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Someone help a noob on what maintenance i should be doing on Array/HDD's/Filsyst


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Hi all forgive me for some noob questions but just looking to learn a bit on some good procedures i should be doing on a regular basis to maintain the health of my server!


I currently have a 16TB array with 4x 4TB WD Reds and have 1x 4TB parity drive.


I have been doing some reading on different types of maintenance i should be doing in terms of weekly/monthly tests and checks etc and just wanted to get your feedback on what i should be doing?


The only maintenance i have been performing is a parity check once a month, and the preclear which i cycle 3 times on new hard drives i add to the array!


I have been doing some reading into scrubs etc i should be doing on the drives but wanted to know your guys feedback?


Really just looking for a good plan to maintain the server drive health/parity/filesystems etc your help would be much appreciated.


Also filesystem on all the drives is btrfs.


Thanks again everyone!


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