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"Same share exists in a different case"

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I installed the Fix Common Problems app and it pointed out that I have a few shares that are listed as both lower and upper case e.g music and Music. I am not sure how this happened but now I cant figure out how to fix it. I tried changing one of the shares to match the other but after hitting apply the share name reverted back.


Any help greatly appreciated.

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Cause is probably from a docker mapping: one container is referencing a share named music, and another container is referencing a share named Music


Easiest solution would be to install and set up the Krusader app, then navigate to /UNRAID/user on both display panes, then cut and paste from one to the other to combine the files all into the same share.  Then double check your mappings in your various docker apps and make sure they are all using the same one (otherwise it will just get created again)


Set up Krusader something like this:Untitled.thumb.png.cfacf77e186986869e38d60b716a89cb.png



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  • 2 years later...

I had similar problem.  I am trying to use "music" and roonserver is setup to use "music".  But my music is in "MUSIC" and is 1.4 TB size. 


Instead of cut and paste, as yuou describe above, can I use Krusader to delete "music", then rename "MUSIC" to "music"? Would that be faster than cut and paste 1.4TB?

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I originally tried to have my main folders in CAPS, so just now, I tried to change the docker "roon server" mapping to caps as shown here:



and the docker for "songkong" was already set to caps as shown here:



but it did not work.  After rebooting my unraid array, the lower case came back.  I only have 2 other dockers and they do not reference music in any capitalizaton at all.  What did I do wrong?  Should I give up on having upper case?


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do i have it backwards, the orange text should not be my unraid path/map?  Should I change the black text to caps, and change the orange text back to lower case?


Now I see from songkong, I need to change the black text to caps.  I will try that.


I could not see the lower case "music" unless I used Krusader.  I don't know how to see it from unraid.  I clicked on the folder icon to the far right.


5 min later:  I think it worked now using CAPS.  No error in "check common problems".  Here is my roons server config:




Edited by xrqp
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Instead of just changing things to see if they work, decide on how you want it to work and maybe we can help you change things in exactly the right way to make it work.

10 hours ago, xrqp said:

wonder if it will have to rebuild the Roon database, which is big and takes days.

I don't know anything about Roon, but I suspect if you change anything in the container path for the data its database references, you will have to start over since that database won't know where anything is anymore.

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