issues I tell it to. Does anyone else have this problem? Where can we see the changelogs for docker updates like we can for unraid plugins? I would like to downgrade to previous version, but I cannot find a way to do that.


I did not change any settings during the update. If you want mylar logs I can provide them, but they basically just say that every issue I ask it to download it cannot be found when I know that is incorrect. I tested rss and api options in mylar. Nothing seems make the issues download. Thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I know I'm probably missing something any idiot should be able to notice, but I am losing my mind trying to get Mylar up and running. So I have two issues, both of which I'm assuming are caused by the same root problem but I'm just not sure what that issue is.


The first is when I try to manage/upload/import the comics I already have on the drive.




My comics are saved at /mnt/user/Books/Comic/ and I've tried every derivative of that I can in the path to directory to get Mylar to recognize it but every single time go to save changes and scan, no matter what path I input, I come up with this in my error code.




My second issue is if I try to reach out and add a comic off the search feature. Everytime it searches the comic through, I'm assuming, the ComicVine API but when I add it it gets stuck on a page with no identifying information besides a Comic ID number. It seems to be wanting to download the metadata from ComicVine (I'm assuming) but is never able to. My log's follow up with these errors.




And I'm at a loss for what to do. Here's how the docker's setup within UnRaid and the settings page configuration within the app.





My assumption is 1. I've set the path/directory wrong so it's trying to access something that doesn't exists, hence it's not able to do it. Or 2. I've somehow screwed up permissions in the docker itself and it can't read/write any data at all. The latter I'm not entirely sure how I could have screwed up on as the entire share is public and still running into these issues.


Does anyone see where my idiocy has manifested itself? I'm dyin' for an olive branch.

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10 hours ago, Lawlanator said:

So I know I'm probably missing something any idiot should be able to notice, but I am losing my mind trying to get Mylar up and running. So I have two issues, both of which I'm assuming are caused by the same root problem but I'm just not sure what that issue is.


The first is when I try to manage/upload/import the comics I already have on the drive.




My comics are saved at /mnt/user/Books/Comic/ and I've tried every derivative of that I can in the path to directory to get Mylar to recognize it but every single time go to save changes and scan, no matter what path I input, I come up with this in my error code.




My second issue is if I try to reach out and add a comic off the search feature. Everytime it searches the comic through, I'm assuming, the ComicVine API but when I add it it gets stuck on a page with no identifying information besides a Comic ID number. It seems to be wanting to download the metadata from ComicVine (I'm assuming) but is never able to. My log's follow up with these errors.




And I'm at a loss for what to do. Here's how the docker's setup within UnRaid and the settings page configuration within the app.





My assumption is 1. I've set the path/directory wrong so it's trying to access something that doesn't exists, hence it's not able to do it. Or 2. I've somehow screwed up permissions in the docker itself and it can't read/write any data at all. The latter I'm not entirely sure how I could have screwed up on as the entire share is public and still running into these issues.


Does anyone see where my idiocy has manifested itself? I'm dyin' for an olive branch.



Your 'comic location' should just be /comics in Mylar - this is stated in your docker setup (container path: /comics) - I think that should correct your problems!?



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8 hours ago, dstanley said:



Your 'comic location' should just be /comics in Mylar - this is stated in your docker setup (container path: /comics) - I think that should correct your problems!?




This seemingly fixed it, thanks alot.


Just so I can try to wrap my head around it, I'm assuming Mylar is essentially considering itself/the Books share the base directory and thus I just needed to point it to the Comics folder underneath of it? As in it wasn't even looking at any other potential shares when trying to pull the information?

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The external 'path' to your books /mnt/user/Books/Comics is represented INSIDE the Docker as /comics - the docker does not know the path to /mnt/anything as it only knows /comics


The same applies to your /mnt/user/Downloads/Comics location in the array - the Docker (Mylar) knows this location only as /downloads


The docker has no other access to any of the folders on your array unless you define another custom container path.


Also be very careful inside and outside of the docker of Upper Case in the file system - /downloads is NOT the same as /Downloads


Glad this seems to have worked out for you!

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  • 3 weeks later...



I am new to unRaid (infact, my demo just ended and I just bought my license today).  I have gotten many docker apps working (with the help of google and youtube.)  But this one is kicking my butt, and I am really not sure if its something I am doing, or an issue (as I saw a bug report for the same thing in github, from a year ago).


I have : sonarr, radarr, nzbget, rtorrentvpn, emby, clibre, tinymediamanager, ubooquity, all working with no issues.


when I run mylar, it searchs, pulls down series, makes folders in my /comics folder, and processes downloads, if I manually put them in the /download folder, and run a manual scan. What I am getting an errors on, is when its trying to pass a nzb to nzbget. :


-------- Error--------

Uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/mylar/mylar/logger.py", line 177, in new_run
old_run(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 754, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 1795, in searchforissue
foundNZB, prov = search_init(comic['ComicName'], result['Issue_Number'], str(ComicYear), comic['ComicYear'], Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, result['IssueID'], AlternateSearch, UseFuzzy, ComicVersion, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None, mode=mode, rsscheck=rsscheck, ComicID=result['ComicID'], filesafe=comic['ComicName_Filesafe'], allow_packs=AllowPacks)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 255, in search_init
findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, searchprov, send_prov_count, IssDateFix, IssueID, UseFuzzy, newznab_host, ComicVersion=ComicVersion, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, RSS="no", ComicID=ComicID, issuetitle=issuetitle, unaltered_ComicName=unaltered_ComicName, allow_packs=allow_packs, oneoff=oneoff)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 1629, in NZB_SEARCH
searchresult = searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, links, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, newznab=newznab_host)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 2368, in searcher
logger.warn('Unable to send nzb file to NZBGet. There was a parameter error as there are no values present: %s' % nzbget_params)
NameError: global name 'nzbget_params' is not defined

---- EOF -----


I checked paths, permissions, google, etc.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)





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13 hours ago, robsch said:

-------- Error--------

Uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/mylar/mylar/logger.py", line 177, in new_run
old_run(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 754, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 1795, in searchforissue
foundNZB, prov = search_init(comic['ComicName'], result['Issue_Number'], str(ComicYear), comic['ComicYear'], Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, result['IssueID'], AlternateSearch, UseFuzzy, ComicVersion, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None, mode=mode, rsscheck=rsscheck, ComicID=result['ComicID'], filesafe=comic['ComicName_Filesafe'], allow_packs=AllowPacks)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 255, in search_init
findit = NZB_SEARCH(ComicName, IssueNumber, ComicYear, SeriesYear, Publisher, IssueDate, StoreDate, searchprov, send_prov_count, IssDateFix, IssueID, UseFuzzy, newznab_host, ComicVersion=ComicVersion, SARC=SARC, IssueArcID=IssueArcID, RSS="no", ComicID=ComicID, issuetitle=issuetitle, unaltered_ComicName=unaltered_ComicName, allow_packs=allow_packs, oneoff=oneoff)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 1629, in NZB_SEARCH
searchresult = searcher(nzbprov, nzbname, comicinfo, links, IssueID, ComicID, tmpprov, newznab=newznab_host)
File "/app/mylar/mylar/search.py", line 2368, in searcher
logger.warn('Unable to send nzb file to NZBGet. There was a parameter error as there are no values present: %s' % nzbget_params)
NameError: global name 'nzbget_params' is not defined

---- EOF -----


I checked paths, permissions, google, etc.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)






I found the issue today. Apparently if you give the docker app an IP vs Bridge mode it upsets it. The port was already assigned to another Docker app, so I reassigned that app, and put mylar back to bridge mode, and it works just fine.



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  • 2 weeks later...

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