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[Support] for atribe's repo Docker images

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Rainman, glad you figured it out. Sorry, I missed your first message in the clutter of my inbox.


Second, how do you update the settings. (grafana.ini)  This is not exposed??


To update anything in the grafana.ini you can map a volume to it, or you can use more environment variables. See http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/, basically you use the format of GF_<SectionName>_<KeyName> = some value, just like you did for the plugins.


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Rainman, glad you figured it out. Sorry, I missed your first message in the clutter of my inbox.


Second, how do you update the settings. (grafana.ini)  This is not exposed??


To update anything in the grafana.ini you can map a volume to it, or you can use more environment variables. See http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/, basically you use the format of GF_<SectionName>_<KeyName> = some value, just like you did for the plugins.



All good Atribe.  Thanks for putting out this docker.  I've been playing with it quite a bit getting some cool graphs. I made a shell script for my DDWRT router and a powershell script for my windows machines so far. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there a list somewhere of the values Telegraf collects and what they are/mean? My Google-fu and the Telegraf website are failing me.


The telegraf docker has a mapping to the configuration file located at:



If you look in that file at the input plugin section you'll see all of the inputs, the active input plugins are the ones that aren't commented out.


You can look at the documentation for each input plugin on the github repo at:



the cpu and other system plugins are at https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/system.

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  • 1 month later...

Is there a way to get the Glances, InfluxDB and Grafana dockers to communicate? I am trying to pass my data from Glances to Grafana but I can't seem to see how to do this after reading the docs and a lot of trial and error.





@wreave, you just open the ports in the service you want to connect to and then have the other service connect to those ports.

For example:

I have influxdb running on my unRAID box. It has port 8086 open as in the influxdb setup.png attachment.

I have grafana also running on my unRAID box. It connects to ip of unRAID and the influxdb port for its default datasource, as shown in the Grafana Setup.png.


Its really that simple. Let me know if you have any further questions.



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Is there a way to get the Glances, InfluxDB and Grafana dockers to communicate? I am trying to pass my data from Glances to Grafana but I can't seem to see how to do this after reading the docs and a lot of trial and error.





@wreave, you just open the ports in the service you want to connect to and then have the other service connect to those ports.

For example:

I have influxdb running on my unRAID box. It has port 8086 open as in the influxdb setup.png attachment.

I have grafana also running on my unRAID box. It connects to ip of unRAID and the influxdb port for its default datasource, as shown in the Grafana Setup.png.


Its really that simple. Let me know if you have any further questions.


That helps a lot, last questions I hope. Does the Glances docker auto export to InfluxDB or do I have to do something special? Also the web interface for InfluxDB refuses to connect, any ideas?


Thanks again

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Is there a way to get the Glances, InfluxDB and Grafana dockers to communicate? I am trying to pass my data from Glances to Grafana but I can't seem to see how to do this after reading the docs and a lot of trial and error.





@wreave, you just open the ports in the service you want to connect to and then have the other service connect to those ports.

For example:

I have influxdb running on my unRAID box. It has port 8086 open as in the influxdb setup.png attachment.

I have grafana also running on my unRAID box. It connects to ip of unRAID and the influxdb port for its default datasource, as shown in the Grafana Setup.png.


Its really that simple. Let me know if you have any further questions.


That helps a lot, last questions I hope. Does the Glances docker auto export to InfluxDB or do I have to do something special? Also the web interface for InfluxDB refuses to connect, any ideas?


Thanks again


You will need to modify the glances config file as explained here: http://glances.readthedocs.io/en/stable/gw/influxdb.html. But it also says you need to start glances with the influxdb flag. I think a better way would be to use Telegraf to get stats on your unRAID box. Have you looked into Telegraf before? Its my preferred method.

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Is there a way to get the Glances, InfluxDB and Grafana dockers to communicate? I am trying to pass my data from Glances to Grafana but I can't seem to see how to do this after reading the docs and a lot of trial and error.





@wreave, you just open the ports in the service you want to connect to and then have the other service connect to those ports.

For example:

I have influxdb running on my unRAID box. It has port 8086 open as in the influxdb setup.png attachment.

I have grafana also running on my unRAID box. It connects to ip of unRAID and the influxdb port for its default datasource, as shown in the Grafana Setup.png.


Its really that simple. Let me know if you have any further questions.


That helps a lot, last questions I hope. Does the Glances docker auto export to InfluxDB or do I have to do something special? Also the web interface for InfluxDB refuses to connect, any ideas?


Thanks again


You will need to modify the glances config file as explained here: http://glances.readthedocs.io/en/stable/gw/influxdb.html. But it also says you need to start glances with the influxdb flag. I think a better way would be to use Telegraf to get stats on your unRAID box. Have you looked into Telegraf before? Its my preferred method.


I have not but I shall give it a look. Thanks again

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am still having an issue with the WebUI for InfluxDB, any idea as to why this will not load?


Dangit.  Ok, well, at least it's not just me.  I just learned about influxdb/telegraf/grafana and was all excited and I'm sitting here smashing my head against my desk over why I can't even get InfluxDB to load.  Any ideas to anyone still on here?

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I am still having an issue with the WebUI for InfluxDB, any idea as to why this will not load?


Dangit.  Ok, well, at least it's not just me.  I just learned about influxdb/telegraf/grafana and was all excited and I'm sitting here smashing my head against my desk over why I can't even get InfluxDB to load.  Any ideas to anyone still on here?


I finally figured this out. I started looking (albeit lazily) when wreave posted and wanted to find an answer before posting. Well, I found the answer. The influxdb admin interface has been deprecated.


To enable the admin interface you can add an environment variable as shown in the attached image. However, like the changelog says the admin interface will be completely removed in the next release.



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I am currently using MineOS and would like to switch to mineOS-node, is just as simple as adding mineOS-node & adding the same paths/ports I currently have for my servers to keep my current world's etc?


I'm not sure, the easiest way will be to create a Mineos-node in a different location and then inspect the folder structures and determine if they are compatible. You could post he structures here if you need help determining.

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I am still having an issue with the WebUI for InfluxDB, any idea as to why this will not load?


Dangit.  Ok, well, at least it's not just me.  I just learned about influxdb/telegraf/grafana and was all excited and I'm sitting here smashing my head against my desk over why I can't even get InfluxDB to load.  Any ideas to anyone still on here?


I finally figured this out. I started looking (albeit lazily) when wreave posted and wanted to find an answer before posting. Well, I found the answer. The influxdb admin interface has been deprecated.


To enable the admin interface you can add an environment variable as shown in the attached image. However, like the changelog says the admin interface will be completely removed in the next release.


Sweet, thanks for finding that.  But that leads me to ask: what happens in the next release when I need to make updates?  WHile I've had unRAID for a while now, I'm a novice on a great day when it comes to any form of CLI commands/Linux/querying.

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Just wondering who the ownership of the files created by mineOS should be? mine are root:root & during a spigot build, it never seems to finish?


My files are root:root. I get the same error with spigot builds, but I don't know anything about spigot. It all works with standard jars or even forge jars for me.

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Sweet, thanks for finding that.  But that leads me to ask: what happens in the next release when I need to make updates?  WHile I've had unRAID for a while now, I'm a novice on a great day when it comes to any form of CLI commands/Linux/querying.


You can use something like Grafana to be the front end. Or you can run a query against the web api. I tried this query in my browser and it worked:



Where tygra.tribe.home points to the ip of my unRAID box.

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Just wondering who the ownership of the files created by mineOS should be? mine are root:root & during a spigot build, it never seems to finish?


My files are root:root. I get the same error with spigot builds, but I don't know anything about spigot. It all works with standard jars or even forge jars for me.


All my current servers are Spigot servers, i'll have to try and figure out the issue!!


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Sweet, thanks for finding that.  But that leads me to ask: what happens in the next release when I need to make updates?  WHile I've had unRAID for a while now, I'm a novice on a great day when it comes to any form of CLI commands/Linux/querying.


You can use something like Grafana to be the front end. Or you can run a query against the web api. I tried this query in my browser and it worked:



Where tygra.tribe.home points to the ip of my unRAID box.


Got it!  So, a lot has happened in the last few hours. I have influxdb, grafana, and untelegraf running successfully, even with some pretty graphs (all thanks to you and your awesome dockers).  Perhaps you have another set of answers in you: I want to monitor hdd temps but untelegraf doesn't have a way for me to activate the hddtemp plug in (according to the Docker hub page).  So, i tried to set up the telegraf docker.  I created the conf file, pointed the host path to it, mimicked my other keys/paths from the untelegraf docker, the docker install command completes successfully BUT the telegraf docker never shows as "started".  When I check the log, I see the following:


2017/01/11 03:56:09 Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
2017/01/11 03:56:09 Could not parse [agent] config
Error parsing /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf, line 70: field corresponding to `logfile' is not defined in `*config.AgentConfig'


Any idea how I can fix that?  Or how I can get untelegraf (simply because I already have it working) to record hddtemps?  Or, if it already is running, where is it hiding for graphing in Grafana?  I checked every value I could see in there but nothing related to HD temps was available.



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