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Blacklisted USB Flash GUID


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As jonathanm noted (via his link), if you purchased the key from somebody else, then Limetech does NOT support transferring the license.


If you purchased it yourself, did you by any chance transfer the license to another USB flash drive?   If so, that automatically adds the key to the blacklist -- it will continue to function until it gets the updated blacklist (with the next version upgrade).    If that's what happened, then you need to buy another license.


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Contact limetech with your email address that you used to purchase the key from them. If you didn't purchase the key directly from limetech, see here.

As jonathanm noted (via his link), if you purchased the key from somebody else, then Limetech does NOT support transferring the license.

Should be noted however that the mere fact of purchasing someone else's licence does not cause a blacklist. That only happens if the seller subsequently transfers the licence to a new flash device.

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, Squid said:

Should be noted however that the mere fact of purchasing someone else's licence does not cause a blacklist. That only happens if the seller subsequently transfers the licence to a new flash device.


True.   That's a very good reason to NOT buy a license from someone else.


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This is cableshark's first post. And no replies here. Not sure if he is legit. 


If he bought a legit key from LimeTech and assigned it to some card reader with non-unique key, an email to limetech wound quickly get this sorted out.


If he bought a used key from another user, I'd suggest reaching out to limetech. They may not tell him who the original key holder was, but might convince Tom to reach out in his behalf. I expect Tom would take a very dim view of someone that updated their key and then sold the old stick to someone.


If this guy is trying to reverse engineer or doing something unethical, he should just go away.

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