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Supermicro MB - No Boot, No Post, Flashing Green Light


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Would 850w be enough for two gpu's and 20 wd red drives?


Yes, unless you're using VERY high-end graphics cards.


I'm using dual 1080's. Would this PSU be fine:




I would suggest you google PSU calculator and add your hardware.

Outervision PSU calculator suggest you use a 1000w PSU...


I ordered it for now. Just want to make sure the PSU is not the issue. I can always return/exchange it once I figure out what the issue is.

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I think the Seasonic X-850 is fine for your system.  Although the 1080 specs recommend a 500w power supply, that does NOT mean you need twice that for 2 of them.  The card itself only draws 180w ... the 500w recommendation is to ensure there's adequate power for the rest of the system.  So with 2 of them, you'd need 500w + 180 w = 680w to meet NVidia's recommendation.  You need somewhat more due to your dual CPU's and the number of hard drives you have; but I'd be comfortable with a high-quality 850w unit like the X series.


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I think the Seasonic X-850 is fine for your system.  Although the 1080 specs recommend a 500w power supply, that does NOT mean you need twice that for 2 of them.  The card itself only draws 180w ... the 500w recommendation is to ensure there's adequate power for the rest of the system.  So with 2 of them, you'd need 500w + 180 w = 680w to meet NVidia's recommendation.  You need somewhat more due to your dual CPU's and the number of hard drives you have; but I'd be comfortable with a high-quality 850w unit like the X series.


Thanks. If it ends up being the PSU the problem (hopefully) then i'm going to exchange The one i ordered for the new Seasonic 850 titanium or the 1050w platinum.

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Email Supermicro tech support back and tell them what you are doing and that its not working, see if they can offer some suggestions. Its tough though because they didn't use your CPU's or RAM, but I can't see how those would be the problem, but you never know.


Yeah I just emailed them back. I put new CPU's today so that's not the issue. I tried booting it up without ram and same thing. It should atleast post to notify me no ram is installed.

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Email Supermicro tech support back and tell them what you are doing and that its not working, see if they can offer some suggestions. Its tough though because they didn't use your CPU's or RAM, but I can't see how those would be the problem, but you never know.


Yeah I just emailed them back. I put new CPU's today so that's not the issue. I tried booting it up without ram and same thing. It should atleast post to notify me no ram is installed.


No, it wont post. But it will beep without proper RAM.

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Email Supermicro tech support back and tell them what you are doing and that its not working, see if they can offer some suggestions. Its tough though because they didn't use your CPU's or RAM, but I can't see how those would be the problem, but you never know.


Yeah I just emailed them back. I put new CPU's today so that's not the issue. I tried booting it up without ram and same thing. It should atleast post to notify me no ram is installed.


No, it wont post. But it will beep without proper RAM.


It does not beep either.

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... It does not beep either.


Does the board have a speaker onboard, or just a header for one?    Many current motherboards do NOT have a built-in speaker, so you won't hear a beep unless you've connected one.    [e.g. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA9EN4WW2346&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-HI+-+Misc+Hardware-_-9SIA9EN4WW2346&gclid=CLil6LLlkNICFYSEaQodLkEMEw&gclsrc=aw.ds ]


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And you are 100% sure that you aren't forgetting to plug a power cable into the motherboard or something simple like that? Sometimes when you get so into a problem like this you can overlook silly boneheaded things, no offence meant.


Yeah i connected everything but here is a photo just incase lol


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... It does not beep either.


Does the board have a speaker onboard, or just a header for one?    Many current motherboards do NOT have a built-in speaker, so you won't hear a beep unless you've connected one.    [e.g. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA9EN4WW2346&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-HI+-+Misc+Hardware-_-9SIA9EN4WW2346&gclid=CLil6LLlkNICFYSEaQodLkEMEw&gclsrc=aw.ds ]


It does have a speaker. It used to beep before when i would turn it on and it would post.

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The motherboard is missing its battery, the circular one about the size of a quarter, did you remove it?


Yes i removed it before taking the photo. I'm doing some diagnostics supermicro tech support is asking me to do and that was part of it. Removing the battery lol


Removing the battery (and unplugging the power supply) is a good way to force a complete CMOS clear -- I suspect that's what SuperMicro is having you do at the moment.


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