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[SOLVED] HELP: Cache unmountable after removing 2nd cache pool drive

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I'm trying to remove 1 of 2 cache pool drives, but I'm now stuck with an unmountable cache.  What I did:


  1. rebalanced
  2. stopped array
  3. unallocated 2nd drive
  4. started - server froze and then read on forums need to remove drive to start
  5. removed unwanted drive and then started
  6. array starts but cache unmountable


Fix common problems says



cache (HFS250G32TND-N1A2A_FJ69N40661080954I) has file system errors (Bound to btrfs pool)


and suggests



if the disk if XFS / REISERFS, stop the array, restart the Array in Maintenance mode, and run the file system checks. If the disk is BTRFS, then just run the file system check" as the fix


but I can't find the option.   


What am I doing wrong?  Thanks 


PS I'm praying I can fix as I was so confident I was doing the right thing I formatted rather than removed the surplus drive as this was stated as a way to restart the array, so if I can't recover the remaining drive I might have lost some files.....


Edited by DZMM
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Thanks.  I didn't check the FAQ but I did do a few searches first and this is the one that gave me the confidence to go ahead:


Admittedly your next post did say read the FAQ, but I didn't get that far.


I tried the command but got the following error:



mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdf, missing codepage, or helper program, or other error.


Should I try this?  Asking first this time

btrfs restore -v /dev/sdf1 /mnt/disk2/restore




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ok, I'm not quite there.  My new cache pool isn't assigned when the server boots.  I've tried running 'new config' but it doesn't work - I have to assign the drives on each boot.


Basically I went from 2x250GB cache pool & 1x500GB unassigned to all 3 SSDs now in the cache pool.  When I assign and then start array all is fine.


how do I fix please?  i've tried moving all files to the array and creating the pool from fresh.


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6 hours ago, jonathanm said:

Boot in safe mode, assign the disks, start the array, stop the array, reboot, see what happens.

Thanks that worked.  I'd been booting and setting the array to not start to do the same, but i guess doing in safe mode was needed

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  • 2 years later...
21 minutes ago, tonsofguns said:

I'm having the same issue here.  I've started the restore on the first disk out of two.  My question is:  Do I restore the second disk to the same directory i created for the first ?  Or do I need to create a second directory for that ?

This thread you have posted in is nearly 3 years old, and marked solved. And you haven't given enough information for us to judge exactly what your problem is or what you may have done. The person who started the thread apparently didn't follow the correct procedure and so wound up with a problem. Is that what you did also?


I think there must be something about your situation that is very different than this thread. Why do you think there are 2 separate disks to be restored?

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