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[Solved] Unable to see unRAID since Motherboard Change?


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Can you describe your network topology? What devices plug into or connect to other devices? What kind of security package are you running on your windows boxes? I've seen similar issues when a MAC address was remembered as being trusted, and the new device had a different MAC. Maybe something on your network is seeing the same name and IP address with a new MAC and thinks the new device is trying to impersonate the old device and is blocking it.

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That change in MAC address could definitely be a factor.  Double check your router setup and see what might be going on there also.  (Most routers use that MAC address as an identifier in their assignment tables.)


And you did simply plugin the Flash Drive from the old system into the new one without modifying its contents in any way?


And tell us the details (Manufacturer and Model) of both the old and new motherboards.


Would you consider reformatting your flash drive and reconfiguring your server as a basic NAS device and see if that works?  (It can be easily restored to it present configuration...)


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I have shut everything in the house down apart from 1 Windows Laptop which I have just performed a fresh install on and I still have the same situation so I am positive that the unRAID server is the culprit and there are no other influences on the network any more.


I did not make any changes to the USB key, I simply changed the motherboard & CPU, even the disks assigned themselves correctly!


I changed from an Asrock H77 Pro4/MVP to an Asus A88XM-PLUS


I would be willing to try anything but cannot lose my 21TB of data

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I was waiting to see if anyone else had some ideas for you to try before restarting from Scratch (sort of...).  What we are going to do will be reversible if you follow the instructions about making Backup copies!  (This point, I can not stress enough!)


First Step ---  EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ---  After shutting down your server make a complete backup of the contents of your Flash Drive in a folder on your Windows computer. 


Second Step --- Download ver 6.3.5 from the unRAID website. 


Now to install this virgin copy of unRAID onto your Flash Drive:


1.  Open 'My Computer' (XP) or 'Computer' (Vista/Win7) and right-click your Flash device. Click 'Format...', set the volume label to UNRAID and then click 'Start'. Important: the volume label must be set exactly to UNRAID (all caps).

2.  Click on your Flash device (to open it), click on the downloaded unRAID zip file (to open it) and drag then entire contents of the unRAID Server zip file to the Flash. (IMPORTANT NOTE:  You are dragging the contents of the ZIP file, NOT the .ZIP file itself!)  

3.  For Windows XP, click on the file 'make_bootable' on the Flash Drive. A DOS window will open and run the 'syslinux' utility on the Flash. For Windows Vista or Windows 7,
right-click on the file 'make_bootable' and select 'Run as administrator'. The 'syslinux' utility will write the Master Boot Record and create a small hidden file named 'ldlinux.sys' on the Flash device, making it bootable.  (There is a 'make_bootable_mac' file which does the same thing for Mac users.) 


4. Copy  ident.cfg, share.cfg, disk.cfg, super.dat, passwd, smbpasswd, shadow, and your .key file from that backup copy of the flash drive that you made.  Normally, network.cfg would be copied also but since you appear to be having some sort of networking issue, let's not use that one.  The default network.cfg will use DHCP to get an IP address but your router should provide with the current one but you may want to check to see what is actually is after you boot up.   (The IP address should appear on a monitor screen connected to the server after a successful boot.) 


5. Right-click your Flash device in 'My Computer' or 'Computer' and then click 'Eject'.  

6.  Your USB Flash device is now ready to boot into unRAID Server OS. Install the Flash  drive and boot your server.


7.  Test if you now have access to the shares.  If so let's go on. (If you are still having issues, post back with a new diagnostics file and let's see where we are at.) 


8.  I notice that you have a problem with Pending Sectors on the Samsung disk whose serial number ends in 1187.  This tells me that you probably haven't setup the notification system to notify you of detected errors and problems.  (Anyone with some 17 disks and 21TB of valuable data should have Notifications setup!)


     In the GUI, setup the following:
       UPS Settings
       Notification Settings
Be sure that to click on the 'Apply' button on each page to start these services even if you did not change any settings!    


9.  You apparently have a number of Dockers and possibly a VM.  I believe there is a way to restore them without having to reinstall them so be careful not to delete any files on your cache drive.  


Please understand that your MB change should have been a simple swap out of hardware and everything should have worked when you were finished as unRAID is fairly hardware agnostic. But you did swap from Intel  to  AMD and with a more complex setup that may have uncovered some obscure hardware issues.


EDIT:  PS, I did swipe portions of this from some other folks so my apologies to them for not crediting them. 

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@mbc0 Before going too wild just yet, try these steps: disable autostart of Dockers and KVM, if any enabled.  Change network bonding to none since you only have one network interface and set network to DHCP in the GUI.  Reboot your router.  Remove or comment out your extra samba options, for now.  In the GUI on settings tab, SMB, verify it is configured and enabled.  Stop array and reboot and go into safe mode.  Start array, but do not start Docker or KVM.  Give it a couple minutes and see if you can connect via hostname or IP from any devices.  Post fresh diagnostics if it still does not work.



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Hi unevent, I tried what you said first as is seemed the less severe and still no dice, I also turned off all other windows machines and have attached the diagnostics... I am taking the kids out for a couple of hours and if still no change or miraculous discovery I will try Franks Method! 


Thanks again for everyones help, I really appreciate it, a special thanks to Frank for your incredibly detailed post which I appreciate would have taken a lot of your time! thank you!




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7 hours ago, mbc0 said:

Hi unevent, I tried what you said first as is seemed the less severe and still no dice, I also turned off all other windows machines and have attached the diagnostics... I am taking the kids out for a couple of hours and if still no change or miraculous discovery I will try Franks Method! 


Thanks again for everyones help, I really appreciate it, a special thanks to Frank for your incredibly detailed post which I appreciate would have taken a lot of your time! thank you!





Either not started in safe mode or the package folder is still being process in 6.3.5.  Noticed some fschk recovery files on your thumb drive.  Suggest shutting down unRAID and do a check on the thumb drive using a Windows computer.  Possible case is corruption and creating a backup followed by a format of the thumb drive and a reload of unRAID like Frank describes is a way to go at this point.  I do not see anything with unRAID that would cause this by itself, unless there are some packages being loaded that is causing this.  Might want to make a backup of your packages folder and delete everything in it and boot to try again.  Do you have the NFS client for Windows installed on your Windows machines?  If so, try disabling it restarting the Windows boxes and see what you get.  The Windows NFS client can sometimes cause SMB shares to not work. Any other network or computer differences between today and the previous unRAID server hardware?

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Thank you so much, I followed your steps in post #30 and formatted my USB stick etc... My Server shares were accessible with seconds of booting up... Nothing was detected by windows when scanning the USB stick but a fresh installation cured the problem.  I am now just reinstalling all my dockers & VM etc but happy to do this rather than recover as I like a clean start now & then with most things :-)


Again... many many thanks!!

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Do you know if your SMB programs are running? try /usr/sbin/nmbd restart, /usr/sbin/smbd restart and /usr/sbin/winbindd restart. I have a different issue when SMB stopped working. Don't know what causes my problem. But,  I found out once you refresh those daemons, it will re-display your unRAID server. Don't know if it helps. But, it's worth a try. 

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