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Blu Ray to Unraid Server


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I'm thinking of copying some of my blu ray dvd's to my unraid server but would have to buy a blu ray player for my pc.  Before I buy a blu ray reader I was curious if there was any hardware requirements to just copy the blu ray dvd to my unraid server.  I have an old P4P800 Deluxe motherboard with a P4 2.8cpu and an ATI 9600XT AGP card. If I just want to copy my blu rays and not actually use the pc to watch them, would it work? I think it should but don't want to buy the reader if there's going to be problems.


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I suggest anyDVD HD plus Clown_BD.  Clown_BD is freeware and envelopes eacto, tsmuxer and imgburn (optional) which are also free. Clown_BD allows you to rip just the movie with subtitles, chapter info and as many language tracks as you want.  The streams are not altered in any way from the BD, just selected and reorgainized. Works perfectly into a Dune Base 3.0 player.  7 seconds to start the Blu Ray movie at full 1080p 24fps or 60 fps.

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BD Rebuilder does not keep a 100% copy (ie, it's re-encoding the stuff and reducing the quality).


With the newer media players (Dune 3.0 / PCH C-200), playing the full untouched disk is fine with UNRAID.







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For those of you who use ClownBD, I have a question.  I used AnyDVD HD to rip a blu ray dvd.  That worked fine.  I started up ClownBD but not sure what options to choose.  I want to keep the main movie and audio options fully intact as is on the dvd.  My receiver doesn't do the higher audio codecs TRUE HD etc so I will be passing them to my reciever as LPCM via HDMI as it supports 7.1 that way.  I will be using TMT 3 as well.


For ex, under Audio, I see an opton for TrueHD/ACS, English 5.1 - I have this checked, however right underneath and indented off the above check box, there's another checkbox that says -(Embedded AC3, Undetermined, 5.1 channels, 640kbps.  Do I need to check this box too or just the one above it?


For Audio Output format I'm assuming I should select Unconverted right?


For Movie Output Format, not sure what to pick here but I'm assuming Blu Ray is what I should choose to make this an exact copy of a blu ray dvd.  Is that correct?


I'm assuming I should always leave Forced Subtitles checked too?


Any help is appreciated!


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Actually I read that.  Didn't seem to help though as it doesn't really answer my questions...or maybe I'm just no reading it correctly.


For ex, I'm still unsure when select the TRUE HD, do I still need to select the embedded track below it?  As well, I'm not sure what to select, Unconverted or LPCM?  As indicated, I want to keep my audio as close to the original as possible.

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From what I understand, the AC3 track is needed to play the file on a player/receiver that does not support TrueHD audio. In other words, it is the older format audio, which could be bitstreamed to an older receiver via optical or coax digital and let the receiver decode it.


If you leave it out, you will be able to play the HD audio file with your HTPC by decoding the HD audio on the HTPC and outputting analog, but you might not be able to hear audio with other devices that don't support the HD audio.




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Thanks Peter,


I understand that but just trying to figure out specifically what do I need to choose in clownbd.  Boy am I having a hard time finding the right answers to my questions above.  I've been searching the net for about an hour and just can't find the answer.  I may have to do some experimenting with ClownBD.  I was just hoping to find the answers since it would save me time remuxing my dvd with various options ticked to see the end result.





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Well, if you don't care about playing the file with the AC3 track then you don't need it.


I think you're right just pick the blueray for video. I'm not sure about subtitles but I'd think forced would mean they appear when you play the file.


This should take little time since you are not re-encoding, just adding or removing content from the final file.




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Someone with more experience with HTPC playback would need to comment really.  I know a lot of people using HTPC are converting to MKV+FLAC for playback via MPC-HC.  Most people wanting to remux untouched audio and video would be using a media player such as PCH C-200 or HDI DUNE.  I think the problem with playback using PowerDVD or TMT is they don't like these homebrewn files much.


Personally, I'm using a PCH C-200 here in combination with UNRAID.





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I'm not sure about subtitles but I'd think forced would mean they appear when you play the file.

Let's say you watch a movie, and you chose English Audio channel (with or without English subtitles).

At some point in the movie the character says something in German. That's where the English Forced subtitles will come into play.


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TMT can handle all the HD codecs so I don't see the need to convert to MKV+FLAC except for saving HDD space.  My HTPC is actually my laptop.  I hook it up to my TV and receiver via HDMI and can watch a blu ray movie and standard dvd's that way (although for blu ray I use my ps3).  Using AnyDVD HD and ClownBD is actually much easier and faster than I had anticipated. 


From what I'm finding on the net, It looks like I may be able to select both the HD audio track and the core.  That would be nice, to be able to have both. Makes for a future proof copy.

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You're right it CAN handle HD audio.  But does it handle a remuxed file ok?  I was under the impression such players are difficult to use with homebrewn files to prevent piracy.


Yes, you can easily select the HD-audio and core, it says that in the guide I linked ;-)


MPC-HC (and Haali splitter) will pass the DTS core fine from a DTS-HD file, without the need to mux two audio streams.  I'm unsure on TrueHD.





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I am just starting down that path.  I have ripped 6 BR titles to a HDD on a normal windows (Win 7) server. I have got my unraid built and am adding the first disk to the array with 4 hours to go.  (10 hours for a 2TB Hitachi with an average rate of 57 MB/sec. I will then copy the 6 titles to the array and see how they work.


They played back flawlessly, I am very fussy and have large screen projection, from the win server using Dune player (Dune 3.0 Base) and am not expecting issues but who knows. I use Clown_BD to rip and instruct it (actually tmuxer) to output it as a bluray file and what I get looks like what is on the disk structurally but only has what I want. I do not make an iso.

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That's exactly what I've been doing.  Just finshed ripping Kingdom of Heaven.  I'm not ripping all my movies to Blu though.  Just the ones where I think worthwhile having on blu.  I've got over 400 dvd's on my unraid server.  I have no desire to redo all those in Blu Ray. I figure I'll get the ones where in Blu, it would make a real improvement. 

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I've been ripping BR disks (as well as HDDVD) for several months now.  I've found a few instances where ClownBD didn't work properly so I used ToNmt (and sometimes the reverse).  Both are excellent applications.  I'm ripping the movie only - no menus - and I'm using XBMC to play.  It's so much friendlier than trying to play a BR from a regular player.  No forced commercials, no FBI warnings, no "that action not allowed at this time". 

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