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Unexpected Shutdown (Unraid 6.3.4)


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Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone know how can I diagnose this issue? (eg. getting logs before the unexpected shutdown). Lately, its been happening and I've changed my PSU too. Unraid only logs the moment the server restarts and nothing before that was saved :\ Thanks!

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This is a tough one to troubleshoot if nothing is logged.   Did you try and reseat cards and cables and ram?


I had a similar problem and it wound up being the thermal paste being dried out on the cpu heatsink.   Maybe thermal shutdown of the CPU?

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Same here, unclean shutdown detected. Had this issue since 6.3.3 (I just started with unRaid 20days ago). I changed motherboard (used the old HDD, RAM and USB for unraid) and still gets it. Tailed it and nothing. Changed PSU still the same. Having this issue like once every day. I will try to use 1 different RAM later and see if that helps.

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6 hours ago, mustaqiim said:

Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone know how can I diagnose this issue? (eg. getting logs before the unexpected shutdown). Lately, its been happening and I've changed my PSU too. Unraid only logs the moment the server restarts and nothing before that was saved :\ Thanks!

Install the fix common problems plugin and put it into troubleshooting mode.  Logs and more will get saved onto the flash drive...

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8 hours ago, sevenz said:

Same here, unclean shutdown detected. Had this issue since 6.3.3 (I just started with unRaid 20days ago). I changed motherboard (used the old HDD, RAM and USB for unraid) and still gets it. Tailed it and nothing. Changed PSU still the same. Having this issue like once every day. I will try to use 1 different RAM later and see if that helps.

 Yeah, same! I realized the same thing too after i updated to 6.3.3 and same goes to 6.3.4, the server will barely last 3 days and it will unexpectedly shutdown and restart with a parity check. Didn't have this issue before this and it can run up to two months without restarting. 

4 hours ago, Squid said:

Install the fix common problems plugin and put it into troubleshooting mode.  Logs and more will get saved onto the flash drive...

Will be installing this and monitor the situation and will post my logs when it happens again. As of now there's nothing much in my logs as errors before the shutdown are not captured. Will wait for the next crash and update here! 

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So I changed everything (motherboard, RAM, CPU, USB Flash disk) except the HDD and SSD, unfortunately still crash. No weird crash report captured so I have no idea. Mustaqiim you restarted with automatic parity check? Mine just stopped and I have to manually start parity check. Maybe can you post your plugins? Let's compare and see if we have similar plugins. As well as my setup.


1 Parity 4GB


1 SSD 128GB


Plugins that I have:

CA Auto Update Applications

CA Backup / Restore Appdata

CA Cleanup Appdata

Community Applications

Dynamix SSD TRIM

Dynamix webGui

Fix Common Problems

Nerd Tools

Preclear Disks


unRAID Server OS


Dockers that I have:







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Check your logs too while running. See if there are any reoccurring pop ups while running. Also for grins pin your CPU for plex in case that might be causing issues. Edit Docker for plex and under Advanced radio toggle look for extra parameters and add something like this... 

Extra Parameters:  


--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1 --cpuset-cpus=0,1,2,3 


These settings keep the log for the docker in check and assign certain processors to isolate Plex. In my case with a hexacore with SMT I'm assigning cores 0-3 out of 12 total.  Helps contain the dockers so they won't eat up all resources. Can be done for all your dockers if you like. If you have more than a quad core proc, maybe don't use 0,1 as Unraid likes the first couple for itself. Also if using the plex released docker make sure if you are tight on RAM to not set transcode to /tmp as that uses RAM and can cause issues if you don't have a lot of overhead. Just my 2 cents. 

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I changed to a much higher PSU. 450W, to 500W, now 750W Gold Seasonic. 12hours with no downtime, looking great.


20 hours ago, Squid said:

If a parity check doesn't automatically start, then the shutdown was "clean"  Look at your UPS settings and/or power mains


I've got Unclean Shutdown detected.



13 hours ago, phbigred said:

Edit Docker for plex and under Advanced radio toggle look for extra parameters and add something like this... 

Extra Parameters:  


--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1 --cpuset-cpus=0,1,2,3 


Where can I put this parameter? I get docker Plex from official website and this is the settings.


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21 hours ago, phbigred said:

Toggle the switch at the top right of the screen (Where it says basic view)


advanced settings docker.JPG


1 Day 21 Hours uptime. I guess it's really the PSU. I will try to RMA it.


Anyway, got it! Thanks for the extra parameters :)

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