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How to get data off a user share so it's only on my cache drive?


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So I accidentally set up my Plex config file as /mnt/user/Apps/Plex and then set the share to cache only.

What I should have/meant to have done was set it to /mnt/cache/Apps/Plex.


I found this out using the wonderful Fix Community Problems plugin. I got the following error

Share Apps set to cache-only, but files / folders exist on the array


I've changed my plex docker accordingly and now it's set to /mnt/cache/Apps/Plex


I still see the user share Apps. I'd really like to remove it but I know files still exist on it.

Is there some way to take all the files in the user share Apps and place them in the cache drive folder Apps so that I can then remove the user share Apps ?

I'm assuming that this can cause performance issues and bugs being that my files in the Apps folder are both on the array and off the array

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Thanks for the suggestions!


-Squid. I installed the user scripts plugin and the add on script which I ran.

The script runs and I get this message: All cache-only shares already only existed on the cache drive


The Fix community plugins app still brings up the error: Share Apps set to cache-only, but files / folders exist on the array

I'm not sure what I'm missing.


When I open up my Apps folder /mnt/Apps and compare it to my Apps folder /mnt/cache/Apps the contents look identical. Should there be any file in the /mnt/Apps share? If I delete the files in the Apps share will they still exist in /mnt/cache/Apps?


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Thanks for the suggestions!


-Squid. I installed the user scripts plugin and the add on script which I ran.

The script runs and I get this message: All cache-only shares already only existed on the cache drive


The Fix community plugins app still brings up the error: Share Apps set to cache-only, but files / folders exist on the array

I'm not sure what I'm missing.


When I open up my Apps folder /mnt/Apps and compare it to my Apps folder /mnt/cache/Apps the contents look identical. Should there be any file in the /mnt/Apps share? If I delete the files in the Apps share will they still exist in /mnt/cache/Apps?

There shouldn't be any share actually named /mnt/Apps. A user share named Apps will be at /mnt/user/Apps. That user share is just the aggregate of all the top level folders named Apps from all disk including cache. So, if you delete the files in the Apps share, you will delete all files from all top level folders named Apps from all disks including cache.
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Ok - yea i meant /mnt/user/Apps.


I'm just getting confused as to why I'm still getting the errors from The fix community plugin despite running the script to move everything from the share to the cache.

I just want the best experience and I want to make sure everything is squared away ok.


Am I right in thinking that when I make a new docker app and the program creates its folder on the cache drive a share also pops up? You then want to make sure this share is set to cache only right?


My docker is set to be on the cache drive and now all the docker apps are set to be on the cache drive as well (as opposed to being on the share/array like they were before).

I've set the created Apps share to be cache only.


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Perhaps more to the point though, you should be able to inspect each of your disks at /mnt/disk# for top level folders named Apps.


You're right. There was an Apps folder on disk 5 for some reason. Had plex on it which I deleted... hopefully no major issues will be caused. Plex is pretty resilient.

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Usually people configure their dockers to use a subfolder in their appdata folder on cache. In your case, since you have elected to call that Apps, you would use a subfolder of Apps, a separate subfolder for each docker.


These subfolders will not be shares. Each user share is just the aggregate of all top level folders named for the share on all disks. Only top level folders are shares. Any top level folder you create will be a share with default settings if you don't set them. And any time you explicitly create a user share, unRAID will create a top level folder on one or more disks as needed and according to the settings you have made for the share. A cache-only share will only get created on the cache drive, but if you already have top level folders on other drives setting that share cache-only will not move or otherwise get rid of those top level folders on the drives other than cache.

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Perhaps more to the point though, you should be able to inspect each of your disks at /mnt/disk# for top level folders named Apps.


You're right. There was an Apps folder on disk 5 for some reason. Had plex on it which I deleted... hopefully no major issues will be caused. Plex is pretty resilient.

Another possibility would have been to move the files in that folder from disk5 to cache. I think that is probably what the script was designed to do if you were using it right.
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