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Docker FAQ

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How do I limit the memory usage of a docker application?

Personally, on my system I limit the memory of most of my docker applications so that there is always (hopefully) memory available for other applications / unRaid if the need arises.  IE: if you watch CA's resource monitor / cAdvisor carefully when an application like nzbGet is unpacking / par-checking, you will see that its memory used skyrockets, but the same operation can take place in far less memory (albeit at a slightly slower speed).  The memory used will not be available to another application such as Plex until after the unpack / par check is completed.

To limit the memory usage of a particular app, add this to the extra parameters section of the app when you edit / add it:


This will limit the memory of the application to a maximum of 4G

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I've recreated my docker.img file.  How do I re-add all my old apps?

Two ways:

Old Way:

From the Docker Tab, go to Add Container, and select one of the my* templates then hit add

New Way:

From within Community Applications, go to previous apps, and hit Reinstall on the app.

Using either method, no adjustment of the template should be necessary, as it will be automatically populated with all of your old volume and port mappings, etc.

After the downloads are complete, you're back in business like nothing happened at all.

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With 6.2, do I need to move my appdata and/or docker image into unRaid's recommended shares? (/mnt/user/appdata for appdata and /mnt/user/system for the docker.img)

No you do not need to move the files at all, and everything will still work 100%.

For docker.img, unRaid 6.2 will automatically pick up where your image was stored previously.  For new installs of docker, just change the default Docker storage location to whatever you want.  (Settings - Docker Settings)

For appdata, for already installed applications, nothing will change if the appdata is not stored in the default location.  However on new application installations, unRaid will tend to fill out the /config volume mapping to whatever it's default is set to.  Go to Settings - Docker Settings to change the default appdata storage location to your existing appdata path.

NOTE:  Neither of those settings will allow you to outright specifiy a drive (ie: cache) as the location.  To force  the defaults onto anything other than a user share, you will have to type in the path.  IE: /mnt/cache/myAppdataShare).  

Another NOTE: With 6.2 properly supporting hardlinks / symlinks on user shares, its not as big a deal as it was to set the appdata onto a user share, and then use the share settings to make sure that it is set to be a cache-only share.

If you already have an appdata share, and do not change the default docker appdata location to point to your pre-existing share, then new applications that you add will use the LT default share, while your old ones will use your pre-existing share.  Not a problem in and by itself, but at the very least its confusing, and if you also happen to use CA's appdata module then only one of them is going to get backed up so you have the potential for data loss in the event of a cache-drive failure.

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Why can't I delete / modify files created by CouchPotato (or another docker app)?

You may see something like

" You do not have permission to access \\server\share\folder . Contact your network administrator to request access"

This is because the standard permissions that CP is setting on the newly downloaded media does not allow access via unRaid's share system.  Within CP's settings, change the permissions to something like this:


EDIT: Photobucket sucks, and has removed the ability to show pictures on a forum without paying them something like $300US per year.  Basically you're going to set CP to store the files with permissions of 0777 (probably need to hit advanced settings)

While the New Permissions tool can be run to fix the permissions on media already moved to the array, running this tool may have adverse affects on docker applications, since those apps usually have unique permission requirements within their appdata folder / files.

Either run New Permissions, and specifically exclude the drive your appdata is stored on (and CA's appdata backup folder if backing up the appdata via CA), or use the Docker Safe New Permissions Tools included with the Fix Common Problems plugin which excludes appdata and CA's appdata backup automatically

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How should I set up my appdata share?



There still seem to be some applications that prefer to have their /config folder mapping set to /mnt/cache/appdata/... instead of /mnt/user/...  The most trouble-free experience with docker applications will always be directly referencing disk shares (/mnt/cache/appdata/...) instead of user shares.  If you are doing this, then you should have the appdata share set up to be use cache drive: only.

Original Posting:

Assuming that you have a cache drive, the appdata share should be set up as use cache drive: prefer and not use cache only

Why?  What difference does it make?

The difference is because of what happens should the cache drive happen to fill up (due to downloads, or the cache floor setting within Global Share Settings).  If the appdata share is set up to use cache: only, then any docker application writing to its appdata will fail with a disk full error (which may in turn have detrimental effects on your apps)

If the appdata share is set up to use cache: prefer then should the cache drive become full, then any additional write by the apps to appdata will be redirected to the array, and the app will not fail with an error.  Once space is freed up on the cache drive, then mover will automatically move those files back to the cache drive where they belong

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Can I switch Docker containers, same app, from one author to another?  How do I do it?

For a given application, how do I change Docker containers, to one from a different author or group?

Answer is based on Kode's work here.

Some applications have several Docker containers built for them, and often they are interchangeable, with few or only small differences in style, users, permissions, Docker base, support provided, etc.  For example, Plex has a number of container choices built for it, and with care you can switch between them.

Stop your current Docker container
Click the Docker icon, select Edit on the current docker, and take a screenshot of the current Volume Mappings; if there are Advanced settings, copy them too
Click on the Docker icon, select Remove, and at the prompt select "Container and Image"
Find the new version in Community Applications and click Add
Make the changes and additions necessary, so that the volume and port mappings and advanced settings match your screenshots and notes
Click Create and wait (it may take awhile); that's it, you're done!  Test it of course
The last step may take quite awhile, in some cases a half hour or more.  The setup may include special one-time tasks such as checking and correcting permissions.

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I want to run a container from docker hub, how do I interpret the instructions.

Using the duplicati container as an example.

Basically looking at the instructions:

docker run --rm -it \
    -v /root/.config/Duplicati/:/root/.config/Duplicati/ \
    -v /data:/data \
    -e DUPLICATI_PASS=duplicatiPass \
    -p 8200:8200 \

--rm = remove the container when exits (Not sure we want that) But if you did then you could add it into the extra parameters box
-it = open an interactive pseudoterminal (Not sure why with a webui) But if you did then you could add it into the extra parameters box
-v /root/.config/Duplicati/:/root/.config/Duplicati/ = map a volume host:container therefore I would suggest -v /mnt/cache/appdata/duplicati:/root/.config/Duplicati
-v /data:/data = map a volume host:container therefore I would suggest -v /mnt/user/share:/data
-e DUPLICATI_PASS=duplicatiPass = Set webui password
-e MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS=UTF-8 = Encoding - Leave at UTF-8
-p 8200:8200 = Port mapping container:port 
intersoftlab/duplicati:canary = dockerhub repository/image:tag


Pasting all that into Unraid:

And hey presto...



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I want to change the port my docker container is running on or I have two containers that want to use the same port, how do I do that?


So say you had four apps with random docker container ports, just edit like this...




Don't change the container port as you can see in this bit of a Dockerfile (code used to generate a container) from nzbget, only 6789 is actually "exposed" so even if you change it in the app's webui to 6788, it won't be able to communicate as only 6789 is exposed to the host at the container/host interface.

# ports and volumes
VOLUME /config /downloads


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How do I Stop/Start/Restart Docker via Command Line


Easily with these simple commands. 

docker stop dockername [Stops Docker]

docker start dockername [Starts Docker]

docker restart dockername [Stops and restarts running Docker, if not running starts Docker]


Want to put it in a script? Start Plex for example:

docker start Plex


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How Do I Pass Through A device To A Container?


To pass through a device to a container you use the device tag in the Extra Parameters field in the container template. It is only visible in advanced mode.
The device tag looks like this:


Let's say we want to pass through a USB to RS232 adapter to a container. When you connect the adapter to the unRAID server you will see that a device is created in /dev/. If this is the only USB to RS232 adapter you have it will most likely get /dev/ttyUSB0.
To pass this through to the container we add the below in the Extra Parameters field.


When you start the container again, you should have the device available.

If the device do not get a device created in /dev/ you can pass it through using the bus path. Let's say we want to pass through a PC/SC card reader. To find the correct path go to Tools --> System Device in the webgui and find your device in the USB device section.
In my case I want to pass through my OmniKey CardMan 6121.

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 076b:6622 OmniKey AG CardMan 6121

The important info here is the Bus and Device number. The first part of the path is always the same, /dev/bus/usb/. After that comes the Bus number, then the Device number like this: /dev/bus/usb/Bus/Device. So in my case it will be like below.


USB device can be passed through without installing the driver in unRAID, but will need the driver installed in the container. For devices like a PCIe DVB card, the driver must be installed in unRAID.
In short I guess one could say that a device can be passed through as long as a device is created in /dev/.

The device tag will follow the path recursively and add every device found to the container.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How do I install a second instance of an applications?


There may be some use cases where you may wish to run a given application twice, with separate appdata settings, ports, etc.


Assuming that the container runs as network type: Bridge,


  • On the Apps Tab (you do have Community Applications installed don't you?),
  • Go to Settings - Enable Reinstall Defaults
  • Go to the Installed Apps section,
  • Reinstall using default values the application you want to run another instance for
  • Change the name of the application, along with assigning it different ports, paths (you may need to show advanced settings to see the appdata (/config) path)
  • Hit Apply


If the application runs as network type: Host, you will do all the same as above, but you will need to switch network type to be Bridge, and add in all of the applicable ports and reassign them as needed.  (ie: check with the support thread and/or the project URL to determine which ports need to be defined



Alternatively, (under either Bridge or Host network types), if you are running unRaid 6.4+, then you can also assign the new instance a different IP address and keep the ports the same (bridge mode), or not define them at all (host mode).  But you will still have change the name of the application and set the appdata (/config folder) accordingly

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  • 2 months later...

Why does a certain docker application always start when booting unRaid when autostart is set off?


One of two reasons:


CA Docker Autostart Manager is installed and configured to start that application.  (Any application which CA Docker Autostart Manager manages will appear as autostart = off on the docker tab.




The application's template has within the Extra Parameters section the following option



That particular option will ALWAYS start the applicable application when the docker system initializes, regardless of any autostart option.  The usual use of this parameter is to ensure that if the application / container crashes, it will automatically restart.  A side effect is that it will always start up at initialization

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Why are some of my applications randomly stopping and won't restart?  (unRaid 6.4+ with Unassigned Devices mounting SMB shares)


Several possible reasons for this:

  • Corrupted or full docker.img file -> covered elsewhere in this FAQ
  • Corrupted files in the appdata folder -> may be easiest to simply delete the appdata and start over again

But, this FAQ entry will deal with another possibility.  You're using the unassigned devices plugin to mount a remote share via SMB hosted on another server or computer and have passed that mount to the docker application in question.  (If you're not using UD to mount a remote smb share none of this applies to you


You will notice this in a few different ways

  • After attempting to restart the application you will get a rather vague "Server Execution Error" appear
  • You syslog may contain the following entries
    Nov 11 18:20:14 Test kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -104 sending data on socket to server
    Nov 11 18:20:14 Test kernel: CIFS VFS: Error -32 sending data on socket to server
  • From the command prompt an "ls" command will return "Stale File Handle" when attempting to list the contents of the remote share
  • Instead of restarting the container you edit it, make a change, revert the change and then apply you will see the docker run command which will fail with an error of Stale NFS file handle

The solution is within Unassigned Devices' settings to Force SMB Mounts to use SMBv1


This problem isn't limited to docker containers itself though.  It is a consequence that not all systems will properly support SMBv2/3, and those mount points you made in unRaid & Unassigned Devices may become unavailable over the network or to any application.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/8/2017 at 8:40 PM, Squid said:

This thread is reserved for Frequently Asked Questions, concerning all things Docker, their setup, operation, management, and troubleshooting.  Please do not ask for support here, such requests and anything off-topic will be deleted or moved, probably to the Docker FAQ feedback topic.  If you wish to comment on the current FAQ posts, or have suggestions or requests for the Docker FAQ, please put them in the Docker FAQ feedback topic.  Thank you!

I have cleaned up this thread and pinned the Docker FAQ feedback thread. As noted in the quoted text from the first post in this FAQ thread, please post any questions to that other thread.

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  • 3 months later...

How come I get "Execution Error" when trying to start a container?



This happens because the docker start command is returning an error.  To determine the actual error, you will need to try to start the container from the command prompt

root@ServerA:# docker start cops
Error response from daemon: linux mounts: lstat /mnt/disks/SERVERB_EBooks: stale NFS file handle

In this case, there is something wrong with my mount via Unassigned Devices of a remote share.  My fix was to unmount the share and then remount it.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

How can I use private template repositories with unRaid?


Private Repositories would be template repositories that are not available within Community Applications for one reason or another.  (NOTE: a template repository is NOT the same thing as a dockerHub repository - For a dockerHub repository, there are other entries within the FAQ on how to utilize them)


There are 2 ways to use them:


Old School:  Copy the URL of the repository and paste it into the box on Docker, Template Repositories tab.  After that, you can add the container(s) within that repository by clicking "Add Container" and then selecting the appropriate xml template in the drop down.


Preferred Way:  Create a folder on the flash drive called /config/plugins/community.applications/private/NameOfRepository   Place any and all applicable xml files into that folder.  The Apps tab will now be able to manage those applications (a new Category named Private will appear)


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  • 6 months later...

Why does Unraid keep adding ports that I've removed from the template back to the application when I update?


One of the nice features of Unraid installing updates for any of your installed applications is that if the template author / maintainer has added a new port mapping for the application Unraid will automatically add that port mapping to your template.


More often than not, this is a good thing and is required for proper operation of the application.  There are however certain use cases where you want to remove port mappings from a template.  If you do this, then with every update of the application that port mapping will get added back in, necessitating you to remove it again.


In order to stop this behaviour, within the /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user you will see all of your templates.  Edit the appropriate one with a text editor and change the line that states


to instead be



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  • 2 weeks later...

Why does my custom Icon URL keep reverting back to the stock Icon URL?


If you have set a custom URL for an application's icon, what you will find is that every time an update for the application is available, your custom URL will be overwritten by the URL which the template maintainer has specified.


This will not cause any issues, because Unraid will not actually re-download the icon (ie: your custom Icon will remain).  The only time this will become an (very minor) issue is if you ever have to recreate your docker.img file (or folder), the default icon will reappear, necessitating you to change the URL for the icon (which will in turn trigger a redownload of the icon).


While it is an easy fix to adjust Unraid to never update the Icon's URL during an update, I foresee many more edge cases with not updating the URL, than if the system did. 

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Why do my remote share mappings fail after I updated UD?


The latest version of UD maps the remote shares to /mnt/remotes/.  You are encouraged to change your Docker Container mappings to the new mount point.


If you can't do that, go the UD settings and set 'Legacy Mount Point Compatibility?' to 'Yes'.  Then unmount and re-mount the remote shares.  There will be symlinks created at /mnt/disks/ to the remote shares mounted at /mnt/remotes/.

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  • 7 months later...

Using "Private" repositories with Community Applications


( A "Private" repository is a repository which you are managing, but not making available to the community at large )


Since Unraid 6.0's introduction, so-called private repositories were supported via Docker - Template Repositories.  With the advent of Community Applications, this method is deprecated.


Rather than working with an online repository, CA will fully support local private repositories.  To accomplish this, save the applicable xml files within /config/plugins/community.applications/private/nameOfRepository/ on the flash drive.   CA will read the contents of these folders (more than one is acceptable) every time it starts up.  When private repositories are present, a new category within CA will appear "Private", and the apps can be browsed, installed etc from within there.


(Note that if you've also enabled dockerHub searching from within CA, then all installs from a dockerHub search will also appear within Private, namely "dockerHub Repository")


If you're looking to eventually publish to Community Applications, private repositories will allow you to see exactly how CA will render the xml's.

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  • 4 months later...

I continually have "Server Execution Errors" whenever I try and start a container


If you're running 6.9.2 or greater, then look at your "go" file (/config/go on the flash drive) and if this line is present

curl -o '/usr/bin/runc' -L 'https://github.com/binhex/arch-packages/raw/master/static/x86-64/runc' && chmod +x '/usr/bin/runc'

then remove it and reboot.


(This line was apparently necessary for some @binhex containers on older versions of Unraid.)


If this line isn't present in your go file (or via user scripts), then this error usually means that there is a port conflict between the app you're attempting to start and another app already running (or a service in the OS itself)

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