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[Solved][Bug] WebGUI Crash | Useradd with complex password


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Hey, im new to unRAID and wanna test it before i buy and running in an issue.


After installing the unRAID 6.3.5 on the USB Stick and making it bootable i put it into my homeserver, after boot everthing seems to work fine. (watched nearly everything first in the WebGUI)


okay after defining an array and creating a share i realized that i need another user for the smb share, so i tried to create one, but after pressing "ADD USER" after i put the credentials i want for it, nothing. WebGUI offline, only way to bring back the WebGUI seems a reboot. ;(


in the syslog i found:


Dec 21 21:07:25 Homeserver emhttp: userPasswordConf not found
Dec 21 21:07:25 Homeserver kernel: emhttp[1653]: segfault at 0 ip 00002b408a33713a sp 00007ffd431f6378 error 4 in libc-2.24.so[2b408a1e8000+1bd000]

tried 2 different USB drives because thinking one has a failure, but everytime the same and chkdsk on the drives prompt no errors.


hope someone has an idea. already order 3 different USB drives via Amazon Prime, maybe its realy dead drives but dont know.




okay i might found the reason ... the password from the user i added was to complex




seems to much for unraid ... a but stupid in my opinion ... a password with only digits and lowercase letter works fine ...




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5 hours ago, Marcel40625 said:

okay i might found the reason ... the password from the user i added was to complex




seems to much for unraid ... a but stupid in my opinion ... a password with only digits and lowercase letter works fine ...


Potential trouble characters I'd test with a known to work password are individual characters from |"`#? and then the combo of \0


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I seem to have a vague memory that this problem has cropped up before.  It has to do with the fact that changing User Passwords are being processed by the shell program and this program uses 'special characters' to denote special actions.  For example, the   #   denotes that everything that follows is a comment and should be ignored.

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Might be, might be, BUT this should never crash the WebGUI, especially when the WebGUI is the only comfortble way to restart the server


there should be a


1) Better script because i can use this kind of password when using shell directly




2) A check for spezial characters in the WebGUI


in my opinion thats a major issue, should i report that as an bug?

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17 minutes ago, Marcel40625 said:

in my opinion thats a major issue, should i report that as an bug?


Why not?  I would start a new thread in this section of the forum 


and give the basic symptoms and what you found.  Then put in a link to this thread for complete details.  It may have been 'fixed' earlier but you may have found a special case that got missed.

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  • 1 month later...

I find myself in a similar situation just now. My WebGUI just resounds '500 Internal Server Error' when trying to sign in, although all my services are running and I can SSH in just fine. 


How did you manage a clean reboot? Seemingly my issue is a 'Permission Denied', that is what nginx error logs say, and what I see when trying powerdown command.


Edit (copied from my post on /r/unraid):

Finally got it fixed.

In case anyone ends up here, I will shortly explain problem and solution. However, I have yet to determine the cause.

Problem was that /sbin/init script had lost its execute permission.
So a simple 

chmod +x /sbin/init

did the trick.

How this happened, I have no idea.

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